Ladies and Gentlemen,
felines and canines,
and all other creatures of the world,
First of all, let us sing Happy Birthday. Ready?
Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday Angelina Jolie
Happy Birthday to me!!!!!
Thank you...thank you.
On this auspicious day, I want to wish you all Merry Christmas, joy to the world, peace on earth, blah blah blah blah.
Someone erected this tree in my neighbourhood. Nice, eh? |
Secondly, I'd like you all to reflect on what gift you've bought for your loved ones. I hope it's something a kitten or a puppy. However, such gifts come with great responsibility.
We saw these kittens for sale at a neighbourhood petshop. Cute but they come with tremendous responsibility. |
Consider these:
1. Do you, as the giver, have enough knowledge about the animal you're giving to another? This is to make sure you can answer questions that may be asked by a precocious child.
2. Is the recipient of an age where animal care is not a burden? It's important to get the parents' consent as they may end up as the carer.
3. Can the recipient afford to take good care of the animals? Well, vets are not cheap, as well as food, litter and toys.
4. Can the recipient afford the time to spend in the company of the animal? It would be hard on a puppy if it ends up with a master that prefers Wii or XBox than walking the dog.
5. Have you done enough research on the mental health of the recipient? It's very painful to hear of cases where pets become victims of abuse.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Remember, most of these animals are helpless against humans. Even in cases where animals attack humans, most times it's because they were provoked in the first place.
So, if you hesitate when you see that cute kitten, think whether you should purchase that living being or just get a plush toy. After all, the plushies come in many shapes and sizes now, and they don't need to be fed.
That's all for today. Thank you for listening.
Once again, Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday to ME!!!!!
Mama, am I getting birthday or Xmas pressies?