Second runner-up, weighing 5.2kg is Ms Angelina Jolie. *claps* |
First runner-up, Mr Ginger of Bankstown at 8kg. *yeah....claps* |
Is Brad the winner? *suspense* |
*drum rolls* It's Mr Pingu at 9kg!!!! |
Brad is unfortunately last at 5kg.
Yeah...so I'm the lightest and cutest of all, he said.
We had hydrotherapy and body weighing sessions last weekend. Dad had the honour of performing both duties. The boys also had mani/pedi while I climbed the kitchen cabinet to escape and lick my wet fur. I hate water but Dad was very persuasive.
My poor Lulu. She is only 5 kg and we have calling her fatty. Now we kow who the real fatso is.
Mr Pingu! You are as heavy as a sack of rice!! What has your mum been feeding all of you? Me thinks too much homemade burgers lah.
Your Royal Monyetness,
So Lulu and Brad are of the same weight, eh? No....they're too light to be called fatso. purrr....meow!
Aunty Gina,
I'll ask Aunty If when she comes back end of this week. I've always suspected that she's been overfeeding the boys. While they're still here, they have to follow our feeding system. Mama is strict. purrr....meow!
9kg?? Mr Pingu leh geng dgn si Merah :D
Pingu 9kgs and Brad only 5?..mmm..Pingu taken over the food cabinet or what?..hehehe
Aunty Meoww,
Oh...Pingu would love that, I hope. He's such a grumpy fella though. purrr....meow!
He's only been staying with us for a month. He's been humongous to start with. Maybe he's been losing weight as Mama imposed a strict feeding regime on all of us. purrr....meow!
puteh suka ada yang ringan, boleh peluk peluk dan sentiasa cantik...macam angelina kan kan kan....meowwwww mauuuuu!!!
Alahai Puteh....awak ringan juga ke? Nak peluk saya? Nanti Mama saya marahlah...kena nikah dulu, dia kata. purrr....meow!
Yo Cats! I think you need some exercise lah you lazy bums...
Kakak Angelinaaa,
Kakak mcm kakak Baby saya..kakak tolong cakap dgn Brad, maintain je 5 kg tu saya tak suka yg gemuks..hehehe
Lots of Love,
Aunty Pi,
The last time Pingu attempted to exercise, he fell from the 4th floor...kesian! purrr....meow!
Brad said: Jangan bimbang sayang....abang maintain! Sbb abang sangat aktif siang dan malam. purrr....meow!
Mr. Pingu is 9 kg?? Wow..!!And all the while I thought Brad or Angelina is BIG..
Anyway,I think Ginger is gorgeous. Jgn jealous Angie.
Mak Nda
Dell: Disini Pakmok is the fattest cat on the block.Tapi belum weigh lagi.Kalau naik weighing machine tu agaknya rosak mesin tu.Dell maintain.Apamacam kita buat pertandingan..heavyweight championship?
The darlings are all so so so so so so adorable....
Pleeeeeeease, can I have all of them, especially Angelina? I promise to lose weight to set a good example!!
Brilliant piece.
Eeepp... Cat obesity -_-, Pingu and Ginger needs to exercise more. Angelina and Brad is the best ! Maintain it, guys :D
Dear Angie,
Are you sure Pingu isn't a mountain gorilla in disguise? ;)
You are all so huggable and cute! I would like to bring Pingu to the office. Everyone would hug and squeeze him silly. My boss brought her kitten Satin to the office today as she needed me to bring Satin to a friend for boarding. Nobody wanted to let Satin leave for boarding. They were all taking turns to hug and squeeze her.
Dear Mak Nda,
Ginger is unfortunately, the most musyuk of us all! har har har.... he has bad toilet habits that upset my Mama. purrr....meow!
You wanna play wrestling? We'll send Brad to fight you. He's feisty, that little cat. purrr....meow!
Aunty Paula,
Yeah...leadership by example. That's why I'm the leader of this lot. They have uncontrollable lust for food. purrr....meow!
Tante Sandy,
That's why Brad always chase them around the house. But those humongous boys hardly move. Lazy bums. purrr...meow!
Pingu is not friendly towards strangers, he hisses and claws when he's stressed. I should be the one visiting your office. Everyone will just be on their knees....weakened by the sight of sultry me.... har har har *evil laughs*
oh oh...someone really needs to go on a diet! Mr. Pingu! Do that cat stretch 20x per day and you will surely lose weight...hihihi
Aunty Nana,
Cat stretch? Pingu does it to stretch his belly...so that he can fill up with more food. purrr....meow!
what do those weights translate to in American pounds??
I am LOST!
9kg??? gebunyaaa hehehhee... mesti sedap peluk2... lama dah tak timbang our anak bulu tu.. last time arri was about 7kg.. itu pun dah tak larat dukung dahcant imagine how if 9kg hehe..
Wonder what's the ideal weight for cats. At 5 kg, I think you are a healthy cat.
Tapikan..I suka kucing gemuk dan montok tau..hehe
Aunty Caren,
1 kg is about 1.6lb, thus Pingu's weight in pounds will be: 9 x 1.6 = 14.4 pounds. He's a real roly poly. purrrr....meow!
Lady of Leisure,
My Mama said it's like carrying a sack of rice. So heavy! And he's so "manja" with my Mama, sometimes jump on her with all his mighty 9kg. purrr....meow!
TK Sensei,
The ideal weight would depend on the frame. If the frame is small, even 5kg would be considered overweight like my niece Nikki. If you have a long body and limbs like my bro Tom, even at 7kg he's not considered obese. The vet says I'm normal for my frame while Brad is already considered overweight. purrr....meow!
thank you!!! Wow 14.4 is a chub!! lol
Wait! What am I talking about? Cody is nearly 13 pounds and is VERY small framed!
wow....sihat2 semuanya...
All three fat cats (with the exception of the very sexy and slim Mr Brad - ahem!) should be sent out to work as tukang urut. *LOL*
I believe CIS may got it wrong..
Ayoh Wang always used 1kg =~ 2.2 lb..
But then again it does not matter much though..
Aunty Caren,
My Mama said maybe she should open a gym for cats. What say you? purrr...meow!
m.q. dear,
Welcome to my world. My Mama said, takpelah gemuk, janji sihat. purrrr....meow!
Andrea! Are you implying that I, the super duper princess should work as a masseur? No way, Jose! purrr...meow!
Ayoh Wang,
Now you're makingme confused. Or was I wrong? Help!!!!! That would make Pingu to be 19.8 pounds? OMG!!! purrrr....meow!
Hahahaa... I really enjoy reading ALL the comments, really make my day :)))))
Mother of Ilham,
Laughter is the best medicine....not! purrr....meow!
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