Mama's having mobile phone trouble so Dad suggested that we go visit a service centre that can remedy the situation. You see, the phone had been having a life of its own like switching on and off whenever it wants to, especially as Mama is about to send an important she's not happy with that. Buy a new one? This one's still relatively new and cost quite a bit so no new replacement.
Anyway, to cut the story short, we end up in an unfamiliar terrain (
anything beyond a 30-minute drive is unfamiliar terrain, OK?) called Sunway Pyramid. The shopping mall is huge. We only found the centre after consulting three floor plans and two security personnel. Found it we did, and guess what?
"Oh, this is just a sales centre now. The service centre has moved to a new location. Let me give you a list," said the cheerful staff there. A quick look at the list reveals that there is one which is located at 1-Utama, a mere 10-min drive from home. Duh???
Never mind, so we decided to window shop instead. See what this place can offer us. Then we saw this....
What??? A cow in a shopping mall? And "Daisy" has strawberry tattoos all over her. |
har har har! "Daisy" here is just a dummy cow...but look there...she has celebrity eyelashes. Will she be the next Revlon girl? |
The barn-like dining area. |
What we had at the barn - fro-yo with strawberry topping and sunflower seeds. Notice the clouds on the table? |
...and clouds on the ceiling..... |
We needed to walk off that tub of yogurt and so went up and down and round and round the mall. Gosh! It's so easy to get lost in this "pyramid"...even a pharaoh will, if he can get up from his "sleep for eternity". Oh...but I digress. Then we saw this.....
What in tarnation is this? A cat show? Mama and Dad were grinning with glee and thought they've hit the jackpot. |
The crowd....that gets bigger by the minute. |
There was a colouring contest for human kids... |
Ooooo....this started Mama's raves and rants - the sight of kitties in cages. Her first query went like this: "What? These kitties will be here until 10pm? What if YOU are kept in a small cage for 12 hours?" |
She went livid when she saw this - cat litter in the water bowl and off she went again: "How often do you check each and every cage? You don't expect kitty to drink this contaminated water? Change it now. I said NOW!!!!" "And while you're at it, look at that kitty in the next cage. She has an eye infection. Treat her, NOW!!!!" |
Obviously, Mr Seal Point here was distressed. He won't budge from the litter box and was hissing at people. And he wasn't the only one. Won't you be stressed out too if hundreds of strangers poke at you and use the flashy box at you and observe your every move? You don't have privacy at all. Some people even shook the litter boxes where some kitties were obviously upset and trying to get some rest by sleeping in the litter boxes. |
Although the organisers keep making announcements for people not to poke at the kitties or open the cage doors and touch, people kept doing it. Mama pointed out to the organisers that they should give the visitors a list of dos and don'ts. The respond was: "Even if we give, these people won't abide by the rules." But least try to educate them! |
One a lighter note....kitty there was encouraging the young artists... |
Look at that face. It said: Get me out of here. |
Angelina's note: We end up sitting next to a lady who was pacifying a very distressed kitty by the name of Lizzy. She's a gorgeous tortie Maine Coon who was obviously very upset with the whole thing. And the audacity of some people. They even poked at her! Mama told the nice lady to not bring Lizzy there the next day. She'll be better off at home.
Know what, if it had been me in one of those cages (
Mama would have lost her mind if she ever let me be in that situation!), I'd just bite those hands that dare poke at me or shake the litter box when I'm in it!!! I would looooove to practise my clawing skills too. Seriously, I hate cat shows...especially this particular one.
Thumbs down to the organisers. Where is the SPCA inspector when you need one?
HURRAH for your Mom, speaking up! We think all the participants should have left. We sure would have!
Good for you Mama!!! Poor kitties. I hope the organisers heard the complaint loud and clear!
Good on you for making sure the kitties voices were heard! Some cats enjoy the attention but a lot DO NOT. Surely the owners should be taking responsibility and using good judgement. And litter in a water bowl? Unacceptable!
Service center is just 10 minutes drive from home...haha. That happens :-) But I'm glad you went to the mall because your mom spoke for these poor kitties. Sounds like the organizers don't care much about kitties. I agree, thumbs way down.
salam CfS ..
thank for the info ..
i m a regular participant of MCFA cat show. most of my tropies is from MCFA competition.
since a lot of travelling lately, lost info about MCFA making a cat show in sunwey pyramid ..
what a lost ..
neway still have time to go see todayy .. Tq ..
respond to your last paragraph comment ..
joining cat show is about to see others people cat. how they looks, how they are taken care off and to view varieties of cat breed with our own eyes rather than watching in TV or magazine ..
cat are pets. always well kept at home. we cannot see beautiful cats at the road side or in public places. For me, i thanks the organiser for the ability gathering cat owner to bring their cats to be view by other cat lovers.
at least we have some knowledge about other breed and how they look like . not to mention making new friends having same intrest ..
afterall they are cage only for few hours.
in pet shops cats are caged for months, 24 hour a days ..
more torturing life rite!!!
I wld have gone inside SP if I knew you were there.. bolehlah kita jalan pimpin2 tangan.
I passed by SP n managed to take pic of the awesome singa and a zappelin up in the air. I took quite a beautiful pic with my hp cap kijang *kembang idong puji diri sendiri*.
Katnip Lounger,
Wish we could have kitnapped everyone! purrr...meow!
Aunty Caro,
I don't think they like my Mama's meddling ways at all. purrr...meow!
Most of the cats don't seem to enjoy it. purrr...meow!
We may go to the othe mall least it's the last day of the cat show today. purrr...meow!
Uncle Aby,
I think you missed my point there. I'm fine with displaying the beautiful cats coz I enjoy looking at them too. My bone of contention is with the organisers. They should first and foremost, think of the welfare of the cats. For example, make some effort to print little notes to give to visitors about cat handling, or maybe put a lock on the cages. Constant supervision must also be done, any cats that show signs of stress or discomfort should be removed etc etc. A little bit of effort is all it takes.
Mama punya pantang bila ditegur dia jawab, "alahai...come on, they are just cats..." Lagilah Mama keluar tanduk. Kata sayang kucing tapi macam tu pulak. Minta maaf cakap, rasanya orang tu bela kucing just for the money. Bukan main berbangga bagi tahu dia ada 200 ekor pedigree, boleh jual sampai RM30K seekor. Cats have feelings too. Cakap jual beli macamlah kucing tu barang apa. Banyak nak bebel ni. It's the attitude of the organiser that we abhor, OK? Tak boleh ke pencinta kucing berjumpa cara lain? purrr...meow!
Aunty CS,
Dah ada orang tu tak nak nombpr hp cap kijang dia tu..kan? Kalau tak boleh pekena fro-yo or cappucino. Nak jalan pegang tangan? Habis siapa nak pegang tangan my Dad? Yang tu tak bolehlah. purrr...meow!
Cat Show?? Ohh..Wish I could be there. Byk kucing tiut miut!
TK Sensei,
Where have you been? We miss you. purrr...meow!
This is not the first time they organised a cat show at Sunway Pyramid. Members of the public SHOULD NOT be allowed to go within 10 feet of the animals. It's so distressing to the animals.
I hate cat shows (a-tish-oo!), dog shows, and zoos. Miserable, caged animals, and all for what? Silly humans gawping and gaping and making asses of themselves.
Btw, I hate beauty pageants, too. Did you know there's one on Astro now, for us to 'select' our own Miss Malaysia? I caught it by accident the other day. If you see the hopefuls ... ok, I won't be mean. But, you get the drift, right, Ange?
Oh dear... years ago when I was helping the Cat Welfare Society in Singapore with their adoption drives, we realised how stressed out the cats were and stopped bringing them to such shows. In place of the real cats, we used posters instead which worked out very well. If you search "adoption drive" on my blog, you'll see some old entries on how it came into development and its success. Good work for educating the public on why they should not encouraging live cats at such poorly organised events!
~5-Cat Style
PS. Slash is mewing a big thank you for the birthday greeting. He sends over heaps of headbutts and nosekisses for each of you.
lol..Sunway Pyramid was my turf. Arrghh...poor kitties ! Some people do think that pets are mere commodities, thats why I don't support breeders.
I wish they had held the show in one of tha halls instead of the atrium. Cost could be a factor. Seriously, was anyone thinking of the cats? purrr...meow!
Aunty Pat,
oooh...and don't let me get started on cat fancy dress competition. The whole experience is bothering me a lot. Oh, we don't have astro at home. What for? purrr...meow!
Poor kitties. What's the name of the organizers again? *fuming*
you were absolutely meant to be there to put those dreadful people in their place!!! That is too strange how fate led you there!
I have to apologize, I didn't get to the Post Office last week (I know I am AWFUL!) but will FOR SURE be there this week! I am soooo sorry! (((((hugs)))))
" Get me out of here." ..poor meow²
ciannya kucin tu kan..mujur ada yg prihatin
Slash & Bronzy,
That's the strange thing, if the organisers are cat lovers, shouldn't they be thinking of the cats' welfare first? purrr...meow!
Tante Sandy,
There's no pure- breed in this house, everyone's a moggie from the rescued breed. purrr...meow!
Aunty Yatt,
Kat backdrop tu ada terpampang namanya. purrr...meow!
Aunty Caren,
Well, things happen for a reason, don't they? purrr...meow!
Uncle Kacang,
Lain kali kalau terserempak cat show kat mana-mana, cuba perhatikan macam mana organiser tu. purrr...meow!
Aunty Meoww,
Sabo jelah...purr meow!
We love cat shows that we have gone to here in Vancouver. There are very strict rules though. You cannot touch the cats, or open cage doors. Cat owners know there cats enough to only bring cats that are comfortable in that environment.Cat shows here also have rescue cats available for adoption which gives them good exposure and a higher chance of being adopted.But you are completely right in protesting.The "audience " should be respectful and calm around the cats!!Rules should be implemented outlining expectations for the participants and the onlookers.
the critters in The Cottage xo
Cottage Felines,
That was exactly my point. If rules had been laid out then offensive audience can be removed immediately. purrr...meow!
I'm glad you put in 2 cents on behalf of the kitties.
Someone has to. purrr...meow!
Hi there, glad to stumbled upon this post. Thank you for being the voice of those poor cats. I went to show & saw the distressed cats too! The owners or organizers could have done so much more to make the cats comfortable, they were in metal grill floor cages which could be why many of them were sleeping in their poopy litterboxes, it was such a sad sight. I think non cat owners there would have had the misconception that cats are dirty animals that sleep on their poop & pee. There was no one to clean out their boxes immediately especially when they were sleeping in it, the people who were part of the show seemed to be busy manning the memorabilia table & cat photography booth. I would have given then a comfy bed to sleep in & definitely not such a small cage if I was the owner but having said that, I would have never let my cats go through such an ordeal like some meaningless show (to me it's akin to silly mothers comparing "my daughter is prettier than yours"), even zoo animals are kept at a better state than the poor cats that day. The cats mostly looked uncomfortable, one even had a piece of cat sand stuck up it's nostrils, we tried to get it out but couldn't. I think the organizers were more interested in the photo session & activities that they were constantly announcing over the mic, they seem to be not bothered by how the cats were feeling. Another thing that annoyed me was, the man at the desk (who was the president of the club, if am not mistaken) told me the memorabilia they were selling was donation to their club. I thought to myself, aren't they a cat breeder's association? I don't count them as charity who needs donations, they are akin to a puppy mill if you ask me. There were 2 cats there for sale for over RM 1000. I doubt these people are charitable organization but are some sort of for profit organization. I still wonder until today, what exactly was their objective of having the show? Was the objective worth having their cats in distressed by having to deal with people all day long on top of being in a small uncomfortable cage the entire day? From what I could tell, the owners/organizers seemed to be having a field day with their cats, like how dog owners bring their dogs to the park during the weekend. I hope such shows with no real beneficial reasons to the animal will not be allowed to take place in future.
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