Mama gets to do heaps of fun things in relation to her work, besides the boring meetings, report writing, proposal writing etc etc. For example, she took a busload of children to Janda Baik, a village in the hills at the border of Pahang and Selangor. It took us less than two hours of driving to go there. Mama said a group of donors wanted to have a one-on-one session with the kids, treat them to a nice lunch, tea and some exposure to nature. Oh yes, the outdoors is always good for anyone.
As the bus that transported the kids was late, it was almost lunch time by the time the activities began. It's OK, nobody was complaining as everyone had fun. It was a fun and educational outing....not to say very tummy filling as well. Let's see the pictures!!!
The property, as seen from the main house's verandah. |
The kids learning about soil and nutrients. |
Mucking around at the goats' pen. |
Fish favourite part of the property. |
Hey...were they looking for worms or pulling grass? |
The goats live here.... |
And I found a clump of mulberries....yummmm.... |
Trying to get a group photo wasn't easy but we managed....somehow... |
There was a glitch while I was uploading some of the pictures so I couldn't show photographs of the children's lunch, their bathing in the river behind the property and the tea cum fruit eating session after the river activities. Just take my word that all those activities did happen....and at the end of the day, the children didn't want to leave!!!!
Mama arrived home late because there was a massive traffic jam at the tunnel, a truck laden with sand overturned and it was drizzling.... I, of course, had the honour of massaging Mama's legs....tired she said though I don't know how that was possible when she was driving an auto. Oh well....