Have I told you peeps that I looooove weddings? The more traditional the better. However, I haven't attended any wedding for ages. Thus, when the opportunity came last weekend, I made a point to go, come rain or shine. And rain it did, on the way there, and on the way home. It's OK, Mama said, it's just water. At least we were travelling in a car, not in a partially covered boat in the middle of the sea.
Oooh...but I digress. Who got married? Zue and Din, at Taman Sri Andalas, in the Royal Town of Klang. Kakak Zue is a cousin of my Abang Epi on his father's side. That makes her my second cousin by marriage, non? Anyway, just enjoy the pix.
The bride and her groom...all Colgate smiles, eh? |
This is what you get when you bless the couple on the dais - they are called "bunga telur", hard boiled eggs to symbolise fertility it seems. |
Close up look of the fertility thingy. |
The lad manning the gifts table was either bored or dead tired. |
The grand-pawrents.... |
The bride's aunts in uniform....oooh...the wedding has this English country and vintage theme.... |
The silver contraption contains rose water, betel nuts, leaves and other stuffs to bless the couple with. The umbrella was handy as it was raining. |
The lady in the middle is the bride's younger sister, that's my Kakak Nurul on the right (Abang Epi's sister). I don't know the young man. Could be future member of the family? |
The bridal cake aka leaning tower of Klang.... |
An interesting "cake" made of glutinous rice and meat floss. Nope....cats can't eat this, Mama said. |
Wedding lunch was sumptuous. There were chicken, beef, vegetables and vegetables and vegetables......yummmm.... |
My Mak Long (Abang Epi's mum) and the happy couple... |
Children (all cousins) were happily playing in front of the dais. |
Mother and daughter...ehem...my Kakak Nurul is still single....any takers? |
Yeah.....Madam Pawpawrazzi at the back. |
The bride and her cousin....har har har |
My Mak Long and her fan club. |
My Mak Long, her fan club and the bride. |
Angelina's note: Please send wedding invitations to me. I loooooove weddings....
ooh...I love weddings too , food ..food ..food... I like the idea of turning glutinous rice + meat floss into cake ! Finally , a pretty savoury cake ! Yummm
Hi there !
Thank´s for let us come with you to the wedding !
Me too think the cake made of rice and meet looked really jummy :)
congrats.. d bride look superb..
Aunty nur suka pulut kuning with serunding..
can i have some... sob sob...
Okay. Now you made my mouth water. I LOVE the rendangs at weddings. *drool*
Everything is so colourful :) That glutinous cake was rather yummy looking !
We love weddings too!! And the bride and groom looked very happy and sweet together :)
Delicious looking dishes ...glorious food :)
the critters in The Cottage xo
You love wedding, my mom love cake...tee..heh..heh
What a bootiful wedding !
So colourful weddings. Bila ada chance nak makan nasi kenduri kahwin ni.
It looks like a lovely occasion!
Nubbin wiggles,
beautiful wedding!!
love to see the happy faces
Tante Sandy,
Yes. Very creative indeed....but Mama says glutinous rice is not advisable for cats. I may lose all my beautiful floof. purrr...meow!
Kjelle Bus,
I'm sure it was but I wasn't allowed to try. I think it's just a mean human trick. purrr....meow!
Aunty Nur,
Nanti kita suruh Mama kita masakkan untuk awak, nak? purrr....meow!
Furries of Whisppy,
My Mama makes a mean rendang too. No need to wait for weddings. purrr....meow!
Aunty Caro,
Don't know why but people of the tropics tend to be more colourful.... purrr...meow!
Cottage Felines,
We wish the couple well...coz they fed us well at their wedding. purrr....meow!
Mr Puddy,
I love cakes too. Hmm...Mama hasn't baked for ages....must go bite her. purrr...meow!
MKG dear,
Yeah...tunggulah bila dah balik sini nanti. Makan puas-puas. purrr...meow!
Oskar dear,
Wish you were there too. purrr....meow!
m.q. dear,
Weddings are supposed to be a happy occasion.... purrr...meow!
I'm another one who loves weddings! Did you have a good time there, Ange? Did you cry? I always do :(
Hey! Just in here to say thanks for the visit at Buddy's Place, and to let you all know that the Six Mouskateers and I are back up again and will be trying to do the Blog daily.
As to the wedding, looks very festive, the happy couple have that 'happyfied look', and the food looks delicious. Here's wishing the happy couple the best of everything and a LOOOONG and happy life together.
Hope all is well with everyone, and all will have a good weekend, and too, a good month upcoming.
Y'all come see us when you can.
Best wishes to the couple, may their marriage be blessed always.
Nurul dah grown up..I still imagine her as a slightly little girl that you brought to my office many yrs ago :-)
I always want to be given the bunga telur, something special about the egg, its not the same as the boiled one at home..hehe..but nowadays the hosts prefer to give chocs, cakes etc..not thrilling anymore.
Gorgeous pictures! Uh, Angelina I thinks it will be a while before you gets an Invitation from me because I am the eternal Bachelor after all...
I loved having those eggs with kicap, Cheqna. Yes, eggs are so much more healthier than sweets and cakes, right. Plus it does not attract ants. I prefer eggs too.
Angelina dear,
No wonder your Mama did not reply my sms, she was busy at the wedding!
Hi Cat, I really enjoyed looking thru all the wedding pics here. The last time I went to a Malay wedding was wayyyy back late '70s.
Pics all well taken too.
You took them?
Have a nice day.
ps, are you now living permanently in Malaysia?
OO I want to married la. hohohoho
The eggs were not red! Jadi tak ada 'telor merah'lah macam zaman lama lama di negeri persisiran pantai ini.
Concats to your family. Looks a lovely wedding.
Know what you mean about salt in cat food. Also, I want to know more about protein supplements but it's tough to get good information. I'm working on it and should have something good to read in 3 months time. :-) Meow!
C-I-S: Do they still give the eggs as party favours? The last few weddings I attended, I got potpurri in some very fancy ceramic thingy.
I love attending weddings too..tapi i suka part makan je..
Kek Pulut tu betul2 buat i meleleh air liur!!
Been to some wedding also during the weekend.. May Allah bless the couples .. all of them newly married couples and those long time married couples as well :))))
taman sri andalas???
alahai... dekat nya dengan tempat aby .. just a stone throw ..
Oh what beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing! I love seeing everyone smiling, happy and all the food...yum! Congratulations to the lovely couple!!
Aunty Pat,
Cry??? You softie! I didn't. purrr....meow!
Uncle Roy,
You and Buddy Bear keep appearing and then disappearing....purrr...meow!
I agree wholeheartedly about the egg thingy. purrr....meow!
Heya Cloon,
Eternal bachelor??? That's what Warren Beatty said before Annette Benning....you just haven't found the right one. purrr...meow!
Aunty Ninot,
You know my Mama...she's here, there and everywhere.... purrr....meow!
Hie Uncle Lee,
I wonder if the Malaysian community in Toronto would hold traditional wedding do over there. In Sydney we attended some interesting ones...sort of East meets West kinda wedding. We're now based in Malaysia but still travel a lot. purrr...meow!
Uncle Zool belum kawin? My Kakak Nurul is single... and available.... nak nombor telefon? purrr....meow!
Dear Pakcik,
No telur merah, bunga saja merah. We've come across telor masin too. purrr...meow!
Au, Target & Guido,
There was plenty roast chicken too! purrr...meow!
Ms Lim,
Yeah...we still get eggs. And prefer it that way. purrr...meow!
TK Sensei,
Ish...dalam pantang tak boleh makan pulut tau! purrr...meow!
Ayoh Wang,
Musim kawin le ning tak payah tunggu cuti sekolah doh, kan? purrr...meow!
Uncle Aby,
Kalau tahu alamat memang boleh singgah minum-minum teh... purrr....meow!
Tamago san,
And everyone ate lots of eggs too... purrr....meow!
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