Friday, April 12, 2013

Feline Paradise on Earth

Yes, it does exist. Its existence makes you realise that there is hope yet in this crazy world we live in....

This is my Mama's account:
A chance visit to the northern island of Langkawi gave us an opportunity to visit this wonderful place called LASSie (Langkawi Animal Shelter and Sanctuary Foundation) currently occupying the grounds of Bon Ton Resort. The organisation was set up to receive, rehabilitate and care for neglected, abused and needy animals. I saw some woofies lounging in the enclosures but what made me sing is that the cats are allowed to roam free. Lovely photos will make you drool, peeps.
Look out for this marker along the road from the airport to Pantai Cenang, drop by for coffee or tea, lunch dinner or breakfast at this lovely resort. There's a lovely shop selling all sorts of creative crafts where proceeds will go to the shelter.
Hmmm...reception committee awaits...complete with head butts and leg wraps.
Yusuf...beautiful, regal and friendly...ok...maybe a bit gender confused. A she with a he name...
Mama says Yusuf will be Brad's new bride. Lulu is free for others now...teeheehee....
Mama says this little lady reminds her of me when I was a little girl...
.....and...action! They really know how to pose for the camera.
And who says cats hate water?
When cat ladies meet....they talked toys...environment friendly cat toys to be precise.
The Bon Ton Resort offers a unique experience of staying in Malay village houses...complete with resident cats, of course.
Beautiful landscape at the resort...purrrfect setting for Brad and Yusuf's wedding I must say.
Mama says next time we'll stay here.
Visited the shelter proper, those staying in the enclosure are either sick or new arrivals, not fit to roam the grounds yet.
Guess this kitty's name? Hint: moustache.
aaahhh....what a life...
Oh...the kitties need forever homes too...They can't stay in the shelter forever...
Yusuf saying goodbye at the end of the visit.
Angelina's note: Check out and for further information. A quick glance tells me you can contact them to make a donation, make a booking to stay at the resort, or even if you want to volunteer at the clinic and shelter. purrr.....meow!!!


Anon said...

Woww..what a very nice place for cats and human too..
Rasanya cat with moustache tu nama dia datuk K kot? Hihi..
Btw, salam kenal.

~CovertOperations78~ said...

I am so glad you managed to visit! Thank you so much for the eco-friendly cat and dog toys! The animals must be so happy to have new toys. The photos are lovely. I think the cat with the moustache is probably named either Charlie (Chaplin) or Hitler.

Unknown said...

Best nyer tempat nihhhh!

rohaizahabas said...

Mama...kat sini tak da bau oouuk ker?
Yusuf tu cantik gebu..tapi yang mama pegang tu macam Olie laa

Pat said...

Yusuf has stolen my heart. Ahhhh-choooo!!! But, he's worth it :)

Khairina said...

Dear kitty and Mama kitty, do come to auntie rina's "House of Picatsso" if both of us have some free time to are bound to meet many friends, small and large, all rescued by Auntie Rina...meow meow (come come)

Al-Manar said...

Those kampong houses remind me of the house I grrew up. Sadly we were forced out on the excuse of town'development'. With its carvings on walls, windows and doors of hard cengal wood , blackened with age, the house would have been a living musuem piece today.

aby said...

its my dream to built something like that if i build a house in a village .. tunggu la pencen nanti ...

Katnip Lounge said...

What a wonderful place for cats!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

this was completely delightful and the photos are just too precious! I want to go and visit!

LP said...

We recognize this little paradise and sanctuary for animals and are so glad to know it exists. We think we also recognize an individual in your photos who now works there and who used to write a blog called, Have Tail Will Wag.Nice to see she is well!

the critters in the cottage xo

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, We'd love to be in a place like that! We're very much overcrowded in our small place in Sydney- a number of cats are residing with us till we find them homes. Come visit us and check out our story 'a cat's tail'.

The guys from a number of cats. xxx

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Danini Soffi,
Welcome to my crazy cat world! No, his name is not Datuk K. purrr...meow!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

You're almost spot on re the name. His name is Adolf. It was fun accompanying Lynette at the enclosures. purrr...meow!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Aunty Jehan,
You and your family are most welcomed here. What about volunteering here during the school holidays? purrr...meow!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Aunty Ezza,
Tak ada bau oouukk...hat ni sedara mara berdisiplin kot. purrr...meow!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Aunty Pat,
She's waiting for you to come visit. purrr...meow!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Aunty Rina,
House of Picatsso sounds intriguing. purrr...meow!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Dear Pakcik,
Orang kita mudah sahaja membuang yang lama tapi orang luar lebih menghargai warisan kita. purrr...meow!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Uncle Aby,
Bila nak pencen? purrr...meow!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Lounge kitties,
It is indeed a very very lovely place for cats. purrr...meow!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Aunty Caren,
I'll gladly be your tourist guide. purrr...meow!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Cottage Felines,
You know Narelle? Awesome. Come visit. purrr...meow!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Hie Kitty Kat! You must come visit. We moved from Sydney ourselves a couple of years ago. purrr...meow!

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

Bilalah nak tinggalkan footstep dekat sini. Beautiful photos.