Mama went to a friend's house recently. Knowing that her friend also has a cat, Mama was shocked to see this on the kitchen bench. Beautiful but dangerous. It can cause seizure and renal failures if consumed. Then the phrase "curiosity kills the cat" will surely come true, eh?
You won't see these beauties in our home. Ever. |
Read about it
Angelina's note: If you love your felines, ditch the lilies!
I read a story once where a human was murdered with water from a Lilly vase!
OMG I am shocked to see those too. Did you mention it to her? She needs to get rid of them.
I did a blog about that last May or June...a little boy wrote to me that his cat passed away after eating part of a Lily. I hope these are in the garbage now!
..beauties, generally, are all dangerous, no matter the form they take, whether feline, human, flora or whatever else you can think of..
Au & Target,
Wow! Isn't that very far fetched? It's not supposed to affect humans that way....unless that human was once a cat. You'll never know...a different kind of evolution etc. purrrr.....meow!
Aunty Caren,
Of course we mentioned it to her and she got rid of it. purrr.....meow!
Abe Mat,
You are so philosophical....even about flowers....hehehe... purrr....meow!
Beautiful Lilly flowers!!
Nasib baik kat sini xde Lilly.
So my cats are safe.
TK Sensei,
Tp kalau kucing atau orang bernama Lily Ok pulaklah... har har har *evil laughs*
Interesting info, I didn't know that lily is a no-no to cats(logiklah sebab tak da kuching)
..but at my house ada yg plastic ones, okay eh for u to come over?
p/s - I'm curious..whose house?hehe
whoaa.. I didn't know this.. now I'll keep it in mind >.< I dont want to kill furry friends accidentally . Luckily I'm not a big fan of lillies cos they're pricey hahaha , I prefer cheaper flowers like Chrysanthemums, roses, baby's breath and sunflowers - are these dangerous?
Y'know....where we had scones and jams...where u didn't turn up! purrr.....meow!
Tante Sandy,
Stick to those flowers in your list. They're OK. There are some leafy plants that are dangerous too. purrrr.....meow!
Luckily we are not cats, we LOVE dried lilies in our soup :D
Hmmm....Mother of Ilham, remember not to serve us that soup if ever we drop by. purrr....meow!
Thank goodness you mentioned it to the lady of the house, you smart kitties! Your Mama taught you well.
We consider it our civic duty. Otherwise we'll have sleepless night thinking of the cat of the house. purrr....meow!
We sure hope that she got rid of those lilies soon after your Mom told her how dangerous they are for her kitty.
~Slash & Bronzy
betul betul betul!
sokong Angelina :)
kat ghumah jgn harap la nak melawa camni huhuu...
Gosh..I didn't know that!! Thanks Cat..
Those yellow flowers planted along the highway are mighty dangerous too.Hope those stray cats dont try one.
I agree with Pak Mat - beauties are dangerous! ;)
You too, ah, my pretty?
Slash & Bronzy,
Yeah. Those should have been ditched in the bin. purrr....meow!
Aunty Meoww,
Banyak je bunga-bunga roses.... purrr....meow!
Yummy Mummy,
Now you know. Glad to be of service, ma'am. purrr....meow!
Yellow flowers along the highway? Which one ye? Anyway, that's why cats that are allowed to roam the neighbourhood have shorter life expectation. I'd rather stay indoor. purrr....meow!
Aunty Pat,
Me dangerous? Auw! But in a nice way, OK? purrr.....meow!
No wonder I'm so scared of cats...
No Lili, the cats should be afraid of you....hehehe... welcome to my crazy world! purrrr....meow!
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