Lovely palm fruits that look like a bunch of grapes.... |
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The entire plant...I think this is called the palmyra palm. Mama said it reminds her of the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka logo. |
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Another gorgeous bunch of palm fruits. |
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I think this is what the locals call Pinang Raja (Cyrtostachys renda Blume) or Maharaja Palm. |
Aaah...lovely bloom with aromatic smell....this is called yellow cempaka (Michelia champaca), known for its medicinal properties. |
Can someone help me identify these weird looking fruits? |
![]() |'s this? Organic microphones? |
I'm assuming the three different colours denote three stages in these "microphones" life...can you guess what they are? |
....tara! Somehow those "microphones" will become this - a bunch of stinky beans (Parkia speciosa). |
Bunches of petai....known for its culinary and medicinal properties. |
The whole petai tree. Apparently the tree can grow up to 50ft high. Oh, petai is also quite expensive nowadays. |
The mansion |
those are some of the most interesting plants/fruit I have ever seen!
I like the ones that look like giant fans lol.
Oh, how did you ever get a photo of MY house? lol
Aunty Caren,
Fancy you having hordes of gardeners just to maintain the grounds. purr...meow!
Mommy laughed and laughed at those "microphones"!
Katnip Loungers,
Purrrlease ask mommy to control herself. purr...meow!
It never fails to impress me how much beautiful flora and fauna there is in Malaysia. Unlike England where we get....conkers. :)
interesting! never knew the cute beginnings of petai.
Ohhh gitu rupanya pokok petai :-)
Do you like sambal tumis udang + petai? I buy petai once in 5 yrs or so, heheh..
I think the strange looking fruit above the organic microphones is what we call "Pace" (pah-che) aka Nony fruit
You have interesting flora and fauna too in England. I've been dreaming of visiting Kew Gardens for yonks. purr...meow!
Anon 8:45am,
Cute, isn't it? purrr...meow!
Aunty CS,
Tak pernah tengok pokok petai ke? Kita suka makan mentah, bakar atau dengan sambal belacan atau tempoyak. purrr...meow!
Tante Sandy,
Are you sure that's nony? Nony is what we call mengkudu here, looks different. purrr...meow!
baru pirst time tgk pokok petai hehe..
Ish Aunty Meoww ni! Kata duduk kampung, takde pokok petai? purr...meow!
Nice fruit. Hey, have you noticed there are no VIPs in Malaysia anymore? Only VVIPs now ;-)
Terrific pics and a most interesting post.
Love the new blog header pic!
Have a great week ahead.
bestnya kalau boleh petik petai tu!
boleh minta mok wang masak sambal udang tumis + petai..
Perggh! Rendahnya petai dia! Selalu jumpa yang tinggi-tinggi je...
I have a petai tree. It's only 1 1/2 feet tall. Wow...what an orchard!
so many never before seen trees and fruit! i really wanna come to Malaysia sometime. :)
Au, Target & Guido,
It should be VVIFs -very very important felines. purrr...meow!
Aunty Paula,
We were not allowed to take pix inside so I went exploring outside. purrr...meow!
Ayoh Wang,
Putik lagi tu, mata dia baru besar mata ikang. Kalu dok mesti dah rembat setangkai dua. purrr...meow!
Aunty Pi,
Kita pun first time tengok yang rendah gini. purrr...meow!
Aunty Ninot,
It's gonna take a while for your tree to grow tall and bear fruit. purrr...meow!
Fae's human,
With the stronger Aussie dollar, it would be cheap for you to come visit us here. You can fly Malaysia Airlines from Brisbane or Air Asia from Gold Coast. Or you can go visit the Tropical Fruit Farm in Duranbah, south of Gold Coast. purrr...meow!
Me and mom just loved the organic microphones :)
If I were to own one building
like that
and so many trees
like those,
I would begin to dream
of a number of queens
to dance and sing
for the king. `
Poor children of Almanar
Crying without a tutor!
I love those palms, so exotic!
We've never see palm fruits! Are they edible?
the critters in The Cottage
P.S. Daddyman says he is a BIG Nikki Lauda fan too!! :)
Kitties, your mama and dad are working so hard to buy you food. Don't bug them too much now will ya?
Emma and Buster
It's fascinating, isn't it? purrr...meow!
Dear Pakcik,
Having a mansion like that also comes with the responsibility of managing a state. Would you have time for so many queens? purrr..meow!
Brad dear,
They are, indeed. purr...meow!
Cottage Felines,
There are many types of palm. Some have edible fruits but these ones are purely ornamental. Will pass the message to Nikki... purrr...meow!
Emma & Buster,
Me bugging them? It's actually the other way around. purrr...meow!
haha I'm not sure actually... I thought that's how unripe noni fruits look .
I am dreaming of the palmyra palm...and I love this starry page!
Tante Sandy,
Noni fruits are slightly bigger and they look like skinned pineapples IMHO. purrr...meow!
Such beauty, and so many odd (to Me never before seen) plants and fruits. I do enjoy your pictorial tours. Thanks for the visit.
I'll be back .....
Aunty Ninot,
The place is open to public on Fridays as that's the day the VVIP meets his constituents. We can take you there. There's a place in Janda Baik with humongous palmyra palms too. Oh, the stars? Coz I'm the my Mama's heart. purrr...meow!
Hey Uncle Roy,
Am glad you enjoy the tour. Purrrlease come again. purrr...meow!
Angelina, thanks for theese pictures of the unique looking specimens...did you bring one of the microphones back for Brad's karaoke?
I couldn't...the VVIP's security would chop off my paws if I steal one of those microphones. purrr...meow!
Where is this beautiful place, and what are those amazing plants? Your Mama should know, Kitties! How could she not? I'd like some of those microphones, please! When we're done singing into them, we can just dump them in the compost!
Shhh...can't simply pluck those microphones. The guards check our cat boot when we enter and exit the place. Anyway, one microphone = one bunch of petai. We don't want to deprive the world of petai now, would we? purrr....meow!
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