Felines and canines, check this out.
It could be the reason why my Mama has increased our raw beef/lamb/mutton/chicken weekly quota. hmmmm......I'm not complaining. In fact, I loooooooove it. yummmm......
Oh yes....one humongous carton of beef for me? Yeah.....bring it on, Mama. |
OK, I admit. I love chicken satay too. Minus the sauce. I hate eating peanuts. |
When will you take me to the abattoir, Mama? Would love those fresh, really really fresh mutton. |
Angelina's notes: No matter what triggered the decision, I love it. I like my food raw. As for the rest of the family, stuff the cans people!
I like it in a can with gravy!
Fin dear,
I still eat those canned ones too. Gravy is fine but I hate those with jelly or offals. purrrr....meow!
Ange, mutton is evil. It clogs your arteries. So I recommend that you eat it raw. Loads of it. And keep it away from my darling, Brad, at all costs. *evil laugh*
Andrea dear,
Nah....not sharing with anyone. Brad can fend for himself. purrrr.....meow!
I agree with Andrea, go easy on the muttons and lambs : cholesterol, clogged arteries, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke >.< scary stuffs !
Once in a while is okay though :D yumm...
Tante Sandy,
Those are dangerous for humans....esp if you process them into dishes with loads of oil, coconut milk, sugar etc. We, cats, eat them raw. Not even salt. Just like our ancestors a long long time ago. purrrr.....meow!
pnh kasi bebudak jebon ni makan daging mentah tp dorang muntah lar..bila direbus pulak langsung tanak makan cuma sekor dua je yg suka haihhh...
Aunty Meoww,
Angelina dengan Brad je suka yang mentah ni. Yang lain-lain, mencium pun tidak. Tengok ikan hidup, ekor naik kembang ketakutan. Kalau orang kata, mana ada kucing tak makan ikan kalau dah kat depan mata? Jawapannya: Ada! Tom & Family. purrrr.....meow!
Awww... so lucky la u all.
Our mommy ask us to hunt if we want it raw ... sigh...
Momo caught a fly the other day, and we shared ... I had the wings...
Love, Wolfie
P:S: We heard raw is very healthy and has a slimming effect ... hehehe...
We're also putting Mama on a raw diet. So she's started to do juice fasting, green stuff, while the feline darlings get to chew on beef, lamb, mutton and chicken. purrrr....meow!
Those are one set of humongous satays, Angelina!! I've never seen satay that has more than 3 pieces of meat on the stick. Yummy!
Aunty Gina,
That's my Mama's home made satay. Only thigh fillets used as it's the most moist part of a chicken, she said. Wanna some? purrrr.....meow!
Careful my dear, Human food are not really good for us !
Mr Puddy,
I just want to see the reaction here. See what people think. There's always two sides to a coin, non? Mama is very selective when it comes to our food, though not with hers.... purrrr...meow!
tambah dua orang lagi, arri and molly pun tak makan ikan.. hehe.. molly lagi lah siap undur belakang lagi.. :D
I bet you have not tasted fish satay - without tail, bone, head and all the inner stuff.
Lady of Leisure,
Join the club. Anyway....since Arri is going to be my nephew in law...kan? purrrr....meow!
Dear Pakcik,
Marilah antar se kotak sining. Kecik tapak tangan, Olympic Park kami tadahkan. purrr....meow!
After all those, come and join me at the gym..haha..
Join you at the gym? For real? purrrr....meow!
Thank you for the link, Ange. I've been reading about this recently, and yours is another one to read and digest now!
Ah..maybe us humans should try to consume it raw too hahaha
Aunty Pat,
Mama says it's more economical as well. purrr....meow!
Tante Sandy,
Humans are built differently. But Mama's starting vege and fruit juice diet. We'll see how long it lasts.... purrr....meow!
home "gym" dear..hehe..
Home gym? har har har *evil laughs*
love it...the satay....
Aunty EIn,
Sedap....!!!! purrr....meow!
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