A tiger on the bed with Nikki? |
Oooo.....he's so handsome. |
Now, let's apply licensing fees on every "tiger" lookalike produced (plush toys, shoes or fabric with tiger prints, rugs, cushions etc etc etc) just like licensing fees charged by the music industry. For every 100,000 "tiger" pencil case, say each sold at normal price of RM20, we take 10% royalty for the real tigers. That's 10% of RM2 million, equals to RM400,000!!!!!
That's RM400,000 for the tigers that we can use for conservation, food, rehabilitation, recreation of habitats, vet services etc etc etc. Who should monitor this effort? I'd suggest myself but I'm just a small kittykat (who doesn't even have a bank account). What about MNS or PAWS or even SPCA? We'll start with Malaysia first, OK? We'll sort out the rest of the world later. Think about it, peeps!
Tiger...errr....cat fight on bed. |
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Ooohh...and products like this should pay higher royalties. (pix from Uncle Google) |
CEO, Tiger & Cat Inc;
Laa... royalty yang tu ka? Ingatkan Brad or Angelina nak kawin dengan mana-mana royalties...
Nikki , I think I like your Tiger more than your uncle tiger's picture ! That's freak me out !
Aunty Pi,
Mana ada kawin-kawin ni, kan William dah kawin orang lain....har har har *evil laughs*
Mr Puddy,
Ehem...it's me Brad....but will pass your message to Nikki. har har har *evil laughs*
I think I like the last photo best.
Your Royal Monyetness,
I was thinking....if the model had marched on the street wearing that yellow "tiger" thingy, would she be arrested? har har har *evil laughs*
It's an offer we can't refuse!
Angelina you are so good with maths!
Katnip Lounger,
I'll send 5% of proceeds to the Catio. Agreed? har har har *evil laughs*
MKG dear,
Errr....it's Brad here. Angelina is hibernating. Anyway, I had a good tutor. Mama majored in Maths, once upon a time. har har har *evil laughs*
I'm with Mr. Puddy, that Google picture is somewhat disturbing.
I think you plan is a good one!
Nubbin wiggles,
amboii Brad kemain lagi otak bergeliga terer lah Brad kita, aunty kena guna sampoa kalo nak mengira nih :D
for tiger used by the model,
i will pay full.
wont bargain for the price,
can give SRK to play with ..
Hi Cat, I love the one on that SYT....wonder whether it comes with that SYT? Ha ha.
My pencils was always tied with a rubber band....cheap.
You have fun with those thoughts..
I second that :) But make sure Tiger betul betul bukan Tiger Woods.
It's very interesting! You are right, these licensing fees can be used for many good causes!!
Are you sure you have typed correctly takde miss out on any zeros?? You mama dah vet lum?
Psst.. nice bedsheet!
Oskar darl,
We'll include woofies in the recipients' list too. har har har *evil laughs*
Aunty Meoww,
Pakai je calculator kat handphone tu. Lagi cepat. har har har *evil laughs*
Uncle Aby,
SRK to play with the "tiger" or the model? har har har *evil laughs*
Uncle Lee,
I'm learning how to fundraise from my Mama. The tigers need me. har har har *evil laughs*
p.s. SYT is Japanese...v near Canada!
Aunty Yatt,
Tiger Woods will be taxed the most. How dare he assume the name "tiger" when he doesn't have stripes...eh eh eh... got....hidung belang! har har har *evil laughs*
Yess....heaps of kibbles for stray felines too, eh? har har har *evil laughs*
Aunty CS,
Pakai spreadsheet-lah...automatic calculation, summation etc etc. har har har *evil laughs*
Brad is an entrepreneur wannabe now ! Good idea, Brad. What you need to do now is create a seriously funny and cute tiger/cat character. Something that is distinct from Tigger - cos you don't want to be sued, hmm... let me know if you need an illustrator haha
Tante Sandy,
Tigger should actually be taxed and help contribute to the tiger fund! har har har *evil laughs*
Ain't no gud in cat language...juz being curious what u ol cat been up to...hope , wont get killed while sniffing on the job.
MOL. You guys are funny :) Our mama loves the bra idea, she thinks its a hoot.
Emma and Buster
notty Brad!!!!
MYCAT would be a good one.
Emma & Buster,
Your Mama and my Mama are peas of the same pod. Naughty gals!!!! har har har *evil laughs*
m.q. dear,
Naughty? Hey...I wanna be an entrepreneur. har har har *evil laughs*
Au & Target,
MYCAT???? Yeah...that's a good one. Will consider them. har har har *evil laughs*
Aunty Jul,
Whatchadoin' sniffing around? har har har *evil laughs*
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