Friday, July 8, 2011


No wonder Angelina took time off from blogging. It's so exhausting - physically, mentally and emotionally. Besides exercising my brain in cooking up stories, I also have to make sure that I position my body in such a way that I'm not ergonomically-challenged. And to avoid using bombastic words, my Mama said. (did I just do that?)

In deep thoughts....hmmm.....I need story ideas.....
This position is not comfy....
....let's try this position....oooh...I think my brain is lopsided now....
Aaarrrgghh.....positions....positions.... I need help. Seriously.
Brad says: And no vet can cure this ailment. har har har *evil laughs*


rohaizahabas said...

Ni gaya macam kucing jantan pemalas jer ropa nya...
Asyik layu jer mata dia...

Lili said...

Er...Brad...hello))) Can I be your muse? Hikhikhik! :D

Monyet King said...

I sufer from bloggeristis all the time. Can the Cats suggest some antidotes ?

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Aunty Ezza,
Itu bukan malaslah....penat je. har har har *evil laughs*

CS said...

Tidur tu bukan tutup mata cari idea, kan? Jom kita enrol in creative writing?

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Aunty Lili,
Mai pindah KL dulu. Ada berani? har har har *evil laughs*

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Your Royal Monyetness,
To get the antidote, kena bayar pengeras dulu. Mahal. More mahal than meminang Puteri Gunung Ledang. har har har *evil laughs*

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Aunty CS,
Creative writing? Yang tu Mama kita boleh kasi private tuition, nak? Masalahnya bila pejam mata je jadi nightmare...bukan dapat idea... hancuss! har har har *evil laughs*

Sandy said...

Lazy Brad ! How come cats look so cute when they're lazing ? Humans look terrible when they're lazy

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Tante Sandy,
Because cats were born to be masters, and humans their slaves. har har har *evil laughs*

Clooney said...

Hey buddy, you'z looking very bombastic! Way to go! Oh, don't worry about it, you are doing a great job! (And thanks for those Mancat purrs of yours, we appreciate them!)

Rosmawati Yusof said...

Dah siang bang ooiii..bukaklah bijik mata tu...

meowwmania said...

ye ke carik idea tu cam buat taik mata je ropenya haha..

Wan Sharif said...

Go and enjoy a few sticks of kerepok lekor for inspiration, Non?!

mamasita said...

The photos are all so adorable..:))

Katnip Lounge said...


::runs to dictionary::

CATachresis said...

Brad you defintely need a muse before you can amuse, especially with a lopsided brain!

Austin >^,,^<

ninotaziz said...

Looking good, Brad. Good time to be lazy. Duduk rumah jela. It's a dangerous world out there today...

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Heya Cloon,
We love you, bro'. Get well soon, OK? The gang is not the same without you. har har har *evil laughs*

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Aunty Rosmawati,
Mata kita sepetlah, takleh bukak besar-besar. har har har *evil laughs*

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Aunty Meoww,
Taik mata pun boleh jadi cerita kalau kena gayanya. har har har *evil laughs*

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Ayoh Wang,
A few sticks? Tak cukup. Kena sebungkus baru puas hati. har har har *evil laughs*

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Yummy Mummy,
Because I'm adorable....kan???? har har har *evil laughs*

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Katnip Lounger,
Errr....yeah...come to think of it, the word bombastic is itself bombastic... har har har *evil laughs*

Cat-from-Sydney said...

I think I need a brain carrier/adjuster instead. har har har *evil laughs*

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Aunty Ninot,
It was Angelina who ran away, not me. har har har *evil laughs*

Oskar said...

Lopsided brain, is that dangerous?

Nubbin wiggles,

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Blogging IS hard work! I feel your pain!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Better than no brain... har har har *evil laughs*

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Aunty Caren,
You too? har har har *evil laughs*