I'm having a cat food party today. Why? Hmm...Mama was shopping for our food (what else) at the Roselands Centro yesterday. I guess the shoppers there must be used to the sight of a woman with a trolley full of cat stuff - dry food, wet food, litter, occasional toys and gadgets. Mama has been doing this for almost three years now.
Anyway, to cut the story short, as she was pushing the shopping cart towards the car park, there was this group of young men and women shouting away, "Free cat food! Anyone for free cat food?"
No way Mama would let such an opportunity pass her by. So she put on her most demure cat face and started meowing at them. No, this is no fib. The group, upon seeing this meowing lady with a shopping cart full of cat stuff, pounced on my Mama. They started asking, how many cats do you have, what kind are they, have they ever tried this type of food before, yadda yadda yadda. With a straight face Mama told them that she has six lovely and adorable kits, and showing them our pix that she has in her mobile phone. Then there were the customary "ooh" and "aah".
Lo and behold! The group gave Mama almost all of their stock. You all should see the glee on Mama's face. So, we have a car-boot-full of Purina Friskies now. There is no way Brad and I will be able to finish the bounty all by ourselves. Hence the invitation. We want to spread the love...
What a single box look like.

Some of the loot in the car boot.
We must have done something good to be getting heaps of free food. Help Mama save some money too. And this comes after receiving the box of Fancy Feast Royale. I'm in seventh heaven!
Come, help me finish this loot! purrr......
Thank you for the invitation, dear kitties! My babies and I would love to come. We will bring snacks to share with everyone! Angel Cat Salmon Snacks! :o) Please tell your Mama that I think she is the Best Cat Mom!
Purrr....you and your babies are most welcomed. But must warn you, only catfood will be served. No cocktails for the momsies. Angel Cat Salmon Snacks? Hmmmm...they sound yummylicious! Does the Barkery range make any for cats? We only saw the canine variety at pet shops here.
Woohoo!!! what a cool day it was today for you and your momma!!!
Isn't it just the best when all the loves they send out into the universe comes back at them :))
I will for sure be there my little buddies! hrrrmmm maybe I could bring some toys for us to work off all our food hehehe
Darling Victor,
We really miss you in blogosphere. Please come back...please....we love you much much much....mmmmmwah!
Angelina & Brad
Got official and unofficial fiance some more! What a flirt...
Don't finish up all the food at one go ok? Nanti you get so fat both Rajoo and Pingu will LARIK!!!
Aunty Pi,
Who am I named after? The greatest and prettiest Hollywood star, right? So, must live up to the reputation...Aren't you coming? Oh, you don't have a puttytat! meow!
u all r having the "raya" gathering too eh? have fun!
Me got 4!!! Merci (whose full name is Merci Anna Maisara?? Fuhhh...mouthful eh..dunno why, but it was the lil gurl's doing) , Furry, Brainy & Fuzzy.
That's gonna be some party, all that good food. Yummy...no wonder Mommy is so, so loved my you guys :)
Enjoy yourselves yess.... :)
Meow, can you send some over for me - Miss Katherine Whatever?
Are we ( Tabby and co) too late for the party? Can we have a fancy dress party and I will come as AG and Snowbell can dress up as Kak Teh.
Bruce is getting himself ready to accept your invite..licking his fur non stop, and meowing to me to clean his eyes and ears...Oh he so wants to rival Rajoo and Pingu! I told him meow, meow, meow, meow meaning~ Sydney is too far to go for a party, hairy boy! Even if it's an all you can eat affair.
But we'll get there someday, if not for a pic of Bruce and Mum with the Opera House as backdrop, it will be to pose with Angelina and her mum, hmmm...
Message for Aunty Pi from Bruce,
You better get yourself a putty tat! You care enough for all of us! Spread the love...get a female, and we'll get engaged...just to make angelina jealous em?
You should have been here. It was a riot!
Aunty Kay,
You have four feline kits? How come you never tell us stories about them? Ok, we'll include them in our next invitation list. We Aussies love to PARTY!!!!! purrr....
Aunty Andrea,
Errr....we invited Mr Murphy but we...errr....left Ms Katherine's name out. Our deepest apologies....please forgive us...purrr....
Kak Teh,
Our parties are non-stop. Once it starts, it never stops.... Oh, but we don't allow dresses (fancy or formal) in our parties. Everyone has to be NAKED! meow!
Aunty Anne,
I never knew that Bruce has feelings for me...errr...I'm still single, you know...To Rajoo and Pingu, I always tell them, "Your application is still under consideration." May the best cat wins! meow!
Permission to reply to Bruce...
I have so many kids from the human species to take care of, don't think adopting a putty tat is a good idea. Besides, there is one particular stray cat outside my house, always meowing to me every time I open the back door. The cat's a male though...
Hi Cat, looks like great fun.
Have a nice day, Lee.
Aunty Pi,
Male cat? Another suitor for me? teeheehee...sorry Bruce, take a number. meow!
Uncle Lee,
Get yourself a puttytat so next time we can invite you too. purrr....
Hi Cat, can I bring my Canadian cat? It's a cross between a fox and a racoon? Ha ha.
Have fun, woof woof, Lee.
Uncle Lee,
What do you call it? Foxcoon or racox? Must be handsome....hmmmm....purrr...
For you, anytime, anyday...
Aiyo I am so jealous that I could not be there at the party...could not gatecrash and could not tickle you and your beaus(so many!!!!)
Your mama is a good woman and the Almighty knows her heart and the needs of her kitties - that is why food came from an unexpected place.
Er....have you put on weight by chance ;-)???? heheheh
Take care and have a great weekend.
Cuddles and purrs
We've had another party on Saturday. Told you Aussies are party animals! Put on weight? We burn off calories faster than whales of humans...., I think! purrr....
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