Look at his beautiful set of blue eyes.....sooooo seductive, eh?
Last weekend, we visited his family home in Hornsby, a suburb north-east of Sydney. It's about one-hour drive from my home. Aunty Z and Uncle M, Casper's parents, invited us to an ANZAC Day barbeque. It's an Australian tradition to have a barbie in the backyard whenever a patriotic holiday like Australia Day or ANZAC Day is celebrated. Well, we even hold a barbie on Eid. It's the way it is here.
Aunty Z and Uncle M prepared a lot of food and many guests also come. Including my other set of future in-laws - Aunty If and Uncle Is. Phew! Lucky Pingu didn't tag along.
My future parents-in-law slaving away at the BBQ set.
Apparently, the barbie and the other guests were just a ruse. It was actually a good opportunity for us kids to get to know each other better. This is what we called a "supervised" date. Brad thinks otherwise, though. He said it's a date that's PG-rated.
Must say that Casper is kind of the quiet sort.

Hmmm....and very pally pally with Dad...he seemed to enjoy sitting on Dad's lap.
My Mama said another plus point for Casper, compared to either Pingu or Rajoo, is that I can nag him till kingdom come but he won't bat an eyelid. Why? That's because he's hearing impaired. I thought it was noble of Aunty Z and Uncle M to adopt a "special" cat that the RSCPA will surely put to sleep as no one else would want him.
Mama said she may give special discount to Casper on the "dowry" part. Hmmmm.... can he afford me? I'm high maintenance. purrr....meow!
Cat, if you like the strong silent type, why not? You can always go blog-hopping for intellectually stimulating meowversations anyway hehe...
Aunty Zendra,
Big, strong, friendly? Just like a bank....har har har
In this case, I'll have to learn sign language too. Hmmm....but wouldn't I crush the hearts of my other fiances? purrr....meow!
Hey, Ange.. what a serious-looking cat!!! And those eyes...... phweeettt! I can get drown in those blue eyes.
Good choice, Ange. The fact that he is hearing impaired means that you can have noty teleconversations with the other ... uhmm.. boyfriends behind his back - literally *evil laugh*
In the meow-world, can a female cat pasang 4? ;D
Hmmm....good thinking Watson! But what if he could see from the back of his head?
Anyway, we haven't tested his ability to read, write and blog. It's still early days. purrr.....meow!
Aunty Pi,
In meow-world, anything is possible. Including polyandry.... har har har *evil thoughts*
Casper is gorgeous
HRH Monyet King,
He is. So am I. purrrr...meow!
Dah agak dah... you mesti high maintenance. Betul pun. I love the white silky fur of Casper. Go for it gurl!
U must have fallen for those haunting pair of blue eyes ha? Purrrfect match!!
Hi Cat, now thats what I call a real kool cat you have there, Casper I mean. He's beautiful!
Nice eyes too.
Have a nice day, Lee.
Aunty Yatt,
Considering that he eats Whiskas while I prefer Royale Fancy Feast, of course I'm of a higher maintenance level. I'm thinking there'll be loads of fights over food bill between us.... purrr....meow!
Aunty Kay,
The eyes are so seductive, isn't it? He has nice manners too. purrr.....meow!
Uncle Lee,
Do you think the relationship will work? Communication should be two-way, right? purrr....meow!
Casper is so.... pretty. I thought he was a girl. You don't have to learn a lot of sign language, Angelina. Just need to know the signs for "food" and "share!" and "thank you".
Or maybe if we can teach him to read my mind....har har har *evil laughs*
They say when one of the senses is less than perfect, the other senses are heightened, don't they? ;)
I think Casper is beautiful. And those blue eyes... dreamy. And he's quite regal, too, isn't he?
A perfect match for your queenly self, me thinks!
Aunty Pat,
Hmmm...people say you won't know a male until you've lived under the same roof as him. But can't live with him until we're legally married. What if he's a royal pain? Aaaarrrgggghhhhh.... purrr...meow!
Dear Angelina
Much as I am happy that you have met Casper, romantic me still believes that Brad is the one for you.
Even if Casper looks cool and cannot hear us ladies nag and nag, I still love Brad who look fitter (Casper er...looks a tad too well fed ler)and much more dashing...
Sorry sweetheart...to me - loyalty matters. Nick and I still choose Brad!!
Take care and have a great day!
Aunty Paula,
But Brad is my slave...Queens don't marry their slaves, right? Right? purrrr....meow!
No Brad in top 3? slaves will treat her queen well what...
but whoever is d "chosen one", when r u sending us the invtn card?..hehehe...
What invitation card? Haven't decided on anything yet. purrr....meow!
Dear Angelina
It is still my dream that you and Brad will purr happily ever after...
The one who is enslaved to you such as Brad must love you to bits with deep devotion...
Call me a hopeless romantic!
Aunty Paula,
You're indeed a hopeless romantic. Keep on dreaming....har har har *evil laughs*
Cat..luckily my male cat kat rumah dah tukar nama ke Cashper..otherwise associated with your fiancee punya nama and yang selalu put a deaf ear to your teasings and naggings..yeow!
Yummy Mummy,
In your household, it's Cashper who's having a whale of a time. Three girls...ooops...four incl Banun, at his beck and call. purrr....meow!
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