Yeehah!!! World Cup is over and done with. So, no more watching the idiot box at un-Godly hours. Yeah, there's still Tour de France live telecast but we're not into cycling. Yet.
My Mama has other ideas though. I'm really really glad coz I've been begging to spend time outdoors though it's like 5-7deg Celcius out there. Angelina can stay home as she's still hibernating. Yeah, it's amazing how much a girlcat can sleep. Does she think that she's Sleeping Beauty?
Oh, but I digress. Anyway, Mama plans to take me to the city. Just us. Mother and son outing. so excited.

Dell: Grrrrr,why is mamason unlike your mama. So kedekut.Never bringing me to garden n outdoor even in small town Kangar. Yang dia tau suruh kami main kat belakang rumah.Oh my , the odour!
Dell dear,
Come live with me. Maybe we can swap Angelina with you... hmmm... what say you? I'll share the magnums with you too. har har har *evil laughs*
Go get one big bucket of icy cold water and pour it over Angelina. It's about time she realizes she's not a bear...
Aunty Pi,
Why should we wake her up? Let her be. Am I not more fun to have around? har har har *evil laughs*
How can anything as gorgeous as you have an evil laugh, dear Brad? I think you're just not into cycling because your legs can't reach the pedals yet. Fishing's another story. You can just swipe the fish with your paws and claw one up for yourself, can't you?
If Angelina is asleep, that means more fish for you, right? Excellent!
What can I do, for I am blessed with four short legs. So, yup, no cycling. As for fishing, it's easier doing it in the Sydney Fish Market.
Gorgeously evil,
har har har *evil laughs*
Au and Target,
Correcto! Let sleeping cats lie, eh? har har har *evil laughs*
me too.. is not into cycling..
Wonder what's Paul the Octopus is gonna do after worldcup?BTW, do cats eat octopus?? I am sad that World Cup is over. No more wakawaka..and bomoh Afrika
Great photos. Can we monyets come there, pleaseeeee?
as a tourism ambassador, can u sneak me in as part of ur entourage?..hehe..
love the photos!
Can you fish samson fish at the harbour?
TK Sensei,
I'm sure OctoPaul is getting a much deserved rest. All that prediction activities must be exhausting for him. What more with all those death threats he's been getting - paella, sambal, curry, stir fry, inked, BBQ etc etc. I think the Spaniards should rescue him. har har har *evil laughs*
Your Royal Highness,
Please, come. All monyets are welcome. There's plenty of banana for everyone here or else we'll just import from Queensland, OK? har har har *evil laughs*
Of course you can. It will only cost you an arm and a leg. I'm the best tourist guide around, y'know! har har har *evil laughs*
Ayoh Wang,
Samson fish? Hmmm...will have to google that first. har har har *evil laughs*
Hey Brad...u know, those pictures you posted reminds me of the hit drama series "Nur Kasih". I believe some scenes in the drama was shot at the park.
Angie still sleeping? U sure you didn't like dope her or sumthing?? Behave Brad....she's Ms Jolie you know *cruel laughs*
Samson fish are known to be swimming in the same group as the Delilahs...ok?
No need to go look in the encyclop., just ask me...hehe!
I hope to go to Sydney some time soon. With the kids, of course. Will do the budgeting and scheduling for 2011 first. Could you lend me a paw?
Aunty Kay,
Errr...what's this Nur Kasih thingy? Sorry...I don't have access to soap operas, in any language. Mama's more strict than the Censor Board...sigh...
Angelina's looooong sleep is by her own choosing. She said this winter is too cold for her. So, she'd prefer to conserve her energy. See you in spring, she said. har har har *evil laughs*
Aunty Naz,
You coming here? Woohoo!!! Pucuk dicita ulam mendatang, kecik tapak kaki Olympic Park Brad tadahkan...just say the word. We'll create an itinerary for you. har har har *evil laughs*
Samson & Delilah is, by the way, an award winning Aussie film about the life of the First Australians (PC for aborigines), in the same ilk of The Ten Canoes, I think.
The film star,
Opps! *aborigine* is not PC? Since when? Please update.
The term is still widely used in popular anthro articles!
Aunty Naz,
The more widely used term nowadays is First Australians - in recognition of the aborigines as the original owners of the land. Apparently, calling someone an "abo" can be defined as racist. But it's good though that finally something is being put right. har har har *evil laughs*
The anthropology prof,
There's a wide spread arrogance in academia still. Many recent articles still refer to the non-PC term.
But then again, many people still believe in the myth of the lazy native. So...
Aunty Naz,
Perhaps it's not arrogance but ignorance. The term First Australians have only been introduced recently. Maybe has not caught on elsewhere. Even then, there are still many red necks in this country who refuse to acknowledge the original owners of this land. Remember, they were shot on sight when Capt Cook first landed and then systematically "tamed" over the years. The climax was in the 1950s where native mothers were declared unfit mothers and their children taken away and forced to live among White people. It's only recently that the government has said "sorry" to the natives but the harm done to that lost generation was tremendous.
The aspiring Prof,
Dear Brad,
Can I come over when I am utterly tired and too worked up...Sydney looks lovely and it has been 39 years since I have been to Australia...Would love to check out Hobart and your friend - The cat and The Fiddle.
Alas, I have 5 princesses and Cruikshanks to leave them. Oh yes, Uncle Rudi too. Who's going to make his coffee every morning?
A dream remains a dream?
I feel like getting away...What say you? Your Mom?
Aunty Ninot,
If there's a will, there's a way. Strike a deal with Uncle Rudi. 1. He's gonna have to take care of Cruikshank and the 5 kids, 2. He's gonna have to make his own coffee for a while. Promise him that you'll return a better person coz you've been recharged after visiting your tanah tumpah darah.... Oh yes, we'd love to return to Hobart too. Spring or summer should be wonderful. Not too cold then to sit in the piazza/atrium at the Cat & Fiddler. har har har *evil laughs*
I am turning 'har har har "evil laugh" too.
A plan is unfolding....
Aunty Ninot,
Ooooo....I'd love to be your partner in crime. har har har *evil laughs*
Great Sydney shots and great blog. My blog is all about Sydney.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
Hie J Bar! Welcome to my wicked wicked world. har har har *evil laughs*
Hey... the ferry looks almost like penang ones!!! I think...
By the way, you look just like my bro's sweetheart, so adorable. She decided to pass her s***l in his car (luckily on the rubber "lapik kaki") when he brought her home to kl. But he didn't mind, he still drove with her sleeping on his lap!!
Mother of Ilham,
No. This ferry doesn't carry vehicles so nothing like Penang one. Really? Your bro's sweetheart looks like me? Still single? har har har *evil laughs*
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