Greetings cat lovers of the world!
Today, Professor Dr Angelina will give a lecture on cat grass or Dactylis glomerata. It is also known as cocksfoot and has been used as food for cattle and sheep in some parts of Australia.
Today, Professor Dr Angelina will give a lecture on cat grass or Dactylis glomerata. It is also known as cocksfoot and has been used as food for cattle and sheep in some parts of Australia.
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Prof Dr Angelina giving a lecture on cat grass in her Garden in the Sky. |
The young shoots of cat grass supply cats with a ready supply of essential vitamins and minerals often missing from the diet of cats who spend a lot of time indoors. (you know...felines like yours truly and the Three Mousecateers - Brad, Pingu and Ginger)
All cats should seek out and eat this grass for its nutritional properties. As well as a dietary supplement, cat grass is also a natural aid for hairball removal. If you have loads of hair ball in your tummy, eating the grass will induce vomit and voila...all the hair balls will come out. (... my Mama can save some money, not having to buy Laxatone for me)
Our pot of cat grass took a beating during winter but it looks OK now. |
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We bought this at the pet shop - the whole caboodle. |
Attentive students. They don't have a garden back home and are so enjoying ours now. |
pernah kucing saya termakan rmput yg baru di racun oleh jiran sebelah rumah. nasib baik saya perasan. org tua2 kata beri minum air kelapa.
jenuh juga bg di aminum. nasib baik tak apa2.
dan seekor kucing saya juga pernah mati tiba-tiba tanpa di ketahui puncanya dan di jumpai di rumah jiran yg sama. =((
Something new that I learnt today, thank you for the lecture Prof!
I *heart* this post for its creative approach, content and fantastic pics!!!
Hip hip hurray for Angelina!!
TQ, Prof! :)
Did you go to Catbridge for your doctorate?
salam CAt..
nowonder ur cats look superb..
makan cat grass rupanyer.... =)
Si Tedi,
One of Mama's friend has a nasty neighbour who poisoned her cats. Nasty people are everywhere. That's why Mama keeps us all indoors. purrr....meow!
Glad you find the information useful, Ma'am. purrrr....meow!
Aunty Paula,
Hip! Hip! Hurray! (2,000x) tired after 3x. purrr....meow!
Aunty Naz,
Catbridge? Oh yes. At the Kuching campus. purrr....meow!
Aunty Nur,
Yeah...the grass makes us healthy. Awet muda too, OK? purrr...meow!
Thank you professor, now i know why my cat ate grass when i was small :))
Ahh.. your students are so cute !!
Thank you for the wonderful lecture.
Now I know the scientific name for the grass. Also why my cats seemed to love eating grass at this particular corner in our backyard. Mystery solved! :)
It's Yakkk !!! but it's great for us, my mom got those cat grass for me too.But my mom have to make a wish " No throw up indoor " : )
Mother of Ilham,
Now you know. Glad to be of service, Ma'am. purrr....meow!
Aunty Nana,
So next time you see the cats munch grass, don't panic, OK? purrr....meow!
Mr Puddy,
My Mama would be so annoyed when we head straight for the grass first thing in the morning, before we even have breakfast. Puke on the floor? Oh, that's a no-no too over here but good excuse for Mama to clean the floor often, eh? purrr....meow!
Hello Prof, your doctorate ni betul punya ke, tipu punya like that Malaysian singer? ;)
Aunty Pi,
Buat apa nak tipu...dosa tau! Mine is honorary. Kucing je yang layak. purrr....meow!
It's good for dogs, too? I must get me some!
And, as usual I am a bit late, and so missed your 200th post) but let me first to wish you 'Congrats' on your 201st post ;)
Hello Prof, doctorate nih dapat dari mana ya? *evil laugh*
Anyway, thanks for the info. Very very useful. I would like to love to see Miss Kate eat grass. *evil laugh*
Do you know if I can get these in KL?
Looks like lemongrass la..hehe
I love the last photo..tiutnya dorang.
Toffee beware! Aunty Pat wants to feed you grass! purrr....meow!
Andrea dear,
The doctorate is an honorary one from Catbridge Uni, Kuching campus. Oh, my Mama once asked staff of a fairly large pet shop in KL if they sell cat grass. The "very knowledgeable" staff's response: Cats don't eat grass. Will be awhile before you see Ms Kate eat grass. purrrr....meow!
TK Sensei,
Cats love lemongrass too. My bro Tom would sometimes forage in Mama's fridge or shopping bag to find lemongrass. Mama grew the cat grass to actually stop me from attacking her lemongrass clump. purrr....meow!
My cats love the cat grass! Yummy!!!
now cats think they are cows ! Leave some grass for the cattle, pls.
hehe my cat suka betul kalau nampak i bawak grass ni untuk dorang.. tapi tak tahu kenapa tanam tak banyak sangat yang hidup.. i beli from pet shop dia kasi instruction in language yang i tak boleh baca, japanese if im not mistaken..
btw, salam kenal...
nice blog u have here.. :)
Angie dear,
Cosmo, Phoebe and Saffy are my kind of felines.... purrr....meow!
Lady of Leisure,
Hey...welcome to my crazy world. Mama said maybe she should start this cat grass business. At least ours come with instructions in English. purrr....meow!
Your Royal Monyetness,
What we're having are leftovers from the cows. purrr....meow!
We love steaks,
Angelina, Brad, Pingu & Ginger
i just noticed u hv feline family in malaysia. hw r they doing?
Aunty Wawa,
They are doing fine especially as Dad spoilt them rotten. Wait till we all live under one roof....purrr....meow!
thanks Dr Angelina ;)
tp kan aunty meow tanam cat grass ni tak penah hidup hahaha...
Aunty Meoww,
Maybe you don't have 'green' thumb. Hmmm....OK, paint your thumb green (use anything - paint, marker, food colouring) and then replant. Should work. purrr....meow!
wow ! I didn't know we can plant this ! Hmm... *business ideas popping up* I could be cat grass farmer ! And I'll plant catnips too, so I can sell cat grass and become cats' drugs dealer at the same time Mwahaha ...
Tante Sandy,
We've planted catnip and catmint too but somehow they're harder to cultivate. purrr...meow!
Thank you for the lesson, dear Dr Angelina! My Rowdies would love some but I can't find the seeds here. I grew them a pot of wheatgrass for Christmas 3-4 years ago. Within hours, they munched the poor plant down to its roots. Chloe loved the gift best of all. She knocked the pot over and rolled in the soil. It was a Messy Christmas.
Thanks to Prof Dr Angelina. Now I know the scientific name the cat grass.
Sekarang Aunty faham kenapa arwah nenek Aunty kata kuching makan rumput untuk menjaga kesihatannya.... kat sini tak payah tanam rumput tu!!! Tumbuh sendiri kat halaman rumah ...
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