Mama: We haven't been to the city for ages.
Dad: True. So, let's go.
Mama: Car or train?
Dad: Train. Don't fancy traffic jams and besides, parking rates are atrocious.
Mama: Where in the city?
Dad: We'll just buy a round ticket so we can hop on and off.
Mama: OK. The kids?
Dad: Not allowed on the train, unfortunately.
Mama: Too bad, kids. You stay at home today. Angelina, keep an eye on the boys.
So, where did they go?
Next stop: Darrell Lea chocolate shop, just opposite the street from the Mac shop. Just look at their window display....yummm.... |
![]() |
Then they checked out what's playing at the State Theatre. It's summer now so people wear shorts everywhere. |
Magnificent lobby of the theatre. So ornate and decorative. |
Interesting perspective of the Sydney Tower. One day, I'll climb it....with my claws. |
Lunch was fresh seafood at The Galleries Victoria food court. |
Opera House (photo taken from from inside the train). |
Harbour Bridge and ferry terminal (photo taken from inside the train). |
Central Station - the train usually stops here longer than at other stations. Patience..... |
Mama and Dad came back in the late afternoon. Babysitting those boys was tedious. purrr....meow!
what a lovely trip your Mom and Dad had!!!
Ohhhh I bet there is a new laptop in your Mom's future!
The chocolate looked divine!
We have a "State" theatre here too....yours is simply gorgeous!
I can't think of a better lunch than fresh seafood!! (I know you agree!)
Are you getting ready for Oprah's big visit?
Aunty Caren,
We already have two new MacBooks in the household. Mama's salivating over the 27" iMac desktop....and Dad's thinking of swapping his old iPhone with the new one. There's a sale on.....Oprah's visit? Gosh! Everyone's talking about it. purrr....meow!
Nice trip, no "wish you were here" for me?
and of chocolates...hehe..
p/s - tak tidor ke..
woooooo hoooooo 27"????? OMC!!! That will be HUGE!!!!
Yeah Oprah mentioned on her show yesterday how she was going to that i am thinking about it...I think that show was a re-run....has she already been there?
How are you going to climb the tower Angelina? You just had your mani/pedi recently, remember??
Your mama and daddy seemed to have great fun there! They may have bought you an early Christmas present! Can it be a new laptop? Or that lovely a big pile perhaps! Shhh...:)
Wish you were here! *chuckles* purrrr....meow!
Aunty Caren,
No, she's not here yet. In about 2 weeks' time, I think. Tickets are sold out though so we'll be snug and comfortable in our living room when the show is on. purrrr....meow!
Mother of Ilham,
Where there's a will, there's a way....Mani/pedi or not. purrrr.....meow!
Aunty Nana,
Shhhh.....or a diamond and ruby collar?....shhhhh....!!!! purrrr....meow!
ohhhhh she will be there for Christmas then!!!! (or right around that time!) How cool!!!!
iphone murah x kat sana? hehe
cantiknya header, i loike!
Lovely to have a day in the city. And it looks so clean!
AUnty Caren,
She'll certainly cause traffic havoc! purrr...meow!
Aunty Meoww,
I didn't ask my Mama about any prices. I'm just hoping that she'll buy me something..... purrr....meow!
Au and Target,
That was last week - blue skies and everything nice. It's been raining non-stop since Sunday night so we haven't been out at all. purrr....meow!
What!! are you going to have flash flood also (from you last comment)?
Did mama get anything from the choc shop?! Wanna share?
Thanks for sharing - you guys are great Ambassadors for Oz!
Love your pics! What camera did your mama use?
Take care!
What a lovely city jaunt! All those lovely things in the shops! All those famous Sydney landmarks! You are a good tourism ambassador for Australia, you witty kitty!
So, did your mama buy you anything Angelina for babysitting the boys?
ha ha ha... the cats got left at home. padan muka.
Looks like your mom and dad was having lots of fun ! I miss Sydney ^^ , I hope I can go there again
Ayoh Wang dear,
The rain and storm did create havoc in some parts of the city. Luckily not where we live. We have all sorts here - wind, storm, hailstorm, dust storm, storm in a tea cup....purrr....meow!
Aunty Pat,
I'll take you to that choc shop....yummm..... purrr....meow!
Aunty Paula,
Mama says it's not the camera, it's who's behind the camera.....har har har *evil laughs*
Wish you were here....purrr....meow!
Aunty Pi,
I'm not materialistic. As long as I got TLC from my Mama.....*winks* purrrr....meow!
Your Royal Monyetness,
Well, someone has to keep an eye on those rowdy boys. And I don't want to distract the train driver with my good know... purrrr....meow!
Tante Sandy,
Wish you were here have fun with my Mama and Dad. purrr....meow!
What a wonderful day! I would love to visit Sydney someday. That chocolate looks amazing...yummmm!!!
Angie dear,
We love the prospect of Angelina meeting Angie someday.... purrr....meow!
Wow! what a responsible and reliable cat-sitter you are, Angelina. I am sure Mama would be able to go out dating with Papa more often now that there is someone to harap jaga budak at home. *evil laugh*
As if you don't know my style, Andrea. Babysitting is easy when you let everyone knows any misbehaviour will get a mighty "penamPAW!" purrrr.....meow!
Hi Cat, love the pics....and I guess you going to get an apple for your birthday, *wink*.
First time seeing these beautiful pics of where you going into Summer I guess as we heading into Winter.
Love the beautiful Your mama smoked her credit cards? Ha ha. Lee.
omg..the chocolate! I wish I could be there too..berangan.
I want the chocolate! Rugi tau kucing tak makan coklat!
Uncle Lee,
Not Mama. Dad smoked his credit cards. Wish you were here... purrrr....meow!
TK Sensei,
Yummm....choc choc choc....yummmm..... purrr.....meow!
How I wish I was there.... Our favorite place is The Opera House. The first time we visited Sydney, we walked all the way from Pit Street up to Circular Quay!!
Wonder what is for your birthday ....
Aunty Maz,
All I want for my birthday's a secret! purrrr.....meow!
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