In my travels (or adventures), I sometimes come across stuffs that defy logic. Like this padlocked and chained wooden door, for instance. Can someone tell me the market price for a good sturdy door nowadays that the owner secures it thoroughly even though the building it's attached to has no walls?
Front/Outside |
Back/Inside |
Angelina's note: Am confused. The human mind is too complicated. purrr....meow!
eh sesekali nak gak tgk mama angelina ni berposing ;)
hehehe..I thot there was a small store room behind that door.
mmmm...the door must be worth something then.. :-)
Aunty Meoww,
My Mama prefers to be behind the camera. purrr...meow!
Eh, you're in the property industry. You may know prices of doors. purrr...meow!
MOL..This is funny !
Door was locked but no wall : )
Mr Puddy,
Humans are funny, eh? purrr....meow!
Ada dinding tu... invisible...
Aunty Pi,
Kat Perak je ada Dinding tu. Hak ni Penang.... purrr....meow!
....definitely not wall street! really made me laugh! very funny..So confusing..
Actually the whole house is invisible except for the door!
Aunty Naz,
Wall St? NYC? Streets ice cream I Magnum... yummm.... purrr...meow!
TK Sensei,
Maybe...just maybe...kena sorok bunian kot? purrr....meow!
Funny & confusing!! Could it be someone stole the walls & couldn't steal the door coz it was locked? He..he.. csi team :D
Mother of Ilham,
Good thinking, Watson! (kena lafaz stiff upper lip ala ala Sherlock Holmes gitu). purrr....meow!
the house behind the door has been stolen or destroyed by some mad cats
Your Royal Monyetness,
Mad cats? Didn't see any. But met some monyets there (see previous entry). purrrr....meow!
Most observant of you, Angelina!! Perhaps it is a tgrap to lure drunken burglars...???? :-)
Take care and have a great week!
itu menunjukkan keadaan dhaif orang yg duduk di situ atau saja gimik eh? *confused*
Hi! I noticed your comment at Caren and Cody's place and headed over! So nice to meet you. Do you know about the cat blogosphere? Bet you'd find alot of friends there!
Angie, you are definitely a lot smarter than the person who locked that door! sure deserve that Prof title! ;)
Aunty Gina,
ROTFLOL!!!!! purrrr....meow!
Aunty Paula,
You's like that door in Stargate Atlantis? Really? You Penang people sure very advanced one. purrr....meow!
Aunty Caren,
My first reaction exactly. purrrr.....meow!
There are several nice houses in that area so can't be kedhaifan. purrr....meow!
Hie Fin!
Welcome to my crazy world. I've been on and off cat blogosphere. That's how I met Cody and Aunty Caren. You be my friend too, OK? purrr....meow!
Aunty Nana,
Thanks for your compliments. *blush* purrrr.....meow!
Geez, I don't get it either! If it were an arty-farty place, I would hazard a guess that someone though it was art saying something profound! But it isn't, so it isn't! Hehehehe!
Lol ! True , humans are illogical and weird ! But I'd so steal that door, my bathroom door has termites so I need to get it replaced asap. Better if it's free ^^
Aunty Pat,
You mean like an art installation? Hmmm.....what d'ya could be right. purrr....meow1
Tante Sandy,
It was padlocked and chained! Not that easy to steal. purrr....meow!
angelina, i love love love yr new blog lay out, tulang2 ikan yg comel hehe
Lady of Leisure,
I'm just reusing and recycling bones of the fish I've eaten. Quite a lot for just four years. purrrr....meow!
Hanya Tuhan dan pemilik pintu itu sahaja yg tahu apa fungsinya!
Aunty Ahan,
Humans.....! purrrr...meow!
I had to giggle at this one! Ooooh we must find more such "Only In Malaysia" situations to photograph! What a well-secured door! I wonder if it is a gateway to another dimension!
Twilight Zone moment? purrr....meow!
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