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Kiss the Cook? Oooohhh....YES!!!! (pix from Uncle Google) |
We tried Curtis' Mango Glazed Salmon
Ingredients (to serve 8):
3/4 cup white wine vinegar (we used balsamic vinegar)
1 tbsp pure honey
1 tbsp ginger, finely chopped (we grated it instead)
1 mango, peeled, pitted and cut into large chunks
1 tbsp lime juice
1 tsp soy sauce
1 1/2 tsp coriander, chopped finely
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
8 x 170g salmon fillets, skin removed
1. To make glaze: place vinegar and honey in a medium saucepan, over a medium heat. Cook until honey has dissolved and liquid has thickened slightly, about 2 mins.
2. Add ginger and mango. Bring to low simmer and continue cooking another 5-7 mins, or until softened.
3. Remove from heat and transfer contents of saucepan to a blender. Process until a smooth puree forms. Set aside to cool. Once cooled, season with lime juice and soy sauce, and fold in coriander.
4. Preheat grill to high and line a medium baking tray with foil.
5. In a large saute pan, heat olive oil over high heat.
6. Season salmon with salt and pepper. Place in pan, flesh side down, and cook until golden brown, about 15secs. Flip over to sear other side for another 10secs.
7. Immediately transfer salmon, flesh side up, to baking tray lined with foil, and coat with mango glaze.
8. Place tray in oven under grill and cook approximately 5 mins, or until salmon is just done and glaze starts to brown. Transfer salmon to a plate and let rest 2 mins.
9. To serve, transfer fish to platter and serve with sides.
Our version....we used cutlets instead of fillets. |
Burp...(excuse me!) It was delicious! yummmmyyyy.....Curtis would be so proud of me. |
Hi Angelina, Curtis Stone is another chef that I quite like too. The recipe looks yummy. Love the sweetness from the mango and the tartness from the lime juice combo. I trust you when you said that it was delicious. Makes me hungry for my dinner now. But.....so leceh lah nak masak dia - nak blend lah, nak saute lah, nak grill lah. Aiyoo...me not rajin like your Mama lah.
Aunty Gina,
Trust me! It's so easy. And the taste was worth the trouble. My Mama said next time kalau ada makan-makan with friends at home, she's going to cook one whole fish. Woohoo! I like! purrrr....meow!
woow ! big fish...Yummy ! Yummy !
I've never tried any of Curtis Stone's recipes - maybe because I've seldom paid much attention: he's toooo distracting!
His Dishiness! Hahahaah! I like :)
Mr Puddy,
Come share my fish! purrrr....meow!
Aunty Pat,
Oooh....I get full just by looking at him. Wow! Isn't that a good way to lose weight? Don't eat, just look at Curtis. But he is dishy, isn't he? purrrr.....meow!
Quit your day dreaming Angelina!!! Why don't you sit on Ilham's lap instead... you will have better luck !!
Ilham can take a number. He's still young, maybe in 20 years' time? Curtis is for the present. purrrr.....meow!
Errr... you used fork and spoon to eat???
since I've heard of him and watched his programmes, I read this post..haha
ish ish..why didn't u invite me..i love salmon..mmm
Curtis Stone is all very nice and cute but I find his meals a bit too .... how shall I say it? Simple? Plain? As with other cooks like Jamie Oliver, their recipes are to "kelentong orang puteh". It would never satisfy an Asian palatte.
I can has fish? Meow?
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Coooooooddd!!! Why didn't you tell me he was being featured on your blog today???
The hell with the recipe.........just give me the CHEF........in NOTHING....BUT.......his APRON
Dell : My mum cant cook that smart.What she gives us are ikan goreng pagi petang.Bosanlah.
Hi Cat, Curtis WHO?
Never heard of that bloke, mate.
Tell me Madona I sure know. Or JLo. Ha ha.
But that ikan looks good...
But I bet your Mom anytime can sapu him masuk back pocket, ha ha.
G'day, mate.
Aunty Pi,
And who says cats can't use fork and spoon? We're a cultured lot, you know.... purrr....meow!
@Covert Operations...his food might be too "plain" for an Asian Pallet (sp?) but the rest of him would satisfy my dirty old American woman pallet just fine! hehehe!
Mama only cooked two cutlets. So, just enough for her and me. Sorry....next time, OK? purrr....meow!
Well, that's the main reason we like Curtis. His simple and plain food. Well, besides the fact that he's Australia's best looking export (OK....besides Nicole, Naomi, Russell, Heath etc). The complicated dishes we attempt once in a blue moon, or when we entertain. We can't all eat asam pedas or rendang everyday....purrr....meow!
Sir Pok Deng,
Hey! Welcome to my crazy world. Sorry...no more fish. It's all gone. Into me. purrr...meow!
Aunty Caren,
Shhhh....calm down! We don't need to alert you, we know you'll find your way here. You want the chef? Err....take a number. I'm very possessive. purrr....meow!
Purrrlease tell Mamason, sesekali ubahlah selera. purrr....meow!
@Cat-In-Sydney....yeah, yeah....whatever! I know, you have squatter's rights since you are both Aussies!!! :(
Uncle Lee,
I'd be worried if you go for blokes who can cook, like this Curtis. He's a true blue Aussie like me. In USA, he's in this program called Take Home Chef where he'll pick a family at the supermarket, follow them home and cook for them. I'd like to be picked by him, very much. purrr.....meow!
Whoa! Aunty Caren! Curtis might read this! har har har *evil laughs*
mesti sedap sgt tuh huhu..
Aunty Meoww,
Lapar pun ye... purrr....meow!
oh goody!!!!!!!!!!!! I can only pray that he does!!!!
Did you know that he is on a show here in the U.S. on Sunday nights? It is a new show....just love him!
Sorry to say my interest in cooking goes as far as how to boil eggs. That is bad enough.
That good looking chef..I sure watch him at Astro AFC selalu but so far I have never tried his recipe. Tengok dia je..dahlah handsome pandai masak..
Amboi..kucing kalau dah dapat ikan...careful nanti tercekik tulang!
Aunty Caren,
Interestingly, none of the Aussie channels show any of his shows! Except for guest appearances in Masterchef Australia, that is. But he's the face for Coles, a supermarket chain, so we get to see him often. Imagine, waiting for an adv just so we get to see him? People in Malaysia are luckier. At least he's on cable TV. purrr....meow!
Dear Pakcik,
At least you can boil eggs. har har har *evil laughs*
TK Sensei,
What would you do if he's cooking in your kitchen? Mau terpotong jari masa motong2 sayur ke, bawang ke.... purrr....meow!
I can't believe it! you poor thing!!
the new show is on Sunday nights here at 8pm. I think it is called "The Next Great Restaurant" or something like that. I saw it for the first time last week and I loved it!
Curtis is one of the judges for the people vying to have their own restaurant. (the people competing aren't necessarily chefs, they just have an idea for a restaurant and have others execute it)
I will think of you every Sunday when I watch him :)
*tummy growls* Grrrr-eeeyyeeekkk-cccckkk-rrrr!!!
~Slash & Bronzy
Ooh that looks so yummyyyy !!! I haven't had my breakfast and super hungry now.. can't wait for lunch time +_+ I'd like to try this recipe but I might try a more economical version so it's cheaper.
Aunty Caren,
Thanks for your thoughts. Wish we can watch that show too. purrr....meow!
Slash & Bronzy,
Y'all love salmon too? Join the club. purrr....meow!
Tante Sandy,
I guess you can substitute the salmon with some other fish. Anything with soft flesh I guess. purrr....meow!
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