Once upon a time there was a kitten. He got lost in a neighbourhood in Sydney, Australia and was picked up by strangers. Their kindness made him want to stay with them forever. Alas...it wasn't to be. His forever home was somewhere else....where he had to share a forevermom with another feline. A green-eyed beauty named Angelina who called him her slave....
Then one day his Mama decided to return to her homeland..but not without her Aussie kitties. Thus, began his journey to Malaysia...a land so far away from where he was born....and to begin his life with four other cats. Finally, he found acceptance. His new furblings embraced him and freed him from slavery. Thus, the new Brad Pitt was born. Grown up, confident, manly. Har har har *evil laughs*
How do you like the story so far, peeps? And what's the double surprise, you asked?
Well, surprise #1 is, it's Brad blogging here. Not Angelina. She decided that since July is my gotcha month, she'll let me host this site while she hibernates. Hmmm...yeah...this is the tropics, no winter here, so.... Well, she's the princess aka diva aka drama queen. If she says she wants to hibernate, let her be. I'm not complaining.
Surprise #2, we have visitors from Australia!!!! Remember the family who always babysat us whenever Mama was away? They came all the way from Sydney to celebrate my gotcha day! Uncle Is, Aunty If, Kakak and Akim came and made my day. I wish they had brought my buddies Pingu and Ginger too but you know...immigration, customs....human rules....
So, anyway, Mama prepared food for everyone. Just like the good old days.
Oh yeah....the gotcha boy and his band of admirers....yeah...right! |
Uncle Is and Aunty If...I love you guys! Please come visit us again! |
Kakak and Akim eating. Hey...I helped Mama cook! |
Nikki was popular with everyone! |
Et tu, Kakak? |
Our breakfast the next day.....leftover curry noodles.... |
Brad's note: I don't really know how long Angelina will be hibernating. She hasn't issued any copy of the contract. In the mean time, enjoy your time with me. har har har *evil laughs*
Brad, you handsome mancat, we're thrilled to spend some time with you!
Once again, Mommy wishes she was there to join you for a meal.
Hi Brad, nice to see Angelina has allowed you some blogging time. Make the most of it buddy. You know what women are!!!! Your pal Austin >^..^<
It's great that you had such special guests on your birthday!
Nubbin wiggles,
Happy Gotcha Month, Brad!! What a fun surprise you got a company from Sydney to celebrate your gotcha day. The dishes look so yummy. I look forward to seeing your posts while Angelina is hibernating :-)
Hi Cat, wow! I love that curry noodles....So much too on the table.
I guess I have no problems clearing off 2 bowls, ha ha.
If and when I balek kampong ada chance get jemput to eat this? I promise to eat only 2 bowls. Ha ha.
Have fun, and nice pics of the relatives.
As long as you are not the one getting gotchad Brad... Merajuk ker Angelina ...?
Lounge Felines,
Yeah....it's great to be back. Angelina has been so stingy with blogging time. Hogging it all year round. I'll do my best this time around. purrrr....meow!
Yo Austin! Wanna help me babysit Seb? This boy is a handful indeed. I wish Angelina would hibernate forever. har har har *evil laughs*
Hey Oskar! It was pawesome! Mama didn't tell they were coming...just that she was busy at the kitchen. Suddenly they turned up at the door. I was thrilled. har har har *happy laughs*
Tamago san,
You must come visit me too. What do you fancy? Soba? Uson? Ramen? I loooove tempura....and why are taking about food? Am hungry now. har har har *evil laughs*
Uncle Lee,
Just tell me when you're coming. Noodles, no problem! We'll also make chili crab, ikan sumbat sambal for you. Don't worry, we'll prepare kain sarong for you. har har har *evil laughs*
Aunty Yatt,
Angelina who? Don't you know that she usually hibernates this time of the year as it's winter Down Under. Old habits die hard, they say. har har har *evil laughs*
Nice to know more about you!
Brad we ALWAYS enjoy our time with you!!
How wonderful to have company for a Gotcha Day!!!
I am gonna get on my mom...no one comes to see ME on MY Gotcha Day!!!
Aunty Marilia,
I don't get to tell my story often as Angelina always hog the limelight. har har har *evil laughs*
Hmmm....come on! You know that I'm a chick magnet....that's why people travel 4,000 miles to come see me. har har har *evil laughs*
They say time with good friends is priceless.. is it the same for cats too?
Hi Brad! Hepi hybernating to Angelina..Mmm..nak mee kari tu!!! Looks delicious!
Best kan bila orang datang jauh-jauh jumpa kita? Kita rasa macam nak cook up a storm to make them feel welcome!
Speaking of that, bila nak singgah Kuantan?
Ayoh Wang,
Cats have feelings too....we remember kindness as well as badness that people show to us. har har har *evil laughs*
TK Sensei,
Ke mana lama menghilang? Nak mee kari? Datanglah sini. har har har *evil laughs*
Aunty Ahan,
Will you cook up a storm for me too? Bukan jauh sangat nak ke Kuantan tu..... har har har *evil laughs*
Better, et tu Kakak than Brutus...heehee.
Nikki you are so beaituful and very patient too!
Happy Gotcha month Tom! You landed in a wonderful home :)
the critters in The Cottage xo
P.S. We need to borrow your Mama for some decent , delicious meals! LP's cooking skills lack EVERYTHING!! :P
Cottage Felines,
Errr....I'm Brad, not Tom! Tom is my brofur who had gone to the Rainbow Bridge in March.....oh no.....mention his name and Mama goes leaky eyed.....sigh.....
Mama says she may run cooking classes for free for all meowmummies and meowdaddies. Any takers? har har har *evil laughs*
Oopsies! Sorry Brad! We meant Happy Gotcha Month to you Brad but I guess we still have Tom on our minds...sorry to make your Mama have leaky eyes...
the critters in The Cottage xo
Of course I will dear! Even if its not in my own kitchen! Hehehehe..... evil laugh juga.
Jom lah, bila2 yer!
When exactly is your Gotcha date?
Happy birthday to you and to your lovely mama (do ask her to cook mee kari lebih banyak lagi ehh?)
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