The household now stands at five tabbies and one tuxie. We've had numerous family meetings and everyone's agreed that neither Mama nor Dad has the right to add to this nice even number. That is only fair as all of us have been neutered, eh?
Anyway, during the week before Christmas, Mama took a busload of orphans to a picnic in Janda Baik while Dad and another team from the office went into the jungles to fraternise with the First Malaysians in Raub. Both places are in the state of Pahang. On the way to both destinations, they had a rendezvous at the Genting Sempah R&R to have a drink and ate some roasted chestnuts.
As usual, Mama would choose a stall with the best looking waiters. Better still if the waiters are also big, strong and friendly. However, there's also the danger of her inviting them home. Therefore threatening the cozy existence we have at home.
Anyway, to cut the story short, have a look at this waiter who was very good at his job. Seriously, as if Mama and Dad can't get that kind of lovey dovey at home....
First touching yet....stretch stretch stretch..... |
Then he moves in for a rub a dub.... |
Oh dear...special neck scritches from Dad.... |
Rock a bye kitty... |
Hmmm...Dad, better check your shoes for fleas... |
Mama thinks this "waiter" was abandoned by his hoomans not too long ago as he was very friendly...even allowing tummy tickles and neck scritches. Our hearts go out to him and we are quite happy to see that he looks well fed. As for making him a member of our
ingatkan mama panggil waiter handsome mcm shah rukh khan tu ..
rupanya .. meow juga ..
Oh oh...we are a little afraid for all you kitties....
That's a very smart waiter. Humans are often powerless when it comes to those kinds of tactics.
; ) Katie
Oh the kitty is so friendly and cute! It's sad that he might have been abandoned but glad he gets good amount of food.
Well, you may see him in your home some day? We'll see :-)
It would be tempting but it looks as though your Mama and Papa feel that six is enough!! (For now....heeheehee...)
the critters in the cottage xo
Aw, what a little cutie. Well fed is good. I hope someone is taking care of the sweetie.
Uncle Aby,
Yang ini lagi handsome dari Shah Rukh Khan! Mata biru lagi! purrr...meow!
Thank you for being on our side! Anyway, have a pawesome year ahead. purrrr....meow!
Too smart for my liking, I must say. purrr....meow!
Tamago san,
I'm very territorial!! Mama chatted with some of the cleaners and food stall owners, seems like he's the favorite of many people as he's so well behaved. He should be alright. purrr....meow!
Aunty Marilia,
He has the bluest eyes.....purrr...meow!
Aunty Caren,
NNNNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!! purrrr.....meow!
Cottage Felines,
She keeps saying her all time favorite TV show is Eight is Enough. Is she hinting or what? purrr....meow!
Leo & Star,
He'll be alright though Mama would love to have his balls know what I mean....purrrr....meow!
I agree with you, but if your Mama wants to live up to that Eight is Enough late 70s show, I am sure you will be vetoed.
For Auntie, five + three is enough!
Angelina and everyoneee, happy mew yearrr :D lol lol I still haven't updated my blog, shame on me. I'm going to malaysia agaaiiin on CNY, hope to see your mama if she's around. :D
Aunty Ninot,
You are living up the Eight is Enough life!!! purrrr....meow!
Tante Sandy,
I'll make sure she'll be around! Have a pawesome year!!! purrr...meow!
Those looks like some pawsome squizzles and Christmas sounds fun too.
Wishing you a Meowy New Year! Au, Target and Guido and Ellen aka De Survunt
Furry smart waiter !
I guess your mom and dad gave hinm plenty of tip in form of food :)
Daddy is always be da best for me too : )
Cute post my friend
No, not me. not even a barge pole.
alahai manjanya...geram kalau jumpa kucing manja2 nih rasa cam nak bawak balik jer huhuu
Oh noes! What a lovely cuddly kitty! Let's try to find him a good home! What a good kitty he must be to trust and love people so much despite what his previous caregivers must have done to him!
Hahaha...really one friendly waiter there.
So so friendly and sweet.
Au, Target, Guido & Meowmy E,
Whoa! That waiter was too much. Come on, we have enough boys at home now. No more....purrr...meow!
Kjelle Bus,
He was tipped very generously indeed. purrr...meow!
Puddy boy,
My Mama wouldn't dare show me her photo with the waiter. purrr....meow!
Dear Pakcik,
We'd love to furrify your barge, with or without a pole. purrrr....meow!
Aunty Meoww,
Rasa macam aje OK, tapi jangan bawak balik. purrr...meow!
That's what we call unconditional love. I just wish all hoomans can reciprocate accordingly. purrr...meow!
MKG dear,
Mama kata bila nak dating dengan dia? purrr...meow!
Adan dear,
Too friendly and I'm sweeter....purrr...meow!
Oh my…that indeed is one friendly "waiter." I don't even get that from some of my kitty housemates. I'm always grateful when I meet a friendly (easy) waiter. Hope you will drop by and meet my 8 fur balls at We'll be back to visit you!
Hi Janet! We're used to overfriendly waiters waiting to be picked up by my hoomans.....just hope they don't bring them home. purrr...meow!
Oh! what a nice moment. I love cat. I had a cat.
click here to know more about waiter.
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