Many many moons ago, as I was reaching puberty, my Mama told me that she's picked a wife for me. Well, it wasn't as if I have any say in the matter but as a matter of courtesy, "
I'm just informing you," she claimed.
I wasn't very fussy too knowing my Mama would have selected a suitable bride for me. Just like how she's so fussy in choosing our food and litter material. Sometimes I wonder who's really the fussypot, her or us.
Nicole Kidman, that's her name. My Mama said she's from within the family too. She (Nicole) belongs to my Mama's nephew who was off to college then. I never even knew how she'd look like. Mama said she was pretty. With big blue eyes! Whoa! That set my adrenaline pumping....
We've been married for more than five years now. It may have been an arranged marriage but must say the union has been more than satisfactory. It's going to be the kids' fifth birthday soon. Their birth was the celebration of our love...A marriage made in heaven.
Wouldn't you want to be hooked with her? Those gorgeous blue eyes....
Isn't she lovely....? Seductive too.
Foreplay....teeheehee...she was very playful then. Still is.
This is how Nicole behaved after our "procreation" sessions...aaahhh....
As a responsible father, I had to make sure that the Queen and kittens were OK. We don't want to get into trouble later on, do we?
Nicole and the brood. A tad disappointed that none of them look like me but I guess since Nicole is the more dominant partner in this marriage, oh well....
Everyone was still slim then with Nicole keeping record or everyone's weight.
OMG! Pray tell -- how many cats have you got?
Dear Andrea, in total: one dead and lamented, six still very much alive and kicking! purrrr.......
cute, cute kittens. nak satu, boleh? ;)
Aunty Naz,
Give me your'll never know what will turn up on your doorstep, or who... teeheehee
Indeed, I echo Andrea's cry of surprise!!! So many cats!!!! Wow! And every single one of them is more than beautiful....
I wish I could have one of those adorable kittens.
This is my favorite post. Very well written and with so much feelings too ...almost felt as if it was your kitty talking to me.
Take care and congrats to lovely sexy and elegant Nicole!
Cheers to the mommy and daddy for a job well done!
O Wise Master of the Words,
My Mama would be thrilled to bits. I'm just doing my job in making this world a better place. Have a cat too, Aunty Paula. Then, you'll get the feeling...yeay! purr purr purrr
Ala Tom,
Aunty nak nangis baca kisah cinta you. So sweet...
In a cat's life, 5 years is like what...20 years or maybe 30? Some of us human should take a lesson in commitment from you.
Nicole's a beauty, so stay true!
Hello Cat in Sydney, wow! Kittens! What you going to do with all of them?
They're beautiful.
Love their names too.
You have fun, Lee.
Dear Aunty Anne,
Don't la cry! I have heaps more stories to write about my big family. I'll try to make you smile instead of crying, OK? Nicole says "hi"!
Bruce, you stay away! She's mine and mine only...comprende?
Uncle Lee,
I'm sending you a dozen bottles of ginko biloba. I haven't even told you the kittens' names! heheheh....
Aunty ni mmg la a sucker from Hindustani tear jerkers...nak buat macam mana?
Anyway Bruce said...he doesn't want nicole...he's eyeing his cousin twice removed for fun and procreation, if he only can get to look into her eyes properly and determine if they are really blue. You see she's got heavy bangs and they hide her!
Anyway (Uncle) Lee...don't feel bad about needing ginko biloba...I probably need a 10 litre bottle just to remember everything I need to do today! Gotta run....take care cat!
Dear Aunty Anne,
Don't-lah run away from me.
Tell Bruce, take d girl to a hair salon, lift up her bangs...voila...then can see if her eyes are blue. But, what if her eyes aren't blue? Assignment abandoned?
Super gorgeous Nicole! She looks so soft and warm and cuddly! I'd love to skritch her behind the ears and under her chin! Hugs and Fancy Feast to all of you! Muah muah darling kitties!
We lurve u too....purrr purrr
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