My Mama gets upset when our vet told her we're all overweight. She was told that we need to exercise more.
She brought home a humongous box and asked Dad to help her put it up. We were all curious, of course. Later, after much ruckus, and Dad had to get Uncle A to help him, we saw a green cat tree in the living room. Interesting looking sculpture, I thought. That happened the weekend before last.
Then, yesterday, Mama made a big fuss about how nobody bothers to "use" the tree. Ouw...Mama...don't be a pain. lazy getting out of bed.... stretch...stretch...stretch....zzzz...there I was enjoying a lie-in with Michael. We love Mama's bedroom (it has A/C) and bed too..."
Tom, Michael, everyone, get up! Come exercise. Peel off your tail from wherever you are." Mama in her stern voice interrupting my siesta.
Nikki, get out of that sink! Come join me!I had to do my job as head of the family. Rallying all my family members. I'm not going to venture into this alone, right?
Yours truly sniffing out the scratching post while Nikki climbs to the top. She's quite...errr...agile, my daughter, despite her rather heavy self.
Nikki is the one who uses the gadget the most. Guess she's not afraid of height. lovely wife Nicole, definitely in her element. She's the slimmest in the family.Oh, by the way, the en masse exercise thingy lasted about five minutes....teeheehee
After all those sweating around, a quiet time with Dad is much welcomed. hmmmm...nothing is more comfy than this.
Michael? He didn't even bother getting up. Lazy bum!
Hi Cat-In-Sydney,
Hmmmm...I enjoy my aerobic and yoga 's class very much every monday, tuesday,wednesday and thursday!!!!!!
You should start mowing the lawn. THAT's exercise!
OMG!!! I so love this entry and all the pics. If I were to show them to my kids, I will hear no end to all the nagging!
My kids are lobbying me for a cat now :D
Aunty Sherry,
What? You must be joking? As my son Michael would say, "why sweat?"....
Aunty Pi,
No lawn to mow. We live in the sky. OK, must admit it takes about 20 kitty steps from the bedroom to the kitchen. That's exercise enough for me.
Aunty Naz,
Please oblige them. You'll share the joy too. Alternatively, you all can adopt me too. We can work out some code-sharing thing with my Mama.
what a tweet, tweet entry. Michael! close up that kangkang of yours, you shameless boy!... hahahaha
Aunty Puteri,
What can I say? It's hard to teach these kids manners.
overweight? cant blame u...ur Mama is a good cook. but join d club, i constantly need to be on a diet these days..hehehe..
so what's happening with d tree now? u r not still sniffing it a r u, Tom?
I am so jealous!!! How on earth did you capture all these great shots???
Like Naz, my boy has been badgering me for a cat ever since I started reading your blog. He does too!
I exercise a lot, dearie.
My fingers - on the keyboard LOL!!!
Take care and have fun...
Hello Cat, ha ha, really love your gambars. They're so cute....Lee.
Hi, I breed 11 of your species.. It's a tough job but still we do it relentlessly. LOVE is.. never having to say u r meowry.
Dear Tom,
Nikki and Nicole are stunning! You lucky mancat! Nikki made me laugh because she looked so adorable and funny patting the dangly balls, like she were playing a musical instrument! Aren't you lucky to have such a cool cat tree? We have one too -- I brought it home from the SPCA Charity Shop. Slightly used. Owners decided to give it away because their cat refused to go anywhere near it. So I bought it secondhand, brushed the debris off using a dishwashing brush, cleaned it with a Dettol-soaked rag and let it air dry. My kitties play on it every day. They use it as a launch pad. They climb up to Level 3 and launch themselves off it and right into the middle of the beanbag chair. Woweee! Cannonball Kitties!
Dear Cheqna,
The tree is still standing, one ball missing. I've stopped sniffing it, it's mine anyway, so what's the point? purr.....need to conserve energy for other stuffs like eating, eating and eating...oh, and not forgetting munching.
Aunty Paula aka Masterwordsmith,
You wanna know how I exercise my paws? Ok, first life one paw up, make all claws visible, observe, all claws intact, all nails sharp, now retract. Put paw down, pit head on paw, snooze.....zzzzzzz
Uncle Lee,
Cats are infectious. Too bad about your wife's allergy...
Thanks a zillion for visiting here. You have 11? Wow! I can't imagine the amount of poo you have to scoop everyday. Can start organic kitchen garden with it, you know?
Dear CO78,
Our cat tree is imported from Down Under! Mama doesn't need to carry any clothes in her luggage so have heaps of space for cat stuffs. Have I shown you the oversized tongs she got for us? I'm glad to report Nicole and Nikki are frequent users of the tree.
Nicole & I - ours is an arranged marriage. Must say, made in heaven too...she's not catty at all.
I love that they are so cooperative when it comes to U taking them pics!
mine will just not look at the camera or would just wander away in a haughty manner.
Aunty Ahan,
My Mama's learned a few tricks by watching too much of "It's me or the dog" TV show....
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