You used to be "Tom Kurus" but you are now Tom the Romeow, the Catsanova! Aren't you lucky to have found your Mama? You were well-endowed once, but it had its problems too, didn't it? You are a handsome, healthy and strong cat now, and that is what's important!
Lama aunty tak leave comment. Just like Lee said (that's UNCLE Lee to you, dear) your sense of humour is really humorous! Is that a good phrase, Lee?
Hey, Tom was really skinny then, however can't remember seeing the real Cruise that skinny, hahaha...just being bitchy! I'm sure Tom Kurus likes the joke.
CO78, Tom the Romeow? Catsanova? No way, jose! My Mama picked a bride for me as soon as I reached puberty. That's how I end up with Nicole Kidman. She refuses to take up my family name....females! That "endowment" resulted in three whisketeers five years ago. I had snip snip while Nicole was in confinement. Ooohhh...the kids' birthday coming up soon.
PiPi dear, The weight gain started after the snip snip...have you had it? I was slim and trim when the kits were little coz we played a lot as a family. But's snooze time all the time...meow meow meow....
Aunty Anne, Actually my Mama initially thought that I was a girlcat. She even named me Siti Nurhaliza (LOL!!!!). It lasted for a few hours, that name. Then some ladies at the pet shop where my Mama bought stuffs for me told her otherwise. She was so stressed and couldn't think of suitable male name for me. Then she went to watch a movie - The Last Samurai starring Tom Cruise. See the connection?
Pak Malim leaves comment, while sitting on cement.
These cats are so cute, says Pak Malim while keeping mute.
Hi Cat in Sydney, I love your sense of humour, ha ha, 'Tom Kurus'. Love that.
Thats a real cute cat too.
G'day, Lee.
Pak Malim dear,
Where have you been pal, haven't seen you in a while.
(doesn't really rhyme isn't it?)
Uncle Lee,
Tom Kurus is now "cruise-ing" a very happy more Mr Kurus, now Mr Gemuk! hahahah...too much cooking and eating.
You used to be "Tom Kurus" but you are now Tom the Romeow, the Catsanova! Aren't you lucky to have found your Mama? You were well-endowed once, but it had its problems too, didn't it? You are a handsome, healthy and strong cat now, and that is what's important!
What a handsome cat u turn out to be.
PiPi agrees too.
Being an indoor cat since May, PiPi has put on weight. What does ur Mama feed u Tom?
Hi cat,
Lama aunty tak leave comment. Just like Lee said (that's UNCLE Lee to you, dear) your sense of humour is really humorous! Is that a good phrase, Lee?
Hey, Tom was really skinny then, however can't remember seeing the real Cruise that skinny, hahaha...just being bitchy! I'm sure Tom Kurus likes the joke.
Tom the Romeow? Catsanova? No way, jose! My Mama picked a bride for me as soon as I reached puberty. That's how I end up with Nicole Kidman. She refuses to take up my family name....females!
That "endowment" resulted in three whisketeers five years ago. I had snip snip while Nicole was in confinement. Ooohhh...the kids' birthday coming up soon.
PiPi dear,
The weight gain started after the snip snip...have you had it? I was slim and trim when the kits were little coz we played a lot as a family. But's snooze time all the time...meow meow meow....
Aunty Anne,
Actually my Mama initially thought that I was a girlcat. She even named me Siti Nurhaliza (LOL!!!!). It lasted for a few hours, that name.
Then some ladies at the pet shop where my Mama bought stuffs for me told her otherwise. She was so stressed and couldn't think of suitable male name for me. Then she went to watch a movie - The Last Samurai starring Tom Cruise. See the connection?
HI Cat..
I was supposed to see Datin Mamasita to collect "something"...BUT unfortunately she is not in town now !!! Tak tidur malam i termimpi-mimpi . word veri is bratt!
OK next cat should be called Bratt Poot. Orait?!!!
Aunty Sherry,
Errr...I thought you tak tidur malam sebab teringatkan eh...can speak Melayu pulak! Been eating too much petai, that's why!
Aunty Naz,
Why did you have to bring in that name into this household? Brad is now hibernating Down Under, with Angelina. I've taken over. purrr......
Yours truly,
Tom Cruise (no longer Kurus)
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