As head of the household, I'm supposed to provide for my feline family. At times I'll have to don the chef's hat and cook-up a storm in the kitchen. It's a tough life but I try to be the best, most times.
Cooking is actually very easy. First, must get a human to open the fridge door for you. If I were a Norwegian Forest Cat, perhaps I can open it myself but since I'm a non-pedigree, albeit a bit overweight, it would be impossible for me, right? OK, let's put it this way, I'm vertically-challenged (that's PC for "short").
I'm not very good at writing unlike my sister Angelina. So, I'll compose a pictorial essay instead.
1. First, look for the right ingredients. Other beings plan their menu and then buy the ingredients. I do it in reverse. My menu will be based on what's already available. No need to mess up my handsome head.
2. Hmmmm...looks like Mama has stocked up on a gazillion organic stuffs in the fridge. Now, let me see, is there any lemongrass? Oh...I simply love the smell of it....I can see stinky beans, scallion, coriander, lettuce....
3. Keep looking, persevere...yoohoo...lemongrass, where are you? Show yourself to me. I won't harm you.
4. Focus! Ah...there you are. Come to Papa you munchy munchy sweetie....
5. Be thankful....finally, the lemongrass is within my grasp. Now, kids, shall we have tuna in tomyum soup today?
6. Enjoy! Voila! This is the masterchef creation today. Very very yummy.....Call me if you want the recipe. OK?
Tuna in tomyum soup... or is Tom becoming the yum yum soup? ;)
Forget the lemongrass. Try petai!
Aunty Pi,
My Mama says I have too much fat, not nice to make soup. Curry maybe...Petai? Hmmm....prawn sambal with petai? yum yum yum....can you cook for me?
Hi Cat in Sydney, ha ha, very nice composition.
I love cats but my isteri allergic to cat fur.
Otherwise I will have a White Persian.
G'day, Lee.
Oh Uncle Lee, it's a pity about the allergy. But nothing's stopping you from adopting me from afar....right? purr purr purr.....
Aiyo!!! This post is such a cute!!!
Thanks dearie.
Oh ha ha ha! Tom, you are a scream! You funny guy! Did you enjoy your lemongrass? Well you should have exercised your handsome head more, because none of us can eat food that is still in their cans!
I'm a scream? No, cats don't scream....but we do something worse: caterwauling!!!! roar! roar! roar!
You haven't seen me singing in my undies yet! hahahahah.....this cat is nuts!
Let me share a secret with you, I'm so delirious that Mama is home and not in some far flung places, not knowing when she'll come back....sigh...
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