It's been raining all weekend. Mama was upset coz she couldn't hang the washings in the backyard. Luckily we have a spare bedroom that we can put the indoor clotheslines in.
I quite enjoy Mama's laundry days as I get to help her with hanging the clothes. I also enjoy the smell of freshly laundered stuffs... hmmm....the sweet smell of detergent and softener.
Then she'll let me play with the basket and clothes pegs. My favourite moment is climbing into a basketful of dry and folded clothes. clean and cuddly. A very comfy spot for dozing off....zzzzzz
Look Brad, I have heaps of clothespegs to play with in here.
I'm trying to catch some 40 winks here. What's with all the rackets, Angelina?
Look, I have clothespegs in a basket and even Mama's dress to play with. Come and join me, you lazy bum.
You're so slack Brad. You've been sleeping all day. Come here. You want me to come get you?
Hahaha...there's no space for you in this basket. You can stay out there. Brad's been duped... You're so mean Angelina!It's also hard having a lazy bum for a companion. Brad is my pet so he's supposed to play with me whenever I want to. Huh! Talking to him is like talking to a wall. I'll just amuse myself then. It's hard to be a cat....sigh....
Yeah Brad..go back to your catnap! Laundry play is for the ladies! Angelina is really naughty kan? Always teasing you!
Girls just wanna have fun! purrr...
Angelina, you & Brad better make sure you two don't hide in a basket of dirty laundry. Your mama may accidentally chuck you into the washing machine. You may smell better after that, but you'd also be distorted!
Aunty Pi,
Brad has a habit of jumping into the washing machine if Mama didn't shut the door. I've always imagined him washed full cycle and then float like Pink Panther...teeheehee...
Brad is so adorable in these pics...Can I kidnap him??? LOL!!
hugs and cuddles
O Wise Master,
Please do so. I'll pay you good money to keep Brad with you forever. Just name a price. Isn't that a good deal? You get the ransom and the catnapped for keeps...yeay!
Dear Angelina
Haha! I changed my mind already. I want to kidnap YOU cos you are cuter and more intelligent than Brad!!!
Take care and be a good girl when mama's away...
You want to kidnap Angelina? Think hard, very very hard. She's a tough cookie that one.
A brotherly advice,
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