Mama's also worried that the house is untidy and unclean. She's been putting off the annual property inspection requested by the landlord as well. Also, her friends may come visit her in the coming festival of Eid. Usually, by this time, she'd have several types of yummylicious cookies already baked and stored in piles upon piles of tupperwares and containers in the kitchen. We've seen no such activity this year. So unusual for Mama.
"I'm sick Angelina. Can't be bothered to do all those stuffs. I know that you're looking forward to my choc chip cookies, jam tarts and what not. Tell you what, maybe I can whip up something simple just for you and Brad, OK?" that's what she told me two nights ago.
Thus, I saw her with some eggs and butter that she bought from the corner shop yesterday. Then we heard some commotion in the kitchen, oven doors banging and all that. But none of us dare go into the kitchen while all those were going on. Never know if we may end up in the oven instead. However, there were some serious aroma wafting around the house. Hmmmm....addictive.
Anyway, glad to report that Mama made us some gorgeous looking cupcakes based on her chocolate and orange butter cake recipe. She even put some icing and decorations on them. Oh Mama...we lurve lurve lurve you......
What are the cookies you want to eat? I eat for you... (not catfood please!)
Ahh..even though your Mama feels unwell, she still baked some Raya goodies for you and Brad!
All Mamas are like that..remember that always..they'll do anything to make their children happy!
That's it. I am abandoning my diet as from now after looking at the yummy is a miracle that Angelina and Brad are still very svelte...
Hope your mama is feeling better now.
Take care of her ok you little darlings!!!
Aunty Pi,
The list is too long....we don't want you to end up as round as a the yellow Teletubby.....purrr purrr purrr
Problem is, we're hankering for Mama's cookies. Unless you can bake like her.
What if we come stay with you for a while? While Mama is recuperating. We heard that you have three furry balls of your own now. That will be five, including us. Wow! Merrily merrily merrily...
Aunty Paula,
One word that's not in my vocabulary is "diet". Oh, except that one in Japanese - Diet is the Japanese Parliament. You're a whale, you don't need to be on diet. Just go for a swim, that's good exercise. As for us looking svelte, aah...thanks for the compliments. Hollywood stars have their own secret formulae, you know. purrrr purrr purrr...
I used to bake cookies, but for the past few years I haven't been doing so because when my siblings come back, we'd end up with berderet-deret jars of cookies which we wouldn't be able to finish even until Raya Haji, especially since most of my family members kurang minat sweet things. I prefer to cook lauk. So every Raya, my duty is to cook the rendang ayam and daging. That one sure can finish...
There's no one quite like one's mama, is there? All mamas know what we love best, and would go to any lengths to make sure we don't go without.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, kitties and mama! Please tell your Mama that I am sending her my best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Aunty Pi,
What about rendang Tuna? hmmmm...yum yum yum...
Mama's recovering...albeit slowly. Whatever nasty virus that attacked her must have drained all her energy. Luckily we can give her an endless supply of kisses and cuddles. Despite her illness, she still gets up and feed us. Though she's only surviving on toast and water. Poor Mama. We'll hug her on your behalf, OK?
Selamat Hari Raya to all cats, cat mommy and daddy!
Let's hope your mommy will be 100% OK soon. Feed her plenty of orange juice and let her sleep as much as she wants. Then, come Saturday, there'll be tons of cookies, cakes and calorie bombs on the kitchen top for you guys.
Big hug for your mommy from me OK :)
Dear Cat-in-Sydney,
Selamat Hari Raya Adil-fitri to you and family and all the meow-meows. Maaf zahir batin. Travel safe to wherever you are heading this festive season.
Awwww.... do get well soon!
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri ye...
Minta maaf zahir dan batin andainya ada terkasar bahasa atau tersilap laku.
Selamat hari raya dr Sg takpe lah muffin tu pun can do for raya something different rite?
salam aidilfitri to your mama! and, er, you, of course...
My dear Cat-in-Sydney
I am so sorry I am three days late in wishing you Selamat Hari Raya Puasa. Honestly, I thought I wished you already...sorry this oledi here is forgetful.
The reason why I came here is to tell you the good news!!!!
Remember how I told you before that my garden is the maternity hospital for a lovely cat who has delivered her litter here and there in my garden about 4-5 times? lady did it again!!!
Three adorable lovely kittens....aiyoyo they are so cute..lying one on top of the other, huddled together in a ball of fur of different colors. Will take pictures soon and post it in my blog. I was on my way out this afternoon when my boy discovered it...
I saw the lady looking quite pregnant a few days ago and had told him abt it so he had been vigilantly checking the 'maternity ward' for the past couple of days...
Take care and hope you and yours are having a great time!!!
Hi Cat, hope Mama is okay now.
Selamat hari raya to you and all at home.
Anymore of those cakes left, ha ha.
Will go well with ice coffee.
Have fun and keep well, Lee.
Dear Aunty Naz,
Unfortunately orange season is over so we're feeding Mama strawberries now. Mango season has started too...yummmm....plenty of Vit C for her. Nah, the cupcakes were all we got. So far. purrr....
Dear Andrea,
Thank you for the greetings. We didn't go anywhere far, just Grandma's place in the country. Happy to report we terrorised the wildlife that came visiting on Eid day despite the heavy downpour. Cant't let those naughty birds taking a bath at Grandma's pool.
Aunty Ahan,
Our Malay is not so hot but we manage...meow meow meow...
So, here goes:
Selamat Hari Raya
Kepada saudara serta saudari
Setahun hanya sekali
Meraikan hari yang mulia ini.
loads of purrr from us,
Angelina & Brad
Aunty Elle,
The cupcakes are all gone! None left. Hmmm...when will Mama start baking again, we wonder.
Aunty Nuraina,
Heaps of hugs and kisses for you. Please don't mind Brad's bad breath too. Are cats eligible for angpow? purrr....
Aunty Paula,
We consulted a doctor, she said if you arm yourself well with antihistamine (telfast etc) you can overcome the allergy. Imagine the bundles of joy in your arms...purrr...purrr...
Uncle Lee,
Have a cappucino with us. Our treat. But this time with shop-bought cakes because the ones Mama baked are all gone. Did you visit anyone celebrating Eid in Toronto? Poor Mama has been declining invitations. This illness has made temporarily anti-social. sigh...
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