First, it's very unusual for people to get married in Ramadan. Second, it was all decided, confirmed and arranged within days, not even a week. Third, the bride, Aisha, when asked what would she like as mahar, said, "I'd like a kitten, please."
Thus, in between arranging for some sheikhs to come and solemnise the katb kitab ceremony, inviting friends and family to the occasion, then re-inviting them because initially gave the wrong address, the bridegroom, Yusuf, had to look for a suitable kitten all over Sydney. It just so happen that most pet shops don't seem to have kittens in stock this time of the year. "If would have been easier if she had asked for a diamond stud," he said.
"You should have seen the sheikhs faces when told that the mahar is a kitten," Mama said. She's imagining a meeting of the council of imams tonight where the talks will all be centred on this particular wedding.
In accepting the fact that the couple was unanimous in their decision, the sheikhs said usually the mahar is something that you can put a value to like jewellery, land titles etc. However, in history, there have been cases where a few verses from the Holy Book were given as mahar. Anyway, as long as the bride accepts wholeheartedly, it is valid.
Ah, cats do rule this world. Watch out for more people following Yusuf and Aisha's footsteps. Meow!
Romantic! :)
Now, that's really an unusual wedding!
I hope DanDan didn't leave any cat's poo during the akad ceremony, did he?
What a great idea! A kitten as a mahar! They should have chosen one from an animal shelter. Save a life, increase the newlyweds' pahala... what a great start to a life of marital bliss!
When my BF asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I asked him to plant a tree for me. He ended up giving me a diamond pendant instead. Sigh! Men never listen, do they?
Aunty Naz,
Good option for your children...when their time comes....hehehehe....purrr purrr
Aunty Pi,
The cat was in Mama's arms most of the time so she made sure it didn't leave any unwanted attention. The couple knows zilch about cat rearing so Mama has offered them consultancy, sort of. As it's someone's mahar, I'm pretty sure we won't end up taking care of him permanently (like Brad!)
If we had known about it sooner, we would of course suggest the RSPCA...that's where everybody in our circle comes from - Pingu, Ginger, Casper...
Don't worry, my Mama will keep a constant eye on this one coz they live just a couple of streets away from us. And because it's a mahar, they can't abandon it.
Well, at least they didn't buy a pedigree. DanDan is a moggie like us.
mmm...interesting ...
anyway, wishing the couple a happy and blessed life together.
What was Aisha thinking? Did she telek that a kitten as a dowry gift would bring her the ultimate matrimonial happiness? I think she went to an ahli nujum yang pakat dengan Yusof!hehe
My Mama told Aisha that she now has a very big responsibility. She has to take care of two cats: Yusuf and DanDan. The big cat, Yusuf, can fend for himself or go back to his Mama...hahahah...while DanDan is the bigger responsibility. Poor girl. She doesn't know what she's getting herself into.
At least the cat will give the bride unconditional love. Husband? errrr......
Hi Cat, G'day. Why is it unusual get married during Ramadan?
I do have my own thoughts, but...ha ha.
Nice have you dropped by....stay easy, Lee.
Uncle Lee,
I think you're thinking exactly what my answer would be. The fine for breaking your fast by indulging in what most newly weds do is quite hefty. Like, you have to make up for the 1-day of fast for 3 months or so, plus feeding so many numbers of poor people etc. Anyway, would people spend Ramadan by doing more prayers and abstain from worldly desires. Would be hard for newly weds unless you're very very strong in your faith.
really? This is so unusual. A kitten? Does a whole life supply of whiskers come with it and healh insurance certifate as well?
anyway, just came to tell you that Tabby tak and belum bersunat and that is why dia rajin merayap. But since he came back, he has been good and has been staying at home.
Kak Teh,
It would have been cheaper in the long run if the bride had agreed to just some diamonds....heheheh...
We don't know what they're feeding the cat. Even we don't eat whiskers. It gives us the runs.
My mum is so obsessed with feline. Ok, not obsessed, she loves cat more than us. :( because she said, we all grown ups and hv our wives to cuddle.
A cat as mahar and during Ramadan? Unique ni. Their days surely filled with.. lets not say it. Yeah, hefty hefty, very hefty.
Dear Hazrey,
Welcome to my world!
Your mum is right, you know. You have your own wives to cuddle whereas even if a male cat is married, he'll still cuddle his human mum. That's what we call unconditional love. We don't talk back, we don't disobey, we always have time for her....purrrr purrrr purrr....
So, if you want your mum to be obsessed with you...hehehehe...tiru macam saya..!
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