The birthday girl - A Self Portrait.
It was my birthday on Friday, 25th Dec 2009. My 3rd year (15 in feline terms) of existence on this planet. I was born on 25th Dec 2006. I have no recollection of my biological family. I think my life really began after my Mama rescued me from someone's backyard.
Anyway, Mama organised a birthday party for me. Even Brad was helping out and promised to be on his best behaviour. Well, he might just steal my thunder, you know...

Brad and I having a "Dos and Don'ts" session before the guests arrive. Won't tell you all what I threatened him with but it worked. teeheehee...
Mama did me proud by supplying the food and drinks.
The Menu
Tomato Rice
Lamb curry
Roast chicken (this is Mama's own recipe)
Salad (Asian greens and feta cheese)

My two lovely future mothers-in-law, Aunty Z and Aunty If ... aaahh... so hard to decide.
Aunty Z and family who came all the way from Hornsby also brought food.
The Additional Menu
Rice in coconut milk (nasi lemak)
Anchovy and quail egg in chili
Fried anchovy fillets
Mee Siam (hot chili rice noodles with hot fermented soybean gravy)
Aunty Z, Uncle M, Kakak Z and Aunty If posing before the food-laden table.

Uncle Is ladling the goodies onto his plate.
The kids having their fill.
Whose hands are those?
Lamb curry - upclose.
Roast chicken - upclose.
After dinner, Mama made coffee and tea, and took out the cake too. Must say this is one of Mama's experiments. Baked blueberry cheesecake - low fat and low calorie. She used cottage cheese and yogurt to make this delicious cake. Oh, with fresh blueberries too of course.
The blueberry cheesecake sitting pretty in the fridge before taken out to be demolished. yummmm....

Cake cutting ceremony - yours truly assisted by Aunty If and Kakak Z.
The half eaten cake.

THE contented cat.
Oh, the kids brought presents for me too. Nope, not cat food. purrr.....meow!
Happy Birthday, Ange. I love your self-portrait. You looked like a true blue DIVA!!! Muahahahaha!!!
P.S: That cheesecake looks so good. Yums!
Happy Birthday Angelina!! You are a big gurl now, yes :) at yr party is making me drool. That cheese, oh my...simple sinful. Now, you got meself heading to the nearest cake place in search for those cheesy yumms!
Happy birthday dear! Dah boleh kawin belum?! Susah sangat nak pilih, kawin 4 lah!
..happy birthday, the power of 9th..pakmat is blue with envy looking at the blueberry cake..your mama sure knows how to cook and bake..and I better now let my Ayam sees this, lest she will be asking me to bake something for her birthday too...regards to Brad..
I would love those bluberry cheesecake. Are those specially learnt from the Aussies? The look purrlicious!
Btw, how could I forgot to wish you. Happy 3rd birthday dear!
Happy Birthday to my favourite cat!
Your mom has caused me to gain weight just by reading her blog this time ;D
Happy Birthday, Angie!!
Nice looking cake! Did u have some?
Andrea dearie,
DIVA? More like prima donna....teeheehee... Am I not descended from Bastet, the Egyptian cat goddess? Tell Ms Kate to get her passport ready, OK? purrr...meow!
Aunty Kay,
This one's not sinful at all. Mama recently acquired a Low Calorie Dessert cook book. I can assure you that it's really really un-sinful. But yummy.... purrr...meow!
Aunty Pi,
So far, I have only 3 very serious contenders - Pingu, Casper and Rajoo. Once cukup quota, we can book the marriage celebrant. purrr.....meow!
PakMat dear,
Summer is also the berry season. The supermarket shelf is laden with blueberries, gooseberries, blackberries, kakaraberries, mulberries, raspberries, cranberries, besides the ubiquitous strawberries. But I understand that these berries are expensive in Malaysia, right? purrr....meow!
Aunty Yatt,
Mama said she'll post the recipe some day. Today she's busy writing some business plans. Will beg her to, OK? purrr....meow!
Aunty Naz,
I was wishing that you could be here too. Thought that you would be green with envy... teeheehee... Hmmm...put on weight just by reading, eh? purrr....meow!
Aunty Aimy,
Did I have some? You must be kidding me. I had heaps! Of course, Brad had more. He is, after all, a glutton. He's put on so much weight that Aunty Amal wants to cancel their engagement... purrr....meow!
Hi Cat, wow! Love all the lovely dishes here.
And the 2 cats are gorgeous. Wish I can keep one, but my isteri allergic to cat fur.
By the way, out of curiousity, are you and everyone in the pic all Australian citizens? Like me a Canadian.
Here's wishing you many happy returns of the day. Happy birthday.
And stay young, stay beautiful, have a happy new year, Lee.
My my..what a real birthday bash! The roast chicken, lamb. cheesecake..ooh sedaapnyer!!
Happy Happy Birthday Cat!!
Uncle Lee,
Sieh! Sieh! Thanks for calling me gorgeous. Everyone is Aussies, mate. All the kids, including me, are born here. The aunties and uncles were originally from Singapore though. Or rather "Malaya" since they said they didn't acknowledge the "separation" as they didn't get to vote on it. purrr....meow!
Mamasita dear,
But you had roast turkey! Mama would have cooked turkey too I guess if she could get hold of a halal one...hehehe... Next time, you come and join our party, OK? purrr....meow!
Let me guess, you received new TOYS! Scratching stuff! Throwing-and-catching-and-chasing stuff? Yes? Things that squeak, roll, bounce and jingle!
Happy Birthday, darling Angelina, sweetest cat in the Southern Hemisphere! Aren't you lucky to have your Mama!
You're wrong! These are things that "bling bling.... " Am a big girl now, so got girly stuff... purrr....meow!
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