I was given the task of writing down the recipe as Mama has plans for a family heirloom recipe book somewhere in the horizon. Here goes:
1 kg cherries, washed and the stems discarded
2 tbsp fish curry powder
1 tbsp hot chili paste
1 large onion
4 garlic
2.5cm ginger root
15 bird chilies, stems discarded
1 tsp salt
3 tsp brown sugar
2 tbsp white vinegar
2 tbsp sesame seeds
1/2 liter water
2 tbsp cooking oil

We managed to get two bottles of acar. Notice the nice red colour? That's from the cherries. Yummmm.....Best eaten with ghee rice, biryani (beef, lamb or chicken) or as dip for samosas.
1. Mix the chili paste and curry powder with a little bit of water in a small bowl.
2. Put the onion, garlic and ginger in a food processor, pulse until fine.
3. Heat oil in a non-stick pan.
4. Fry the onion mixture until fragrant.
5. Mix in the curry and chili paste, stir well and fry until fragrant.
6. Now, plonk in the cherries, bird chilies and water.
7. Season with salt, sugar and vinegar. Let simmer until the cherries have become soft and the gravy thickens.
8. Mix in the sesame seeds, let simmer for a few minutes and take the pan away from the fire.
9. Transfer the relish into sterilised glass bottle or container. Only store in the refrigerator after "concoction" has cooled down.
10. Always use a dry and clean spoon to ensure longer shelf life of relish.
Bon Apetit! purrr....meow!
Your Mama is so full of ideas! She can start selling these bottles of acar very soon. I am sure many Malaysian students over there would enjoy her cherry acar!
Yummy Mummy,
purrr....Malaysian students here? From what we see, they're very well fed already. Every other day, someone would hold a "kenduri" at the Malaysia Hall and the highlight will always be food, glorious food.
Now you're giving my Mama ideas. Entrepreneurship, yeay! meow!
Hi Cat, wow! First time see or read of this cherry achar. Your mama sure one creative woman, outstanding!
I bet it tastes delicious, gives that lovely tangy feeling or sensations on the tongue bila makan.
Will copy that recipie. Ask your mom to market it. Make several bottles, get a beautiful label of cherries done up....and I'm sure she'll be smiling all the way to the bank.
My compliments to your mom. She's good! Lee.
Uncle Lee,
You have to eat it with just rice and nothing else...nasi panas and acar...yummm....Mama makes a mean lemon acar too. It's Penang mamak blood poking out once in a while. Did we tell you that Mama's great grandpa was from Penang by the name of Barkath? No relation to the rich Barkath family of Sunquick and Hacks fame, though. purrr....meow!
Cat, very clever of your mama. Never thought that one can make acar cherry. But I love cherries and would have gobbled the whole lot before they could be turned into anything else. Alas, cherries are so expensive here, sigh...
Aunty NanaDJ,
Cherries aplenty at the moment and Mama's thinking of making more. The concoction, I must say, is very ermmm...more-ish. yummmm....oooh...I'm salivating now. We've finished one bottle in just 3 days. purrr....meow!
What a brilliant idea, Kitties! Cherry acar! Who would have imagined such a thing were possible! I suppose it would take like 'acar buah' made of preserved fruits, only nicer! You're making me hungry! My compliments to your Mama, Kitty Kats!
Hi Cat, no movement here? How's the weather? I guess you heading into Summer now, huh?
Keep cool, best regards, Lee.
oh i love acar very2 much! :P
We like to be creative in the kitchen. Can't survive just on tuna. The Malaysian bloodline does resurface once in a while...purrr....meow!
Uncle Lee,
We've been outdoor most of the time and this is a country with hardly any free wifi...hahahah...purrr...meow!
Hie Zafi! Welcome to my world! Mama's making some more. Want some? purrr....meow!
We like to be creative in the kitchen. Can't survive just on tuna. The Malaysian bloodline does resurface once in a while...purrr....meow!
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