Then it dawned on me. Mama has this explicit rule that we are never to rummage in her handbag or work bag. There must be a reason why, eh? I would sometimes see her take out a black square thingy and slot it in the USB port. When I asked her, Mama said it's called an external hard drive and it contains files from work. And I was told never ever to touch it under any circumstances as it contains top secret documents from work.
Mmmm...I've never been a meek cat and never known to obey anyone's instructions. Didn't someone once said curiosity kills the cat? Yeah...but we're talking about fearless Angelina here.
Then one morning, my Mama forgot to eject the thingy from the USB and left it dangling from the MacBook while she was rushing to work. Har har har!! Not knowing how long before she realised what she has done and come back to retrieve it, I quickly scanned the contents of the thingy and....voila! I found some folders with pictures of her Middle East travels.
Look at what I found!

Looking at the following pictures I begin to understand why they've been hidden from me all these while. Now I know why Mama's been telling Dad if ever she becomes a millionaire she'll set up a charity for animals in the Holy Lands.

OK. I'm satisfied now that I've seen the pictures. Nope, not going to confront my Mama with my findings. That will be asking for trouble...purrr....meow!
Look at what I found!
Mama and Dad went to this place. It looks so serene and peaceful. Wish she had taken me there too.
Looking at the following pictures I begin to understand why they've been hidden from me all these while. Now I know why Mama's been telling Dad if ever she becomes a millionaire she'll set up a charity for animals in the Holy Lands.
Come on Mama, I'm not threatened by you showing affection to a marmalade stray. Or by the fact that she's pregnant. Nope, no "womb envy" here.
But don't ever do this to other cats in front of me, OK? It hurts....
And why in the world did you pick up a calico stray you met at the cemetery, Mama?
Here she is upclose. She's not even cute. Perhaps she's a ghost....boooo.....
Here birdy birdy...maybe Mama didn't want me to cause havoc among these up-market pigeons. They're the "Hiltonites" of Makkah.
But these street pigeons crave attention. I'm sure they would enjoy my company.
Aaahh...I've always wanted to ride a camel, especially a richly decorated one like this chap.
OK. I'm satisfied now that I've seen the pictures. Nope, not going to confront my Mama with my findings. That will be asking for trouble...purrr....meow!
Your Mama definitely has a heart of gold. Lucky you!
Brad tak buat pun perkara2 macam tu kan..nanti your mama found out and berlebel@berleter mulalah u cari kambing hitam to dipersalahkan. Kecian my fav Brad!
Your Mama is an animal-lover and has a kind heart, Angelina. You should be proud of her and willing to share her with less fortunate cats. I feel so sad for the pregnant marmalade kitty and the little calico. I wish I could bring them home and care for them.
Uncle Razee,
That's why we luuuurrrrve her heaps. purrr...meow!
Aunty Sherry,
If Brad possess even a nanoliter amount of my brain, I can assure you he would come up with more mischief. Luckily he's quite thick...hahahaha... purrr...meow!
The thing is, though she doesn't bring the stray home, she would sometimes bring their fleas home. You know how those pests could hang on to her shoes, pants, clothes etc. My poor brother Tom is somehow very sensitive to fleas...interesting, considering that he was a stray... purrr...meow!
Hey, that marmalade stray looks cuter than you, even when pregnant. Muahaha!!!
Aunty Pi,
Have you seen a female cat who just gave birth and breastfeeding her kits? Euuwwww...thank God I'm spared from that. purrr....meow!
The marmalade...I loikeee. Who says preggies don't look cute eh?? Angie, you dun lah jeles-jeles. Nothing beats that "satisfied" (and painful) after delivery look. So like..."I'm WOMAN...." Heh..heh...
Aunty Kay,
That Lady Marmalade was last seen loitering in front of the Makkah Hilton while the Lady Calico was at the Maqam Baqi in Madinah. Could have been pregnant again by now. har har har (pinjam Brad's laugh) purrr...meow!
Heh! You naughty little hairy creature. Peace!
Peace to you too Ozz! Welcome to my world. Nope, me not hairy, just furry. purrrr....meow!
Your mama did not want you to see the photos takut you jealous and put on a tantrum..siapa nak masak bila mama you gi kerja?
Yummy Mummy,
But it's worse when she hides things from me. Oh well, I'm just a little gal...., you're making me cry. purrr....meow!
Thanks to you we get to see these wonderful pics. Good girl! hehe!
eh! ada lagi tak...go go go selongkar some more aaaa :p
Aunty Naz!
Where have you been hiding? Errr...Mama came back soon after I managed to download those few. So I had to quickly switch off the Mac when I heard her at the door and pretend to sleep on the sofa. Lucky Brad didn't see what I was doing or else.... purrr...meow!
Hi Angelina
You and Brad have to continue to pray for your mama and dad. I am sure sooner or later they will achieve their dream and the animal charity in Holy Mecca will exist in no time.
Aunty Yatt,
Hmmm...does that mean we'll have to move there too? Hmmm...have to start learning Arabic then. purrr...meow!
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