We were 30,000ft in the sky when Mama decided to test the zooming power of her new toy. The clouds look totally different compared to when you look up at them from below. Will never look at the clouds the same way again.
Doesn't this one remind us of the fairytale: Jack and the Beanstalk? I imagine this is where the giant's castle would be. Look closely, it could be there.

I call this the fairy floss clouds. Doesn't it look like spun sugar? White, not pink though.
A sea of clouds? Blue sky = the sea, white clouds = waves...come on, be imaginative!
Hmmmm...what's this one? Islands of clouds?
The patches of clouds over an island. Looks like patches of grey hair on someone's head. teeheehee....Yup! The zoom lens is super duper.
Yes, Mama...I am...! purrr....meow!
Dear Angelina,
Thank you for adding me on your blogroll. I am truly honored!
Oh I love those pictures of clouds. Especially the first one! Yes, definitely makes me think of Jack and The Beanstalk. And that Philadephia Cream Cheese TV commercial!
Could I now add you on my blogroll, pazholsta?
Have you ever daydreamed about doing the bungee jump? Weeeeeeeeee.....
Aunty Enida,
My Mama will kill me if I keep calling you by your first name. Hope you don't mind. I'm only three years old, you see.
To the question: "Could I now add you on my blogroll, pazholsta?"
The answer would be: Yes! Yessssss! Yezzzzzza!
Oh dear, may have to learn Russian now. purrr....meow!
Aunty Pi,
Bungee jumping? We've been to the country of bungee jumping...hmmmm...but don't know if Mama's heart can take it. Imagine seeing her beloveds dangling from the air with only one rope. purrr....meow!
Angelina, those are such amazing photos! Your Mama is a talented photographer, just as you are a talented blogger! I would have thought of Enid Blyton's Faraway Tree and Wishing Chair series, not the castle in Jack And The Beanstalk. Lovely bouncy solid cloud-lands!
..."just as you are a talented blogger!" Auwwww....you shouldn't praise me sky high!
Enid Blyton? We're not into her yet. Mama's into chick-lits at the moment so we're reading Maeve Binchy, Marian Keyes, Candace Bushnell and Catherine Alliott. Oh, some historical stuff by Wilbur Smith too. purrr....meow!
Fly Angie flyyyyy....
Beautiful pictures you have there. My compliments to your Mama for having superb snap snap skills :)
Now, should I read between the line messages of this daydreaming thing your are doing?? *wink*
Hey Angelina, why worry about whether your mama's heart can take it? All you have to do is to DAYDREAM that you're doing the bungee jump! ;)
Aunty Kay,
Only a female can understand another....in my world, daydreaming sometimes become reality. Fly Angie flyyyyy...aaahhh...where would I fly to next? That's the $100billion question.... purrr....meow!
Aunty Pi,
My Mama always say even my dreams can give her heart attacks. So, how-lah? purrr....meow!
Yeah, Ange, you should really try bungee-jumping. Brad said to tell you that you should start practising now from the window. He will hold the rope for you. :-)
Andrea darl',
All of our windows are secured with safety screens - to deter burglars and insects. So, no cannot practise from window-lah. However, Brad, being the boy, and more daring, will start practising from the balcony, with me holding the rope. Satisfied? purrr....meow!
Cat..blogger Saya.. loves to snap photos of clouds too..your Mama and her make a great team..
Hi Cat, those are great pics, outstanding!
I too love to look at the clouds when on a flight, when no air hostesses nearby that is.
But flying to KL a 36 hour flight?
Not too keen...too long, get bored, ha ha.
Have a nice day, woof, woof, Lee.
Yummy Mummy.
Will check out her blog. Did she shoot from below or above the clouds? purrr....meow!
Uncle Lee,
You need to break the journey. Toronto to Vancouver, then Vancouver to Tokyo, then Tokyo to KL. May take you about 1 week then. Thank God it's only 7-8 hours from Sydney to KL. purrr....meow!
lovely pics...i like that first one...luckily u said the giant castle 'could' be there...
if not nanti jadi macam cerita pak belalang...siapa tak nampak, tandanya..dot dot dot...
It is there! Use your imagination. Tak nampak? Memanglah dot...dot... dot... purrrr....meow!
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