However, there are so many things to consider like would Brad and I be able to acclimatise as well as how would Tom and family react towards us. I know I'll get along well with Tom and Nicole as we are siblings but I dread thinking of Brad and Nikki. Both are drama queens and may claw each other's eyes out.
But there's no set date. It could just be talk only...we're happy with the current arrangement. However, in case it's happening, I've done my research and will make a Powerpoint presentation to Mama and Dad. This is my ideal life in the tropics.

1. I wanna live in a village-type house in a lush setting. No more apartments or concrete housing. No more urban setting.
2. Must have mango tree in the backyard that we can climb and build cubby house on.
3. Oh yes, what is tropical life without coconuts, eh? In case the taps run dry, we can drink the juice to our hearts' content.
4. A fish pond with lotus and a gazebo for that afternoon tea sessions... just to ensure endless supply of fresh fish.

5. Ornamental blooms in our garden would be nice.

6. Hmmm...don't forget the ferns and palm trees.

7. Love those regal ginger flowers - as ornaments and flavouring in our favourite fish dish (laksa).
8. Endless supply of edible fruits is essential.
9. As well as endless supply of lamb chops...hmmm...our own sheep in our own backyard.

10. The more live ornaments we have, the better.
Am I too demanding? purrr...meow!
Lulu says your proposed tropical house is great.
That would be nice, dear Kitties! Do come back to Malaysia. There will be rats and dogs for you to chase galore, and keropok lekor to keep you sleek and full of pep. And we can hang out together and throw kitty parties.
Dear Angelina and family
Welcome home in advance!!! But you will have to be in quarantine.
I will welcome all of you with open arms if you come up north!!!
Pssst!!! We share the same dream! I have oft dreamt of retiring in a wooden house on stilts (but must have net access!!!) with lush greenery all around - no flowers cos of allergies hehehe).
Love your ppt presentation.
Take care and hope to meet you and your mama soon!!!
Happy packing!!!
Salam to you and the entire family!
Demanding? You had always been demanding! Sikit tak kesian kat mama...
word veri says "goatif". Maybe your mama needs to bela a goat instead?
Of course NOT! You are one sensible cat. Well-trained too..
...errr can we be your neighbour? :)
Lulu dear,
You can move in with us. Am sure Brad would love to chase you around instead of me. purrr.....meow!
Rats and dogs? Hmmmm......Mama says I could find work at some food stalls - chasing rats! Oooooh....I love kitty parties. purrr...meow!
Aunty Paula,
Apparently no quarantine for cats from Australia. I've checked. Told you I've done my research. But at the moment nothing's confirmed. Who dream home could be in your neck of the woods. purrr...meow!
Aunty Pi, Mama can't have goats.... Do you know how many goats and sheep and cows become her sacrifice every year? purrr...meow!
Aunty Naz,
Good idea. But don't complain when your kids prefer my company than yours....har har har *evil laughs*
We saw you at Ee Lynne's and thought we'd drop by. GREAT house! Def a kitty paradise. But oh the quarantine. Although, maybe coming from a rabies free country you wouldn't have to do that coming here???
Au and Target,
Welcome to my world. Quite a crazy one... Checked you all out too. You're hillarious!!! har har har ...
Don't worry about the quarantine. No need for us Aussie cats, if ever the BIG MOVE happen. purrr....meow!
Hello dear! I dunno how I missed this when it came out :(
I love that wooden house! It's simply smashing!
And it would be no problem filling your garden with everything you show in those pictures: I can offer you a cutting, or a young plant of almost all of them, from mine!
Just let me know, yah?
Aunty Pat,
If it's still a big IF.... We'll keep you posted, OK? purrr....meow!
Hiya Sydneykitty,
Wow! you miight move eh? The move in itself will be an adventure.
If you do find yourselves on this side of the (ahem) pond, it would be great.
Though, I think you will miss your current home and friends terribly.
Ohhh...sad nyer. Siapa nak take Kak Nissa walk-walk eat air in Sydney when you are not around nanti? Anyway, no matter what is the final decision, we are very sure both you & Brad will be just fine. Trust Mama eh?
Wahhh...I must second Aunty Pi. Sooooo demanding kaaaa?? Mau like that ah? I help look-look for u here in Yan, Kedah :)
Dear Cat-in-Sydney,
Looks smashing! The house especially. You can share a treehouse with Cruikshanks!
We can supply wild ginger and bunga kantan and misai kucing and bird's nest and the rest. Shall we become neighbours in the highlands, maybe Janda Baik (1000 feet above ground). That way, if anything happens, selisih malaikat 44, we will be way above sea level.
Uncle Razee,
As for missing friends and home....well...home is where Mama is. She can't leave us's still early days, OK? purrr....meow!
Aunty Kay,
We'll escort Nissa from KL to Sydney and back. How about that? Yan, Kedah? Would be interesting....ada ke kedai jual Royale Fancy Feast? Errr....check if there's a vet too, OK? purrr...meow!
Aunty Ninot,
I heard the highlands there are not safe either - over development, landslide how? purrr....meow!
Ayo!! Pls don't come back lah.. No place for me to go and bunk if I need to run away every now and then to Sydney... He he he...
But I have to salute your nice and beautiful tropical dream...
Aunty Aimy,
You can come and bunk at our new place too.... purrr...meow!
Oui! bloody demanding, ain't you?
P.S: can Miss Kate go over to stay... like, for good? Muahahahahaha
Andrea dear,
Hmmm...why? Don't you like Ms Kate anymore? Would she be suitable for Brad? purrr...meow!
hope the dream will come sooner, then can meet up with ur mama more often esp at that dream house..coconut drinks, manggo..lamb chop?
but i need to be prepared in meeting u...d sprint n all...haha..
Keep on dreaming.....yeah...we can have lamb chop barbie in the backyard... purrr....meow!
Hi, do come back pls. You can be my anak menantu. :-)
Aunty Somuffins,
Auw...I'm so honoured. But which one among your 13 brood? They all look alike.... purrr...meow!
Hi Cat, I love what you love. Can I come along too?
I bring my Doberman, can or not? Lee.
Uncle Lee,
Doberman? Hmmm...we'll see if the backyard is big enough for everyone. Am sure we can train him to like cats...and not as dinner, OK? purrr...meow!
on 2nd thot, don't come back yet, as Aimy said nanti tak de tempat nak "run away" to..we have yet to go there during summer..nak makan all those cherries, strawberries etc etc...sini mahal sangat lah...
but harga tiket lagi lah mahal..haha..
Harga tiket boleh kautim! Ask Aunty Aimy if you don't believe me. purrr....meow!
what? bayar beberapa kali? hehehe...
Aunty Aimy is now in d "awangan" ~ almost off to Paris n London... nak lari jugak ni..
The key word is "almost". That volcano has very erratic behaviour. purrr....meow!
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