Finally. Mama said that Brad and I are now old enough to go to the Sydney Royal Easter Show. Although the location, Sydney Showground at the Olympic Park is only 10 minutes from home, Mama had never taken us there. Perhaps she was afraid that we would be trampled by cattle on stampede there. As if....
Anyway, as April has been declared as Brad's month (we're not sure of Brad's actual birthday but it's some time in April, hence...) he got to choose what to do or where to go last weekend. So, went to the Easter Show we did. Words can't describe the feelings I had when we were there. The animals, the food, the carnival like.
So, feast your eyes on the photographs, OK?
The sign says it all. Costs $33 per adult to enter. Cats? Free...
Brad tried hard to convince Mama to let him go on those flying chairs. Kept quiet when caps started falling off from the sky. hahahaha...scaredy cat.
Look at those Angora sheep...Brad thought they were poodles.
A cow being buffed and polished before judgement.
Are you enjoying the grooming session, Daisy?
The Animal Walk...oh...I feel so honoured.
Hmmm...Mama was thinking of replacing her sofa with bales of hay...interesting "chairs" eh?
Candy the lamb...Brad was salivating and kept whispering "lamb chops" to me.
If only Mama had allowed us to ransack this fine display of beef...
Mama said she might try making these at home. Chef me out here.
How now brown cow? And Brad kept whispering "steak! steak! steak!" when we met this lovely cow.
In the eyes of this handsome boy, I'm more fascinating than those rabbits...
Aunty Pat, doesn't this chap look like your Toffee?
Goats and babies mingling and petting each other...har har har
We don't know the name of this chooks species. So, let's call them furrchook or...catchook? What do you think Aunty Zendra? GM chooks?
Brad: Hie there mutton chops. Goat: I'll spear you with my horns...
Lady with cow, meet lady with cats. It only happens at the Easter show.
Mother and daughter love of the Lowline kind...moooooo.....
Hisss....don't you come near me you filthy reptile!
That's not a plush toy. That's a live but sleeping koala.
Uncle Lee, would you like a new leather belt?
Am guessing Aunty Pi would love riding this pony...teeheehee...
Err...I thought this sausage guy is rather vulgar looking.
This boat is specially dedicated to Father of Biscuit...the long slow boat to NZ!!! har har har *evil laughs*
Our lunch - chicken gozleme, nachos and beans, and wedges with cream and chili sauce. Itadakimasu.
A Bolivian band serenades while we had our lunch. Not bad though we'd rather listen to Aunty Puteri crooning at karaoke.
OMG! Andrea, wouldn't you love ogling the woodcutting competitors...those beefy muscles...aaargh...I'm falling in love...
Mama wouldn't let us have corn on the cobs. But Aunty E (CO78) would love these vegetarian lovelies, right?
What if we dye our fur purple or green like those kids? Hmmm....
Replica of an oyster farm. Brad to Aunty Sherry: Let's roll the bowling ball on them...har har har *evil laughs*
No, we didn't get those choc-dipped strawberries either. Aunty Anne? What about you?
Dr Bala, the monyets would surely love to frolick here.
Aunty Ahan, some Aussie custard apples for you?
This stall won first prize for their creativity and wit. Champions...just like Mother and Father of Tabby up there in London.
Yummy Mummy, after the wedding parties...DIET!!!
Let's do some time travelling. Pak Mat, come with me.
This display represents our district...
Cupcakes...glorious cupcakes...I'm dedicating this to Aunty Paula. To cure your BWS.
Aunty Naz, honey popcorn for you and the kids. You know...while we watch old P Ramlee movies.
Cookies anyone? Perhaps Aunty Yatt and Aunty Kay? No need to bake your own, OK?
Aussie nougats...yummmm....for Aunty Amal, Aunty Aimy and Cheqna...may you come visit us again...
A bit of rest under the tree...we walked for three hours non-stop!
Some souvenirs before we went home.
Uncle Hilmi, it's a date OK? We'll go bull riding next.
Oh, we slept for two days and two nights after the trip...Aunty NanaDJ and Aunty Elle, tolong urut kaki, boleh? purrr....meow!
Oh I wouldn't mind riding the pony if the pony doesn't mind having me riding it! And oh, love the pony tail. Definitely lagi cantik dari cat tail... hehehe...
Aunty Pi,
Mr Spotty (that's the pony's name) said: As long as you're gentle with me, OK? I'm not a kapcai... neigh....neigh...neigh...
Those cookies look more delicious than that from Kay's kitchen. Did you save some for me?
Thot it was you who got yourself groomed!
OH Cat! We'd love to go this place and yes, thank you ... popcorns and PRamlee!
Am inspired to take the kids to a farm this weekend. Thanks to you!
Aunty Yatt,
Hahahaha...nanti Aunty Kay piat telinga you... oops...Brad finished the cookies though.
Nooooo....we can't groom in public. Jatuh sahamlah... purrr...meow!
Aunty Naz,
Don't forget to do this when you introduce the kids to the animals:
Children, this is Mr Steak (cow), and this is Mr Chops (lamb) and this is Mr Drumstick (chook).
We were inspired by that scene in "Madagascar" when Lion was so so so hungry....
har har har *evil laughs*
..lovely,mydearcat..pakmat day..might just touch down, down there in Sydney..not sure whether ayam will take to air travel..hmm..
many animals but no monyets :(
Cat..thanks for the hips are dah macam riding apatu..breeches?
Mooooooo....patut lah tersedak tahap lembu coz ader org membuat comparisons between my cookies and the one found down under. Tak baekkkk tauuu. Nanti I lari dengan lembu-lembu tu baru both you & Brad tau..heh..heh...
But then on second look, those cookies look so yummy. Ishhh...this is so not good, this sudden sugar surge.
Slept for TWO days?? Where can?? Ohh I forgot, you kan tu-ching...heh..heh :)
Hiya Ange,
Dinosaur Parcels! Cute! I imagine the pastry dough would be similar to the cornish pie crust? Rolled dough of curmbled fat and flour? Yummies those are.
Lotsa food at the carnival, I would have gone bonkers with all them food around me. Sampling each and everyone. Yum yum yum.
Love this blog update. Now I am hungry....
Pak Mat dear,
Am sure Ayam would enjoy the travel...just like we do. We made a promise to Mama - climb every mountain, swim every ocean - as long as we can be with her. purrr....meow! OK, book that ticket NOW!
Dr Bala,
Why? The monyets don't like Aussie bananas and apples? purrr....meow!
Yummy Mummy,
You must have been eating heaps of nasi minyak by now...har har har *evil laughs*
Aunty Kay,
The cookies are so....out of this world... I think the secret is the fresh top quality ingredients...fresh milk, fresh butter, macadamia nuts....
Yeah, we were so buggered with all that walking. Penat woooo... purrr...meow!
Uncle Razee,
And we didn't even post all the pix we took. There's a gazillion of them. There were free samples galore and heaps to buy too. There was this one stall called Ribs and Rumps...we think you'll like that. purrr....meow!
Hello Little One!
You look like you guys had a really busy day! Thank you for all the lovely pix - I feel like I was there :)
And like Brad, I thought those were poodles, too :(
Hmmm, that fler doesn't quite look like my Toffee - he looks a tad naked, to me! Toffee's all modestly covered with fluffy fur! ;)
What? No Easter bunnies?!
Owh Pi BANI's been. That's OK then :)
Right on, Angie! I'm a real bull rider. Daniel can testify that :-)
Aunty Pat,
I was thinking more of the colour Toffee...minus fluffy fur, eh? This fler was sleeping all the time we were in that section. Must have been exhausted. purrr...meow!
Aunty Zendra,
We skipped the section where the easter bunnies were. Mama said too much chocolate not good for us. purrr...meow!
Uncle Hilmi,
It's a date then. Jetstar's having a sale now. Book your tickets. purrr...meow!
Hey cat.. looks like u really enjoyed ur day out huh? hehehe...
What fun, Kitties! How good of your Mama to take you to the Easter Show. I would have loved to be there. I'd just stay away from the meat displays. That Shetland pony is adorable, as are all the cows and poodley sheep and goats and brown doggie! And yes, I love corn on the cob, thank you!
Father of Biscuit,
Do you like the boat I got you? It was so much fun...don't know if they have Easter Show too in Christchurch...they should. purr...meow!
CO78, finally come. They have exotic flavourings to go with the corn - wasabi, chili, lemon, pepper - not just butter and salt. purrr...meow!
What fun! Iman Inas Irani Ilena and Ikesha would have loved this.
Maybe one day we should drop by. Prepare your Mama, ok.
Don't panic, we have a friend with a boat in Sydney.
Mr Spotty is the cutest of the bunch.
BTW, sometimes we have to pry Ikesha away from Cruikshanks. She thinks he is a kapcai.
Aunty Ninot,
Welcome to my world....the kids will definitely enjoy such an outing. Oh, my Mama says, no worries, mate. Kecik tapak tangan, Olympic Park kami tadahkan... at least we know your kids are not allergic to cats. purrr....meow!
Hi Cat, I have always loved these shows, especially where there are domestic animals being exhibited.
We too have our shows here, but have not gone to one long time.
I enjoyed looking thru your well taken pics. Very nice.
You have a woof woof day, Lee.
Dear Uncle Lee,
Glad you enjoyed our pix. purrr....meow!
Wow!! So nice.. Love the pictures!! I'm green with envy! Your mum didn't bring us to such event when we went to visit her! I have to visit her again, eh?!
Aunty Aimy,
You came in March. The Easter is only on in April. So, wrong timing...maybe next time. har har har *evil laughs*
You are right about 'em woodcutters *droooling*... err.. where did you say you went to again?
Andrea dear,
It's the Easter show!!!!! Heaps of livestock involved. purrr....meow!
Hi I am honored to say that I am featuring in this blog in the picture of angora "sheep" (which are actually goats)I am the girl on the left. Thanks for the publicity and hope you enjoyed the Angora goats!
Hi Anonymous girl! Thanks for letting me know it's a goat, not a sheep. Just in time before the next Easter Show. purrr....meow!
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