But it did happen. And I'm so upset!!!!
The Socceroos didn't play well and Tim Cahill getting a red card is not helping at all. Yo, dude! Play with your legs, head or chest, OK? Never ever touch the ball with your hands. Listen to me!!!!
Oh, please wear the usual gold and green uniform. What's this dark blue thingy? I don't like it at all. har har har *evil laughs*
My, it is one of those days..
There are 2 more games for the socceroos to win, if win they did then they can go to another round..
Kena pertingkatkan do'a... cheers
where i come from, we call such teams "juara kampong" kuakuakua
but never mind, from here on there's no where else to go but UP :)
Blame it on the jerseys eh?
hahaha, this is sooo cute!
Awwww...give them boys break!! They were the underdogs and Germany is not an easy match for them.
Angie, next match please tell Brad to mandi dulu okay. Sure menang lah...*evil laugh*
AUSSIE Bolehhhhhhh !
Ayoh Wang,
Dad & I even held doa nisfu Rejab, OK? Seriaunya, Ghana and Serbia look good too. Oh well.... har har har *evil laughs*
Aunty Zendra,
A win over Germany, if it ever happens, would be a miracle. But, janganlah sampai 4-0! har har har *evil laughs*
Aunty Pi,
Not just the jerseys,the coach and wrong strategy too. har har har *evil laughs*
Au and Target,
I am the soccer playing cat besides other talents that you also have. har har har *evil laughs*
Aunty Kay,
Angelina is hibernating the rest of winter so no help there. And why do you ask me to mandi before a 4.30am game? In winter? zalim.... har har har *evil laughs*
Your Highness Monyet King,
Yessss! Please tell all the monyets to support the Socceroos too. har har har *evil laughs*
Brad, that's what you get when you jump on the screen and distract the players! They were probably thinking: "Gaaah! Giant cat on the field! Where did he come from!"
You shouldn't have! You shouldn't have!
I thought I could control them like we could using the PSP!!! From now on, I'll just stay put on my chair, OK? har har har *ROTFLOL*
Aisay..even Brad got pissed off and wanted to claw the socceroos? hehe
Yummy Mummy,
My Mama would kill me if I use swear language but those Socceroos played like s#*t! I'm now eyeing Argentina. Loyalty wavering.... har har har *evil laughs*
Assalamualaikum Cat,
Hi! I am a friend of Cheqna and have been a silent reader to your blog for more than a year now. Your cat antics never fail to amuse me. Every time I visit Cheqna, I would check on you, to see what you are up to :)
Your entry this time is no exception. My boy laughed so hard at your writing.. especially on the score. He supported Germany that time.
I would like your permission to add you to my blog, if I could :)
Wa'alaikum salam I Amsterdam.
Welcome to my world. Thanks for being my (actually Angelina's) silent reader. No worries. I'm sure she won't mind you adding this blog to yours. If she dares say otherwise, I'll put her to sleep. har har har *evil laughs*
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