Sign 2: The jalapeno chili plant is fruiting like mad. Summer is still a long way off, isn't due until January next year....

Sign 3: Look world! I can stand and walk on two feet...next step, become a Socceroo. Woohoo!!!!

Sign 4: Angelina wants to run away from home with all of our catfood stock. As if!!! But if it does happen....woohooo!!!

Sign 5: Serbia thrashed Germany!!!! woohooo!!!! Maybe there's hope for the Socceroos still...if they win the remaining games against Serbia and Ghana.
My World Cup hope is still alive. Join me watch Socceroos vs Ghana tomorrow night, OK? har har har *evil laughs*

Sign 3: Look world! I can stand and walk on two feet...next step, become a Socceroo. Woohoo!!!!

Sign 4: Angelina wants to run away from home with all of our catfood stock. As if!!! But if it does happen....woohooo!!!
Sign 5: Serbia thrashed Germany!!!! woohooo!!!! Maybe there's hope for the Socceroos still...if they win the remaining games against Serbia and Ghana.
My World Cup hope is still alive. Join me watch Socceroos vs Ghana tomorrow night, OK? har har har *evil laughs*
I have a feeling Ghana is going to whack the Socceroos.
Your Highness,
If your prediction doesn't come true, you'll be the first person we send to the sun. har har har *evil laughs*
Ayoh Wan will be supporting the socceroos.. for Brad's sake...Altogether now....
hehehe..I'd expected that someone down under very happy with the Germany/Serbia result.
nice yellow rose there!
Ayoh Wang,
Thank you...thank you....thank you..... Let's all pray hard together. har har har *not so evil laughs*
You guessed right!
The yellow rose? That's Mama's reminder of the good old days in Texas. har har har *evil laughs*
Oh I love yellow roses!
Good Luck to Socceroo! According to 'tok bomoh' Afrika, Socceroo will make it! I support Socceroo OK!!
TK Sensei,
We had an interesting discussion last night. While analysing why the giants are losing, we came to a conclusion: Jabulani kena jampi by Zakumi using Vuvuzela. har har har *evil laughs*
Socceroos kena lompat-lompat macam kangaroos baru boleh menang...
Aunty Pi,
Kangaroo tak lompat, dia boxing je! har har har *evil laughs*
How do like that... 1-0 to socceroos.., before 20minutes!!!
Ayoh Wang,
The referee was mean! How could he give red card to Harry Kewell and then give penalty to Ghana? zalim..... well, at least it was a draw. har har har *evil thoughts*
Hi Cat, hoi! Whats happening to your Socceroos?
They doing a Waltzing Matilda? No goals yet....
I think bila balek Down under tentu kena put on the barbi, ha ha.
Love your cat pics and your lively sense of humour.
By the way, how many cats you have?
Have a nice day....your mom making her famous chocolate cake? Lee.
Hoi! You also known as Brad Pitt? I was wondering siapa tu? Thought was a laki2. Eeeeeee.
Ha ha, Lee.
Uncle Lee,
I think the Socceroos kaki bangku-lah! From now on Australia better concentrate on rugby and cricket only. However, there's still one more chance if they win against Serbia. There are two of us here - Angelina and I (Brad). Don't you know? Since WC starts, Angelina declared it's not her thing and hibernates. So, I take over lor! har har har *evil laughs*
Dear Brad,
Tell your Mum I m insanely jealous of her jalapenos. We have ciku, passion fruits, jambu and more. Somehow, chilies of any variety won't grow in Aunty's garden.
Aunty Ninot,
We have four pots of jalapenos and two are fruiting profusely. We also have four pots of chili padi but only one is flowering and fruiting at the moment. We seem to have a lot of luck with our chilies. Oh, my Mama planted them from the fresh chili she bought at the market. My Mama also says its jalapeno power that makes Mexiso defeated France. har har har *evil laughs*
An absolutely stunning rose plant! Tell mama she must have very green fingers to have nurtured it to such beauty!
Sigh, you and your football! I hope you're enjoying it - despite the way your Socceroos are fairing!
Aunty Pat,
Mama with green fingers? Hmmm...she does have a green Burmese jade ring on one of the fingers though.
I'm a boy Aunty Pat...I love my football. I've decided to support New Zealand now. har har har *evil laughs*
I saw 'the signs' which I thought would naturally be followed by 'doomsday'. The cat sees it fifferently - for some football teams!
Dear Pakcik of Al-Manar,
The life of a cat is definitely very very different from that of a human. This time, the signs are good. har har har *evil laughs*
Great pics and lovely post, my dear. Can I have the cats and the rose plant LOL???
Take care and have a great week.
Aunty Paula,
Anything for you.... har har har *evil laughs*
Poor Socceroos! They didn't do too well against Ghana, did they? The goalie did a brill job, though. Lots of goals on target otherwise. That bloody Jabulani is too spinny and unpredictable.
Love your Mama's plants. Yellow Rose of Texas and jalapeno peppers -- is your Mama going Southwestern?
You should taste Mama's nachos....baked with loads of chesse, grilled to perfection! Mama was once a student there and has many fond memories of that life. No cat though as she was living in a student hostel.
Everyone's complaining about the Jabulani. But would FIFA listen to the players instead of the sponsors? Moolah talks! har har har *evil laughs*
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