Dear Pe'ah,
I heard that congratulations are in order. You have self-appointed yourself as the guardian of Madam Pe'ah Sushi Quattro. Below are the initiation rites that you'll have to undertake.

Never leave the door of the wardrobe open. Some people may want to help you with the laundry.

Never ever leave the toilet seat up. Pe'ah may want to have a taste of "flavoured" water. disgusting!

Did we tell you that you MUST buy the tallest cat tree available? Oh, and replace every quarter or so. The rate of wear and tear is just mind boggling.

Don't be lazy. Do your laundry. Don't expect a cat to help you fold the clothes as clothes in laundry baskets are very very comfy indeed.

If you think the largest bed in the house is yours, think again. Sharing is the order of the day.
Glass is dangerous for cats. Oh, and humans too if it gets mistake or by design. Accidents happen, you know...
Sorry. Prime position taken.
Has she been spayed? Let me tell you, she will never ever regain her shape after giving birth.
How many cats do you actually have ?vis
Let's hope after reading this letter Pe'ah will not have a change of heart and hv second thoughts abt Pe'ah Sushi Quattro.
Alah-alah tomel nyer mereka-mereka ittew :)
Sage advice, oh Wise One. And except for the cat tree, I'd say that most of it applies for doggies, too ;)
Your Highness,
If you scroll down, there's a B/W picture at the bottom of this blog - that's our feline family. purrrr....meow!
Aunty Kay,
Dia masih tidoq ni. Tak respond pun lagi. Penat kot layan kerenah si comel.
In reality, Tom and family are huge...humongous specimen. purrr...meow!
Aunty Pat,
Really? Doggy owners have to go through initiation rites too? purrr....meow!
siapa Pe'ah binti Su'ud tu hehe...
hug n kisses utk anak-anak bulus yg demok2 ituh ;)
salam cat...
ini semua ur kucing2 kah?
so banyak lahhh..
cute n sweet...
Don't scare Pe'ah lah my dear...
maam, kawan saya tu tak ouuk atss katil dan kat kain kain ker..saya suka buat kerja kat situ tapi mak saya perhambat saya dengan rotan....
jahat laa mak saya tu...
-puteh yang malang -
Cutenessss !!! I agree ! Cats are the real house owner, everyone else are merely renting a space !
Pe'ah tu bertapa kat satu pulau nun jauh di Barat sana. Tempat tu sejuk sangat.
Yang demok2 tu abang kita Tom dengan anak2 bini dia. Depa tu obese kata Mama. purrr....meow!
Aunty Nur,
Those are my bro Tom, his wife Nikki, and children Michael, Ralf and Nikki. They live in your country. purrr....meow!
Aunty Pi,
I think she's scared stiff. Tak respond langsung pun. purrr.....meow!
Tak elok tau oouk tak tentu pasal. Kita orang ni semua dah toilet trained. Oouk kat tempat dia je, ada pasir wangi lagi. purrr....meow!
Tante Sandy,
You are very well trained. You understand my lingo. purrr.....meow!
Err... is that you Brad? Tasting the flavoured water? Or is it Tom? Or Michael?
Mother of Ilham,
That's Nikki! And then she'll puke and of course get scolded by Mama! purrr.....meow!
What a nice and thoughtful entry :)
Pe'ah has been busy rewriting the documents that Sushi Quattro voluntarily deleted last night as she hopped onto the laptop's keyboard.
Thanks thanks and more thanks for all these reminders. Am trying very hard to be a good mother and will do as much reading and (different sort of)consulting as I can from now on.....wah! Pe'ah is not going to expose herself to the wrath of Angie and Brad's mom ;D
Linking this on my FB page. Loads of cat lovers there too :)
Aunty Naz,
Tell Pe'ah to always have back-up. We just loooove to spread ourselves on laptops too warm and comfy....upon hindsight, me thinks Pe'ah may actually enjoy being "tarred and feathered". har har har.... purrr...meow!
hahahaha this is a good one!!! hope kak pe'ah akan tabah mengharunginya!! LOL
Aunty Lyana,
Kak Pe'ah is strong....sure can one. purrr....meow!
Have your cats been talking to my cats?? I think they know who the boss really is -- we humans just need to give it up!
Good luck Pe'ah. I belum berani lagi. Setakat tengok gambar je. Who knows with this letter I may re-think.
Dear Angie,
The felines have their own way of communicating with each other. Thus, the same message gets to each one of them, all over the world. Talk to your cats, they'll enlighten you. purrr....meow!
Aunty Yatt,
Baru niat je dah dapat pahala tau! We love you. MMMWWWAAHHHHH!!!! purrrr.....meow!
Be prepared for the ride of your life, Pe'ah! Cats bring so much joy in return for not-very-much work. Cats help you exercise and get fit, too. I put mine on my lap and do the "1-2-Hug! 1-2-Hug!" with them.
Cats are efurrywhere!
You're pawsome....thanks furrr your vote of confidence. Yes, Pe'ah. You get free personal training too. Return that gym membership. purrr....meow!
Au and Target,
You know how it have a full house too over there. purrr.....meow!
Gulp - it reads more like a take-over of human domain by the feline species!!
P:S: Hehehe - I love the pix P'eah getting "flavoured water"! The butt oh-so-cun laa...
Lupie dear,
Some of my family members are not too discerning. Then they complain coz Mama scolded them. purrr....meow!
Pe'ah binti Su'ud? wow! what a whimsical romantic P.Ramlee-ish name.
Andrea dear,
Romantically whimsical? Pe'ah, if you're reading this, purrrlease say thank you to Ms Whatever. purrr....meow!
I tengok gambor jer pun dah chuckled sorang2!
Aunty Ahan,
You mean...Jojo is like us too? Thot East Coast cats are more bersopan-santun.....purrr.....meow!
Hi! It's so nice to meet you!
That was really great advice, Mummy was taking notes! Mawhawhaw!
Purrrrrrs, Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji
Hi Lawyer cat,
What's your hourly rate? 20 fancy feast?
I need a "legal remedy"?
Love, Onion
If only I can get one of those kittens..
Cats are so cuuutee when they are sleeping because they do it with styles. I mmg suka kacau kucing tido..such bad habit..especially kalau dorang tidur terlentang..
Very informative, BOL!
Nubbin wiggles,
Hie Keiko! welcome to my super duper crazy world. Glad to be of service to your mummy. purrr....meow!
100 Royale Fancy Feast per hour for legal matters, 200 RFF for marital advice. har har har ....purrr...meow!
TK Sensei,
Didn't anyone tell you to let sleeping cats lie? What if they have nightmares? Never ever tickle the belly of a sleeping cat. purrr....meow!
Oskar dear,
You are indeed very handsome. Is this the beginning of something beautiful between a canine and a feline? purrr....meow!
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