OMG!!!! This cat has 30 toes!!! 8 in each front paws and 7 each at the back. And people thought it odd that we normally have 5 in front and 4 at the back. (Does that answer your query Ayoh Wang Shariff???). Such large paws the feline has.

Reading the news piece in Utusan Malaysia, which is in Malay language, the cat, named Lawa (meaning: Pretty), was a stray trapped in a contraption meant for catching civets. He/she (the news didn't mention the feline's gender) now lives in a village not far from the Malaysia-Thailand borders.
Sweet nama- Lawa. I think it's too much tom yam gonglah..haha..Ye has such large paws.
oh myyyy! Those paws are HUGE!!! Wonder if there is a rabbit in their lineage somewhere?
Cat Chat
What a nightmare for the poor feline creature. Scary!
TK Sensei,
Must be all those MSG in the tomyum paste! har har har poor thing...purrr....meow!
Aunty Caren,
Rabbit lineage? Hmmm.....who knows.... Hopefully nobody chops off the legs to make good luck charm, like what people did to rabbits in the dark ages...eeeuuwww! purrr...meow!
Aunty Paula,
The poor thing can't even retract all of his/her claws and has to be assisted by his/her human carer. purrr....meow!
Eeeee, I wouldn't want a cat like that. Think of the curtains! Ha ha.
Have a nice day, Lee.
More likely to have too much ikan tiga rasa. Esteban has his mani pedi once a month at the grooming center. Sungguh vain dia!
If it is a mutant, then we should name him cateverine.... purr... meow!
Oh my!! what big feet! Can double as ski in winter and surfboard in summer.
Uncle Lee,
Yeap. Mrs Lee won't be happy at all. Curtains, sofa, bed, mattress....eeuwww...Lawa the Destroyer! purrr....meow!
Aunty Gina,
Oh my! Stebie is that vain, eh? What d'ya expect, with a name like that....har har har.... You reckon it's ikan tiga rasa, not tomyum? hmmm.... purrr...meow!
Dr T,
I'll ask Hugh Jackman if Wolverine would fancy a pet. hahahaha....purrr....meow!
I'm sure we can create a new sport for cats like him. hehehe...purrr....meow!
Hmmm... you wouldn't want to kena penamPAW by this cat!
If my son forgets what is 19 plus 8, these could be of assistance. Meoowwww
What a gorgeous and adorable kitty! I'll bet the big paws make him/her even more huggable! We once had a litter of kittens at the SPCA who had an extra toe on each foot. They were adopted almost immediately as some Malay visitors informed us that cats with extra toes are considered lucky. I found that strange, as I believe ALL CATS BRING LUCK as long as you treat them with care and love and consideration!
Poor kitty. He thinks he's perfectly normal, and suddenly, he is not!!
I don't think his many toes matter a jot. He looks like an angel to me!
I think his owners think so, too. Lawa is just what he is!!! :)
Aunty Pi,
If he had committed any crime, the CSI team won't have any problem identifying him as the culprit.. .yeah...if anybody misbehaves, I'll send Lawa over to give a whacking penamPAW!!!!! purrrr.....meow!
Aunty Yatt,
Wow! Good vocation, that. Lawa can be a jolly good Maths teacher. purrr...meow!
Serious? Cats with extra toes are considered lucky? I was told that cats (provided they are treated right) brings in prosperity (rezeki) to their owners because they'll pray to God that their good luck will last forever and ever. OK now, hands together: O God, please give my Mama and Dad millions of dollars so that they can buy over Purina and Whiskers and all the catfood factories. amen..... purrr....meow!
Aunty Pat,
The fact that his carers call him Lawa means they think his extra toes add to his charm... may he live happily ever after. purrr....meow!
ooh... amazing paws ! Maybe the result of genetic engineering, he/she happens to eat the wrong fattened up chicken -_- could happen to us, humans too
Tante Sandy,
Really? Eating chicken can do that? But chicken legs have only 3 toes on each side. purrr....meow!
Somehow I missed this entry on my dashboard.. thought it is rather late to comment now.. but Ayoh Wang Sharif name was clearly mentioned.. (I feel honoured)..
Not much into genetic engineering.. so Ayoh Wang has no clue to mutation or genetic modification of lawa.. hopefully lawa with 30 toes has as much love as CiS has..
Ayoh Wang,
Better late than never....har har har.... purrr....meow!
alamak...dunia akhir zaman???
Aunty Yani,
Dunia akhir zaman? Oooh...that's when Brad tumbuh tanduklah.... purrrr....meow!
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