First, we received a call at about 11.30pm from Block A, about three blocks away from us. A young lady said she found Angelina. Mama asked a few questions like colour, markings etc and then went to check. Unfortunately, the tabby wasn't Angelina.
Then at around 1am, a text message came in. Someone texted to say they found her at Block A. Again? We said. Mama was reluctant to go as she had just come back from Block A. But the couple then sent an MMS. And confirmed certain markings. They waited downstairs while Mama put on some decent clothes.
Finally! The right tabby was found. I'm happy to report that at least she's not infested with fleas, just some dirty feet, and she seems very hungry. She still smells of the shampoo she had from the spa treatment last week. One of these day I'm going to interview her about her "adventure". Hey...I was born in this house, lived here all my life and I've never ventured further than the main door and the only travels I had are the annual visits to the vet. At least Angelina has travelled 7,000km from Sydney to here, and then spent one week outside the house. And instead of getting a scolding, she was smothered with kisses and given treats.
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Someone's soooo hungry! Kibbles and water first. |
Special treat of fresh beef. yummmm..... |
Oh yeah...looks like my stint as the blog caretaker is over too soon.
Till the next time,
HURRAH! This is the best news today! You all must be so happy...Angelina, you stay home from now on!
Oh hooray, what happy making news!
Welcome home Angelina!
Nubbin wiggles,
Katnip Lounger,
Thanks to your purrayers too that we found her. Yeah, we'll stick her to the wall so she won't run away again. meowww....Nikki
Oskar dear,
At least we can all get some sleep now. It was the most distressing week in our life. meowww...Nikki
I am SO pleased and relieved for you all :>)))) Good news indeed! Now Mama can catch up on her sleep.
Thanks you Nikki for being such an excellent caretaker blogger. You did good xx
Oh thank goodness! Dad and Mama must be so happy and relieved! We are so glad Angelina is back safe and sound! Angelina, next time Brad bugs you THAT much, you call Uncle Cloon to settle the matter instead of taking a mini-break!
Great to hear that Angelina is safe and sound. Its party time, I guess.
wooo..wooo wooo at last! you too can lepak more report to do..but please ask her about her pengalaman to explore the world...
Oh my gosh! Hooray! Yaaaay!! We are soooooo happy that Angelina is back!!
Angelina, please don't leave the house like that ever, ok? You must be safe and happy!!
yay...miss Angelina is back!!!!
we're sure u had a great adventure outside, but pls dont do that again. u make us panic!!!
BoBo Salem , ChaCha & MQ
Oh man, Angelina!! We're so happy you are home!! But don't do that again!! You get us all worried!!
Syukur alhamdilillah.. Angelina is mana yang, oii..?
Aunty Carolyn,
Purrrlease tell Austin his beloved is hale and hearty. Thank God she's been spayed, Mama said, or else who knew who had molested her or what. Hmm....will I get to be caretaker again? meowww....Nikki
Hey Uncle Cloon,
I think it's the other way round. But it's OK, we'll keep your offer in mind. meoww...Nikki
Your Royal Monyetness,
Yeah! I looooove parties. Mama would have to organise something soon. meoww...Nikki
Aunty Ezza,
I'll interrogate her once she's more settled. meoww...Nikki
I think she'll get a dressing down too, soon. At the moment we'll let get comfy first. meoww...Nikki
m.q. dear,
Too much adventure is also not good. meoww....Nikki
Island Cats,
If she wants adventure, she should go to your island instead. meoww....Nikki
Aunty Rosmawati,
Cepatlah kawinkan dengan Abang Madan... meoww...Nikki
Yeay! Alhamdulillah Glad that she's back....there I told you, Nikki! Tell your mama and dad too, ok?
Kesian lah pulak nak beritau "A small punishment is in order!".. instead of reward for a mischief that leave a lot of heartaches..
anybody agrees with Ayoh Wang raise your front paws.. *cruel laugh*
Welcome home Angie! Stay home from now on eh?..kesian ur mama..hope she'll rest better now.
Yes!!! We can laugh and smile again! The world is a beautiful place, filled with good people! Welcome home, Angelina! What a terrible fright you gave us! But I never gave up hope, I knew you would come home soon.
Terrific news!!
Finally Angelina!! Now, you're grounded you hear! ;)
Hooray! Welcome back Angelina! Am glad u r fine. Hugs and kisses from somewhere in the middle of pahang. ;)
I am so happy to hear that Angelina's back!!!
My blog was not updating me on your follow-up posts for some reason, so I didn't see the pix of Ange and the sad pix of Nikki - until just now!
Thank goodness it decided to start 'working' again today, or I'd be still wondering what was happening with Angelina!!
Glad to have you back with us, Angelina. I missed you much!
Aunty Lili,
It is a big relief. meowww...Nikki
Ayoh Wang,
*raised front paws*
Nikki, Tom, Mike, Nicole & Brad
Mama qadha tidur yang 6 malam tu. meowww....Nikki
Anon 10.46,
Yes. We're glad there are good people around who were actually looking out for a lost tabby. We made many new friends in the process. There are so many people owned by felines in this complex. meoww...Nikki
Fin dear,
Yes. It is terrific news indeed. meoww....Nikki
Aunty Pi,
We are going to glue her to the wall. Gerammmm..... meowww....Nikki
Aunty Nana,
You've been a great support to us. Jangang lupe beli kerpok ke Nikki, deh? meowww....Nikki
Aunty Pat,
Blogger's been weird.... Anyway, it's a big relief that she's back. You see, when Mama was sad it affected everyone. She was practically pining for Angelina...sigh... meowww....Nikki
Hooray for Aunty Faza and Uncle Yazid! Stay at home now, Angelina, OK?
Alhamdulillah.....suka sgt baca berita gembira ni, syukurlah Angelina dah selamat pulang aunty meoww hepi sgt taw...Angelina jgn buat lg okayyy...
Alhamdulillah. My sis texted at 6.30 am to say Angelina has been found. Joy all around. Give her an ID collar in case she decides to go for a walk-about again!
just another tabby
HEEYYYY !!! Angelinaaa !!! Finally *sobs* I'm so happy ! Don't be naughty there,Angelina , you drove everyone crazy !
Au & Target,
Yess. We're going to glue her to the wall now, just so she won't go missing again. meowww....Nikki
Aunty Meoww,
Kami semua pun sangat gumbira kat rumah ni. Kalau tak tu, semua orang moyok je sebab Mama asyik "hujan" je.... meowww....Nikki
Anon - Ulat,
Mama's already looking at microchipping us all although we are all totally indoors. All because of Angelina.... meoww...Nikki
Tante Sandy,
Finally, indeed. As Ayoh Wang suggested, perhaps some punishment are in order? meowww....Nikki
Angelina !! You are home !!! << mmmuuaahh >>
Now you and mama & dad can sleep well !! Alhamdulillah
Though we love Nikki taking over the blog, but we were sad thinking of you !! <>
Angelina, Auntie Puteri is passing on a message from Their Royal Laziness Duo: "The next time you get the 'urge', just meow us, Lillie or Awang in TTDI, ok? Psstt,we know of a good spot to lepak by the pool... :D"
Mother of Ilahm,
Finally, she's home. She's been sleeping ever since she got home. Wonder where she was sleeping the past week. Must have been not as comfy as Mama's bed. meowww...Nikki
Aunty Puteri,
Mama says she's considering training us with harness so that we can roam the area within reasonable distance. Yeah, please tell Lillie and Awang I'd like to lepak with them, not just Angelina. meowww....Nikki
salam CfS ..
a happy ending story ..
so enjoy bloging again ya ...
Uncle Aby,
Angelina's still in "quarantine" so I still continue as caretaker. It's a big relief that she's back. meoww....Nikki
Hey! How come I became Anon @ 10.46? :(
Oh dear....CO78, Anon 10:46 was you? You are still Anon now. Maybe you didn't sign in when you wrote the comments? Or Bloggers on the blip again. purrr....meow!
"They lived happily ever after" is true after all!
YEY!... lets makan besar to celebrate!!!
BBQ sound nice!
BBQ? No prob bro! purrr....meow!
So happy! I never gave up hope and knew that Angelina would be back and she is!!
Hope to cuddle her soon!!
Take care and have fun during the kenduri!!
Hugs and tummy tickles for Angelina and Nikki.
Take care and lots of love to all
Alhamdulillah, Angelina dah balik. Maybe you could share your experience with us.
My cat yg bernama Gate was missing for 3 months. I found him roaming somewhere near yet so far. He recognised my voice but my voice wasnt too lemak for her to come near me. My doter did the job.
Anyway, we miss the late Gate very much.
Aunty Paula,
You wanna cuddle me? Auw! That tickles. I wanna cuddle you too and Nikki wants to cuddle Nick. purrr....meow!
Aunty CS,
Nikki has interviewed me about my gallivanting days. We'll publish it soon. purrr...meow!
oh so many people love you, angelina and our many prayers were answered and we too share the relief and joy of ur safe return
this is GREAT! :DDDD a belated WELCOME HOME!!!! to Angelina!!
i'm so happy for you all. :))
Anon 7:49,
I'm glad to be home too. Don't think I want to repeat the experience soon. purrr...meow!
Fae's human,
Thank you...thank you... purrr...meow!
Alhamdulillah safe and sound:)
you guys, I am SO GLAD Angelina came back. I was very worried too, but learned the news late, but still so happy nevertheless!
Aunty Elle,
Yeah...she almost give us all heart attacks with her disappearing act. All's well now. purrr...meow!
Hi Neri,
We are glad she's we can concentrate on other things now. meoww...Nikki
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