It's a public holiday today. Malaysians are celebrating Vesak Day, a holy day in the Buddhist Calendar. What's a cat to do? Get high on some nip.....
 |'s nip time. Mama just gotten me 3oz of the stuff.....teeheehee..... |
Perpetual state of "lalok" (street slang for "high"). |
Pls convey this msg to your Mama, thanks.
Rest. BG letaknya kat the Summit Shopping Complex, USJ1 Subang. BG sama floor as Giant S'market (opposite jer).
Not sure where your Mama stays, pls ask her to try Restoran Hj Sharin Low at 1-3 Jalan Wangsa 5A, Bukit Antarabangsa for that buttered prawn. Hope the info helps. Gud luck to your Mama.
MOL..I know how you feel girl : )
Must lean at all time
I was once popularly being referred to as " hmm mcm lalok jek pn.jul...."masa keje dulu sbb bdn mcm tiang letrik n mata very steamy and droopy look like welfare face, they said. Hmm bad of them.
Takpe ada budi ada balas
ada hati nak kata kita malas (lalok)
Aunty CS,
Mama said timasih..... purrr.....meow!
Mr Puddy,
It's very addictive, eh? We used to plant our own. purr....meow!
Aunty Jul,
Har har har kesian you. Ada ke patut.... purrr.....meow!
hari ni,
mieow kena mandi,
habis kecut bila jenis long hair lencun basah .. nampak kuruzz jer.
utk somuffins, aby dah makan kt rest hj Sharin Low tp kt Harbour Plaza port Kelang. lps tengok KKM cat show.
makan hot Sizzling plate ..
sedap... yum yum yum ....
Uncle Aby,
Hari ni giliran Angelina mandi. Orang lain semua dah mandi hari Sabtu lepas. Maklumlah tuan puteri....extra special. Purrrr..meow!
We think a nip fest is good any day...not just holidays!! Enjoy yours!!
aktiviti kami sekeluarga bertafakur di atas katil beramai-ramai kroh..krohhhh
Island Cats,
You have nip fest everyday? I'm packing my bags. Moving to your island. purrr...meow!
Aunty Meoww,
Sekatil berenam kroh kroh tu dah buat semalam. Sampai Mama kena tidur kat bilik lain! purrr....meow!
Apppaaaaaa... lu..... cakaapppp ni Caaaatttt. Wa suuuukaaaa larrrrr cutiiii ini hariiiiii. Waaaa lalok sejak mallaaaammm tadiiii. Tak tauuu camnerrrr nakkk kerrrjaaaa besssookkkk....
Bestnya sana public holiday...
MNN has learnt that cats are part of a major conspiracy to usurp powers in Malaysia. Report coming out soon.
Aunty Yatt,
I think you have consumed something more potent than catnip. har har har *evil laughs*
MKG dear,
Jom balik sini. Banyak public hols. purrr....meow!
Your Royal Monyetness,
You heard right. But no comment. purrr....meow!
Wow, you must have gotten a hold of some PRIMO nip!
Just the buds, heh heh.
hahahaha...cute lalok face
Katnip Lounger,
Dunno whether it was PRIMO or prima facie but I'm happpppyyyyyyy..... purrr....meow!
m.q. dear,
Cute? Seksa! purrr....meow!
cue Bob Dylan "everybody must get stoned!"
Gosh... this is why u're missing ! Don't get high all the time -_-
My mom could feel what u felt. May Angie return home soonest!
Angelina, please come home :'(
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