Mama had iftar away from home again. No, not at an over-priced Ramadan Buffet eatery! She and a few of her fellow Board of Trustees had iftar with the Myanmar refugee community in a suburb called Selayang, about 15-minute drive from home. It was part of the Fast2Feed programme we talked about in the
previous entry (the RM30 question). The iftar spread was simple but delicious...and we learned a few Myanmarese words as well. names but that's what felines think of most times anyway.
This is jongbyuk, basically wheat cooked with sugar and garnished with grated coconut. Served as dessert. |
This is payletuk, mainly chickpeas and cabbage stirfried with spices and curry leaves. |
Hale - a type of rice and vegetable porridge in the bowls on either side of this child. |
Nicole's 2-cent: Thanks to donors who helped us provide food the poor and needy. For more information and on how to support the programme, click
here. Or just email us.
purrrr *giggles*
Jongbyuk looks like oatmeal porridge. How was the food Nicole? Yummy ? ^^
your mom is great
BoBo Salem 7 catlings
Tante Sandy,
The food was simple but very tasty. We had a great time. purrrr *giggles*
m.q. dear,
That's why I love her. purrrr *giggles*
They all look so delicious. Funny how I did not think that the sound of Myanmar language would be like that. I imagined it would sound more Hindi-ish. But then I knew of a Myanmar person named Maung Maung Tha, what sound is that? More Thai? Anyway, thank you for sharing this good effort by your Mama.
Selamat berbuka Cat.
Aunty Aishah,
They would be more in common with the Bengalese than Hindi. purrrr *giggles*
smoga murah rezeki kamu sekeluarga, amin...
Aunty Meoww,
Harapnya begitulah selalu. purrrr *giggles*
Jongbyuk is known as "shemai" in Rohingya language. This is a great programme for the needy, Kitties and Mama! Definitely better than stuffing your face and piling your plate with food that you can't finish at hotel buffets.
As a rule we don't do hotel buffets. Tomorrow we'll have a session with the Rohingyas. Will talk to them and learn their culture as well. purrrrr *giggles*
What a wonderful iftar. Merapatkan silaturahim ( did I spell it right?). Selamat Berbuka Puasa.
Orang lain berpuasa. Ini cerita makan, makan. Mana boleh tahan nak puasa.
MKG dear,
Yes. Merapatkan silaturrahim. You have an earlier iftar than us though. purrr *giggles*
Alahai dear Pakcik,
Kita kucen lah...tak wajib puasa. purrrr *giggles*
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