Mama took me back to Mak Long's house. (Mak Long means eldest aunt in Malay). Remember her? She's my handsome Abang Epi (the eligible physiotherapist)'s mother. We went there for dinner. I had a fun time getting reacquainted with the surrounding as I used to live there. I was Abang Epi's
lap dancer pet before he went off to uni...and coincidentally Mama was looking for a wife for Tom.
Anyway, while waiting for the hooomans to finish cooking and whatever they do in preparing dinner, I snooped around in the garden. I really have this thing about gardening and photography at the moment. So, bear with me, OK? First I'm going to show you the edible stuff I found in Mak Long's garden. I'm a cat, food is always on my mind naturally.
Lovely pomegrenate flowers...... |
...and fruit....can't wait for it to grow bigger and ripen. |
Dwarf ambarella (Spondias dulcis) aka hog plum tree laden with fruits. The local name for the fruit is kedondong. |
Another miniature - dwarf sapodilla (Manilkara zapota) tree with fruits. Local name for the fruit is ciku. |
Apparently this mango tree suffered damage during a recent storm. Then it started the broken bough. Weird, eh? |
"Normal" fruits from the same mango tree protected from the elements. A good way to reuse and recycle newspapers here. |
Who can guess what this is?'s the bud of a soursop (Annona muricata) fruit. Local name is durian belanda (Dutch durian???). |
What's "edible" about this you might ask. Aha....but this is the fish pond. Fishies are edible, OK? |
This is my Mak Long's turmeric and tapioca patch. |
We picked some of the young tapioca be consumed as vegetable. There are many ways to cook this vege. |
Yummy papayas.....will visit again when these fruits are ripe. |
And now, feast your eyes on the non-edible stuff I found. Here goes....
Elegant multi-layered red hibiscus.... |
....and single-layer tri-coloured hibiscus too. |
Dreamy....white camellia. The locals call this Bunga Cina (Chinese flower). |
 |, I didn't get anywhere near those lilies. I used the zoom lens to take the pix, OK? |
Heady perfume of the jasmines....local name is Melur...what a pretty name. |
I don't know the name of this beautiful bunch. Can someone help me? |
Aaah...another aromatic species - Cananga odorata.... local name is Kenanga...hmmm... Mak Long can open a perfumery, eh? |
oooohhh...but I digress. The main reason we went to Mak Long's place was to have dinner with the family....
The dinner spread....for iftar. |
After dinner? I played with Abang Epi.... |
Nicole's 2-cent: And why did I agree to leave this house in the first place? hmmmmm.....
purrrr *giggles*
Oh these photos bring back memories, had my honeymoon in Kota Kinabalu and Kuala Lumpur in Feb '09. Stunning flora and fauna, I cried when I had to leave and go back to england!! Loving your cats eye view by the way!
Does the ugly looking kedondong deserve all those exotic aliases? We have a plant from which I get to make wonderful juice for breaking the fast. Cats may be alergic to that unless some of the medicinal whiskers are added!
wow, beautiful pics, next time bring me along ok, tak tahan tgk the blooms...miao
there's one big pokok kenanga rite in front of my unit..quite scary
Delightful, beautiful and so exotic to my prosaic western eye. Austin is putting in for an immediate transfer as I type!!
oh dear... itu duria belanda bred tanamkah?
something familiar like nam nam fruit...
Such beautiful edibles! Especially the ones on the table for the hoomans :-).
Reminds me of Ijok because my Mak Long's house in Ijok has the same kind of kitchen as well, hehehe. But she doesn't have an eligible bachelor for a son ;-D.
Why did you agree to leave the house? Nak ikut suami lah, apa lagi??!
wow...seem like you live in a wonderland....weeeehuuuu.....
are you thinking of moving back????
and my catlings does beg the question Nicole. It does look like a pretty sweet deal.We're guessing where you are now is an even better deal 'cause cats tend to go where the living is easy...
the critters in The Cottage
waa bestnya....byk sayur-sayuran, buah-buahan dan bunga-bungaan mesti sejuk ke kan, udara pon segar
ehemm...makanan tu tak boleh blah yer tgk di siang2 hari bulan puase nih
oh hye abg epi! ngeeee........
Hmmmmm! Sweet and beautiful photos!!!
What a spread for the hoomans! What did you have yourself? hehehe))
And how lucky can a cat gets than to roam about a landscape fit for the album. Oh Nicole, just go back living with Mak Long! ;)
*Psst..I hope your mama won't get mad at me...hikhik!
It must be nice to travel. We only get to travel to.... the VET!
Wow, those are some really interesting plants and beautiful flowers!! Thanks for sharing those with us, Nicole!
Now you can have a second honeymoon...and visit us. I'll be you personal tour guide. purrrr *giggles*
Dear Pakcik,
Mama loves making kedondong asam boi...yummy drink. It's too sour for a cat. purrrr *giggles*
Aunty Jul,
Your pokok kenanga must be very old to grow that big. Next year my kakak Nurul will get married in that house, we'll invite everyone. *giggles*
Austin would surely enjoy the garden, as I did. Hmmmm...there's no resident cat at the moment. purrrrr *giggles*
Aunty Nur,
There's no nam nam tree unfortunately or we would have shown it too. purrrr *giggles*
Aunty LG,
Wait till we go back to Ijok and show off pix from there...cruel cat, eh? purrrr *giggles*
Aunty Pi,
Apa nak buat kan...kena taat dengan suamilah. Nasib baik my Tom ni setia. purrrr *giggles*
m.q. dear,
I can't move back. Abang Epi going back to uni next month. purrrrr *giggles*
Cottage Felines,
I didn't have much of a choice then...and now. But it would have been a different lifestyle and I wouldn't have produced a daughter like Nikki...purrrrr *giggles*
Aunty Meoww,
Kalau nak berkenalan dengan Abang Epi bisa diatur...rumahnya di kampung pinggir bandar, itu pasal hijau. purrrr *giggles*
Aunty Marilia,
It's a beautiful place. purrrr *giggles*
Aunty Lili,
The cats ate plenty of grilled catfish. Yummmmmm...tak baik tau, nanti kalau Nicole takde, siapa nak urut Mama? purrrrr *giggles*
Au &Target,
Must persuade your pawrents to take you places. In fact, now I'm sitting by a beach in Terengganu while replying to the comments. purrrr *giggles*
Island Cats,
It's a nice place...but not an island. purrrrr *giggles*
Oh... so that's the official name for Kenanga flowers. Awesome awesome place Nicole ! I know why you left, because your current family is bigger ^^ the more the merrier
nice photos! are you a photographer? :)
i tried durian ice cream while i was in Singapore, didn't have the courage to try the actual fruit... to me, it tasted really..... strange. :x
Hi pretty-blue-eyed kitty,
Your mak long has a wonderful garden.
That red flower you were asking about: That's called a Rangoon Creeper. Those lovely blooms have a jasmine-y smell, and they will fill the garden with perfume every night! We have a plant in our garden, and Ee Lynn told us its name ;)
Tante Sandy,
When I went to live with Mama, there was Tom. purrrr *giggles*
Fae's human,
You should! Taste like sweet custard. purrrr *giggles*
Aunty Pat,
Aaaahhh...Rangoon creeper? Lovely. purrrr *giggles*
Wow, Mak Long has a fantastic house and garden, Nicole! Yes, why did you even bother leaving in the first place, indeed. Now there'll be lots of lovely girls queueing up to meet Abang Epi because they want to be able to enjoy his mummy's garden and cooking.
Hmmm...but one word of caution, my Abang Epi is the only son. As well as Mama's only nephew. purrrr *giggles*
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