Wedding 1: Saturday 10/09/2011
Venue: Blogger's pawrents' residence, Pasir Mas, Kelantan (Peninsula Malaysia's northernmost state on the East Coast)
We were pleasantly surprised when one fine day we received an email from Cekmi, inviting us to his wedding. came with a warning too:
you'd better be there, by hook or by crook, he said. So, while quaking in my paws ( if...), Mama made the bookings after to-ing and fro-ing - whether to go on an overnight or day trip. We decided on a day trip, first flight out and last flight in. Booked a car at the rental place so that it would be easy for us to get around.
Anyway, it was all smiles when we met Cekmi (
after that first meeting in Sydney two years ago....har har har!) Waited for his bride to arrive, tucked in yummylicious food, ogled pretty babies and handsome blokes (
mostly, Cekmi's friends). It was supposed to be a low key affair as this is the "daughter-in-law receiving" ceremony but seems like the whole village turned up. Also, Cekmi's friends (
his students, former classmates, colleagues etc etc) came from all over the country. Hey....I reckon you're a popular man Cekmi. Check out his blog
And, a bonus for us as we get to meet Pak Zawi, a blogger who lives in the same hometown as Cekmi. Hmmm...will you paint me Pak Zawi? Promise I won't fidget too much. Check out Pak Zawi's blog
Now, enjoy the photos. Mama did a good job as pawpawrazzi, I must say.
Cekmi (in white shirt) with Uncle Ayie (his college buddy) and Pilah (his sister). |
Pak Zawi came alone to the wedding. We had a good chat afterwards. |
Cekmi and .....guess who???....Hey...matching tops there. |
The blushing bridegroom surrounded by his students. Oh, Cekmi is a lecturer who's pursuing his doctorate at the University of Melbourne. |
The elegant dais - black, red and white. |
Everyone gave sighs of relief when the bride finally arrived, after a delay of one and a half hours. |
Father of bride (purple shirt) reciting purrrayers for the wellbeing of the couple. The chap in pink shirt is Cekmi's Dad. |
Food...glorious food.... |
The nephews sharing a plate.... |
The niece getting a much needed 40 winks... |
Door gifts for all guests... |
Wedding 2: Sunday 11/09/2011
Venue: Father of the Bride's Residence, Subang Jaya, Selangor
Aunty Puteri texted us asking for our address. We thought she wanted to send Eid card, it turned out to be an invitation to her youngest daughter, Nawwar's wedding. So, Mama and Dad wanted to turn up early for the wedding but a sudden heavy downpour set us back for a good hour. By the time we reached the house it was already a quarter past two. But the tardiness turned out to be a blessing in disguise as we get to meet many blogger friends who turned up later than us. Hmmm....are bloggers tardy people? We missed
Aunty Zen and
Aunty Yatt who came much earlier. Then we met
Ayoh Wang Shariff. Then Aunty Kay turned up with
Aunty KT, then
Aunty Ezza, then Aunty Yanie, then Aunty D....and it went on and on.
Anyway, we quickly tucked in some food, then started harassing people with our camera. Oh time was fun time for everyone. And we were not the only ones with the big flashy box. Check out Aunty Puteri's blog
These girls greet everyone who turns up and then give out bars of chocolates courtesy of the couple. |
The happy couple - Nawwar and Zul Ariff. |
Two wedding cakes? each, eh? |
The elegant dais...we were too late for the "bersanding" ceremony though... |
Another cake - must be one of the gifts exchanged. |
Fruit platter...I was drooling at the sight of the dragon fruit. |
We managed to persuade two young ladies to pretend to be bride and groom.... |
Aren't they sweet? We didn't even know who they are or what their names are....har har har! |
Bloggers a-posing, from left, Aunty KT, Aunty NanaDJ, guess who (again???) and Aunty Kay. |
Mother of the Bride (Aunty Puteri) and Aunty KT who happens to be in town.'s getting colder in London, she said. |
OK, so we tried to take a group photo. I must say that it was tough to get everyone to behave for a formal shot. |
Angelina's note: OK, anybody else getting hitched? I loooove weddings!
Ada lagi satu... mana itu all cats??
tak nampak pun... aummmmmmmm
That was quite an adventure you had had.
I already guessed the guess who?...and what's the prize? hehehehe
Oh yes, by the way,psst...that Cekmi is so handsome...too bad he is taken.. hahaha!
Aunty Nur,
The cats were behind the camera. Tak nampaklah.... purrr...meow!
Aunty Lili,
Oh're taken too. har har har...oops...purrr....meow!
Angelina, the "Guess who?" has been guessed lol. Some outing yo'all had.
Yep, London and UK is getting into autumn now. We are experiencing the tail end of Hurricane Katya!!
Dear Angelina
Fantastic pics and your mama looks absolutely lurvely!!!!
Glad you all had such a wonderful time.
I *heart* weddings too!
Take care and stay happy and healthy!
Aunty Caro,
Hurricane? Oh no! Some parts here are getting flooded...too much rain, they say. purrr....meow!
Aunty Paula,
But you've met Mama....!!! Yeah...we looove weddings. purrr...meow!
me ! me ! I want to get married again hahaha maybe a vows renewal in case it's exipired :D
We lurrve weddings too even tho we haf nefur been to one!
~Slash & Bronzy
Congratulations to Cekmi! I wish the bride and groom every happiness.
I am glad you got to meet up with Pak Zawi. He is great company, and a true gentleman.
Mama looks so happy! You all must have enjoyed yourselves tremendously!
Tante Sandy,
Let us be your "wedding" planner. With seafood banquet, OK? purrr....meow!
Slash & Bronzy, must force your meowwmy to let you tag along. It's a lot of fun. purrr....meow!
We had a ball! Though it rained cats and dogs afterwards. time we'll pay Pak Zawi a visit too. Oh, did remind him to update regularly. har har har...ooops...purrr...meow!
I have another 2 cats to attend to far far away. That's why I came earlier. Miss you dearly at Nawwar's wedding. Hope we can catch up soon, meowwwww
Aunty Yatt,
Oooh...far away cats, eh? Next time, OK? purrr....meow!
Hello Cat, I really enjoyed looking thru your well taken pics here. And Zawi looks good too. He one of my first blogger friends in my 1st blog 8 years ago.
Infact I phoned him to wish him selamat hari raya.
Very nice gentleman.
Love the colourful bajus worn by all the ladies and the bridegroom is very good looking.
Have fun, Cat.
Uncle Lee dear,
Wish you were there with us. Then we all can go for teh tarik lambung tinggi or kopi ais afterwards. purrrr...meow!
Beautiful weddings with everyone glowing with love and the happiness of the occasion!
We think we could have squeezed in on top of those banquet tables and enjoyed a nibble or two!!
the critters in The Cottage
What beautiful pictures, I love the both of the dais! Darcy and Sookie say they wouldn't mind one of them to lounge on all day!!
What beautiful weddings! "You'd better be there..." warning is too funny :-)
I have an award for you....I hope you can stop by and take it with you :-)
Hi dear friends!
Thank you for your kindness in our hardest time.
Cottage Felines,
There was actually more food in the kitchen than the banquet table by the time we arrived. We had to be in our best behaviour in public you chomping, no yowling...purr...meow!
I thought they want to turn it into scratching posts? Mama managed to stop me in time. purrr...meow!
Oh yeah...we took the warning seriously. We've taken a look at the award. Thanks for the honour. Am so touched. purrr...meow!
Aunty Marilia,
Am sure you would do the same for us... purr...meow!
Which one is your mama?? I takmoh guess guess but all the same pls hug her tight for me, will you please?? *you golek2 kat pasir dulu, pastu hug dia, set??*
Aunty CS,
Ada ke patut? Itu perintah derhaka namanya. We hug our Mama after she's had ber bath,ok? Mesti wangilah. purr...meow!
Nicole.. aunty nur suka ler decorate cake tuh
klasik dengan rempah ratus... i like so much
Aunty Nur,
Ini Angelinalah, Nicole dah habis kontrak. Nanti kita tanyakan Aunty Puteri itu kek apa. purrr...meow!
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