time flies. It was last weekend when we were in Kota Bharu (
new spelling = title) and I haven't finished telling stories from there. Better late than never, eh?
Anyway, I think all strays at the market came out in full force to welcome us. And they willingly pose for my resident pawpawrazzi.
I believe this chap had just had his meal of the day that some hoomans kindly gave. |
Look carefully. I believe it's a tuxie kitten that this boy was concentrating on, rather than his trade. |
Mr "Black-is-Beautiful" has an enviable job....let's zoom out a bit....... |
Aaahhh....can we trust him to guard those treasures from the sea? |
Black-and-White beauty snoopervising.... |
She must be salivating at her "chargers" - those delectable dried fish and steamed crackers... |
This tuxie won't budge.... |
...from the front tyre of our rental for the day... |
...cheeky! So, we had some drinks at a stall nearby while waiting for HRH to move away... |
Angelina's note: We saw a courting couple that deserves an entry of their own...teeheehee...also thanks to HRH Monyet King for coming up with the new spelling of Kota Bharu. His version: cat-o-baru. Our version: cat-o-bar-roo (
the last bit shows my Aussie origin).
Those cats certainly know a good spot to hang out!
If we worked in a fish market we'd be fat as a bear!
They certainly do. Cats are clever. purrr...meow!
Katnip Lounger,
We'll be living the fat cat lifestyle as well. purrr...meow!
mintak royalty sikit.... for the new spelling of the town's name
Your Royal Monyetness,
No royalty for you...but wang ehsan ada, mau ka? purr...meow!
Love the new spellings: let's put a motion forward in parliament. Efurry town should be a catty town!
Au, Target & Guido,
I agree with you 500%!!!! The Sarawakians should get an award for getting it right all these years. Kuching is the epitome of a catty town. It should be the role model for all. From now on, I'm calling KL Kuala Lumpurrrr...meow!
Love Cat-o-bar-roo spelling. Austin has headed off for the fish market in Holyhead based on your post. I expect he will be a fat cat when he returns lol x
awesome "cat-o - bar- oo"! abes tergigit lidah nak menyebutnyae
Cat-o-bar-roo, that is really cute. Ingat kan somethg to do with Kangaroo!
alhamdulillah suka tgk org2 berniaga ni tak lokek kongsi rezeki dgn bebudak bulus :)
It's good to see well fed kitties.
Adorable ! And all that seafood, yum!
Aunty Caro,
Holy cow! Austin has gone to Holyhead market? We purray he'll be a fat cat soon. purrr....meow!
Aunty Jul,
If I were ruler of the world, I'll change the names of all towns in the world. How does Cat-o-can-a-ball-loo sound? purr...meow!
Aunty Yatt,
You're almost right. The "roo" is because I came from the land of the kangaroo. purrr...meow!
Aunty Meoww,
Diaorang sedar yang bebudak bulus ni akan mendoakan mereka supaya murah rezeki, kan? purrr...meow!
Heya Brad,
Oh yess....all that seafood... purrr...meow!
thats one of the reason why people like to let go cat in the market area. plenty of food around for mieow survival ..
Uncle Aby,
Well, that's what we saw. The cats may look scruffy but they were all fat. purrr....meow!
It's a good life for cats, just like the ones I see in fishing villages. They are well-fed and they have their freedom and friends. There are not many cars around to pose a major threat to them.
so many stray cats :( , well... glad to know they have lots of fishes to munch.
Haha i thought cat-o-bar-roo is some aboriginal or Maori name
If they stay within the market's compound, it's OK. But quite busy outside. Not everyone will wait for a cat to move away (like us) before driving off. purrr....meow!
Tante Sandy,
I've given the town an Aussie sounding name. How about jack-car-ta for your city? har har har...ooops... purrr...meow!
sounds good hahaha :D
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