However, I do get my ears flicked once in a while. Especially when she's told me off but I pretended not to hear her. You know, a cat has to show that she's independent...yadda yadda yadda.

1. Never ever sleep on her suitcase.
Especially when it's dark-coloured. Hard to clean!
2. Don't even contemplate lying on the dinner table.
Or sitting on it, especially when food is being put on the table.
3. Sleeping on a light-coloured chair and cushion, when your fur is dark-coloured? Don't even think of it.
4. Try to to avoid jumping into the closet and mess up the folded clothes.
5. Don't try sleeping on Mama's unfolded clean laundry. (though I love the smell of freshly laundered clothes.)

6. Never ever sleep on Mama's favourite winter coat! Especially on the velvety/woolen side.
So, it's not alway hunky dory in this household. Poor Mama has to put up with my antics. purrr....meow!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Angelina is so adorable...the different poses, expressions, the regal look, the innocent poise, the vulnerable endearing!!!
Hugs and lots of tickles!!!
Dear Angie...
Pls respect ur mama's wishes...even thou u look so cute in those poses...
any approach from model agency?...hehehe...
Naughty cat! I think I would have flicked your ears more often than your mama would!
Dear Angelina,
I love your demonstrations! Please tell your Mama I am a bit unclear of the concept and would like you to show me all over again what is it you are not supposed to do.
Hi Cat, ha ha, waaa, very lecheh like this, where the cat can sleep?
What cat is that? A pure Australian Bilabong cat?
By the way, pop back my place, check out 2nd paragraph near top of page, last minute entry, *wink*.
G'day, Lee.
Thought you have more than one cat
O Wise Master,
I'm the adorable irritant!!! har har har... regal you said? Yeah, I have the same blood colour as William's - blue! purrrr....meow!
Cheqna dear,
Nope, no need for model agency. I'm my own agent.... purrrr....meow!
Aunty Pi,
Ouch! That hurts! My poor ears.... purrr....meow!
I'm not supposed to do all of those that I've demonstrated. Imagine, for the purpose of this entry alone, my ears were flicked 8X!!!!! ouch ouch ouch... purrrr....meow!
Uncle Lee,
You can never ever tell a cat what they can or can't do. So, we'll just sleep whenever and wherever. After all, the whole world is my domain.... purrr...meow!
Aah...Tranquility... you must have been thinking of Brad, my pet. Oh, he's done worse things than I. And I'm not giving him space in MY blog. purrr....meow!
Naughty, naughty, naughty! You did everything your mum said not to! I'm sure she just token-flicked your ears too!
Bruce shares the same love of sleeping on the dark wood dinner table, and his ears have had their share of being flicked too! That is if I catch him!
Hai Cat..your geng of cats in my house are now the bosses..come over and learn from them..your mama will allow you to sit and nap anywhere..
You'll get your way easily before you know it..the Kuantan Kitties Klub! KKK.
Aunty Anne,
I try to be a good daughter. Indeed I do, most times. Poor Bruce, don't "dera" him purrrrlease.... purrrr....meow!
Yummy Mummy,
Whoa! You have KKK of a different ilk - Cat Supremacy, eh? I heard my Bro Tom and family back home can get away with murder too. Maybe we should switch homes, they live with Mama while we live with Dad. hmmmm.... purrr....meow!
Hi Cat, thats why I kept dogs, they listen to me.
Cats only come when hungry....and old days got fed up with neighbours Tom cats late at night going, "mau ta mau" whole night....
You have fun, Lee.
Uncle Lee,
Didn't those Tomcats remind you of you? har har har *evil laughs*
Yo! Ange.. how about the one about rubbing yourself around her legs when she's wearing something black; or the one about sleeping on her new pair of shoes till they flatten; or the one about pretending - not- to- hear - when - you- are -asked- to- get- off *laughs*
P.S: You are NOT to send this link to Miss Kate, y'hear!
Andrea dear,
Those are the bad deeds of Brad, not mine. And as I've said, I'm not NOT giving him space in MY blog.
Angelina calling Ms Kate: Please sit on Andrea's lap when she's wearing black, and while you're at it, give her a massage as well. Better still if her skirt/pants is made of velvet or corduroy....
Your mean cousin,
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