All of these dramatic display of emotion happened on 31st Dec 2009.
The subject was: New Year's Eve firework at the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Brad and I started this campaign (since Christmas) to persuade Mama to take us to the city on new year's eve. So that we could watch the much talked about firework up close. Mama was reluctant as it was expected that 1.5 million people would throng the city.
"Can you imagine the traffic jam? I'm not going to do it even if you pay me a million dollars," she said.
Whoa! So we retreated.
There was compensation though. Mama had invited some friends over to watch the firework. Huh? Guess what, from our own balcony.
Would be a good chance for me to show off my photography skills, eh? Mama's new toy has a powerful zoom lens. Purrrfect!

Brad was super excited. Aunty Z helped him put on a party hat - with firework motif. How appropriate.
Aunty Z and Aunty If came with their respective families. A friend of Uncle Is, Uncle N also came with his wife and parents. So we had a full house.
What we could see from the balcony. The city skyline ablaze with firework.
The firework didn't just go off at midnight. There was the Family Firework at 9pm as well as live telecast on Channel 9. Nearer to midnight, firework also went off all over Sydney, not just the Harbour Bridge area. And we could see them all from our balcony. It was indeed a cacophony of sound and colours.
A closer look.
The crown-like shaped firework is the bridge.
This one's nearer to home, either Mascot or Brighton Le Sands.
Another one closer to home - we guess this one was in Canterbury.
What's a party without food, eh?
Mama prepared some food too. Yeah, all those firework watching makes us hungry too. The menu: Mee Bandung a la Sydney, and Spaghetti Bolognese. Aunty Z brought curry puffs and vaday. Aunty If brought Lebanese sweets and baklava for dessert. Uncle N brought muruku mix for snack.
Some of the guests at our party.
A bowl of Mee Bandung a la Sydney.... yummy!!!
As the party finished way past midnight, everyone decided to sleep over. Yahoo! We had a slumber party too! Oh, there was also a breakfast party the next day. A late one as everybody woke up late.
I'm hungry and that bowl of mee bandung is so tempting.
Happy New Year to all my favourite cats and cat's owners :)
..what a beautiful view from your balcony,,with such a view you do not need to go to the city..and later mee bandung a la Sydney..? make pakmat's mouth waters..and a sleepover after that..? what more could a cat want..?..a tabby from Bachok?..
Hari tu birthday party... ni new year party pulak. As per my comment to mamasita, asyik makan je ni, bila nak exercise????
Aunty Naz,
It's finger licking good! How many favourite cats do you have? Am I not the only one? purrr....meow!
PakMat dear,
Would you please FedEx the tabby from Bachok? Is he more handsome than my Rajoo? purrr....meow!
Aunty Pi,
Oh, we get plenty of exercise - Brad and I kejor-mengejor. And my Mama walks to work in summer. Boleh? purrr.....meow!
You lucky kitties! What fun! Aren't you fortunate to live where you can see the fireworks? Brad looks so handsome with his party hat! Can you still fit into your bed after all that food?
Wow all the food images are really mouth watery ones..Nice pictures of sydney harbour NYE fireworks too..
Have a happy new year!!!
Sydney Harbour Things To Do
Great food and expert snapshots of the breathtaking fireworks!
You're one hell of a cat..pandai tangkap gambar eh..
Happy happy New Year to you and all yang came to the New Year you had the bulk of dish washing to do?? hehehe
Hoi Pi..I taktaulah apa nak jadi..dah start bulat macam Bani..err bunny!
We slept in Mama's bed that night as all the other areas in the house were occupied by our guests. So, no worries, we could fit the bed... hahahaha... Brad handsome? urgh! purrr....meow!
Hie Julian!
Welcome to my world. I wish that one day my Mama becomes a billionaire so that we can afford a house in Rosebay or Vaucluse with Harbour Bridge view....still wishing... Hey, you have a funky blog too. Come by more often, we'll cook up something for you. purrr....meow!
Dear Mamasita,
Dish washing? Errr...alll the aunties helped with that. There is no such thing as a free dinner, you know? hahahaha.... Too bad my Mama doesn't like those disposable plates and cutlery. purrr....meow!
Dear Johan,
Welcome to my world. Sydney is indeed a great city to live in. It's a melting pot of all things nice and comfy. Especially for a cat like me. you allow cats on the cruise? purrr...meow!
How come the fireworks did not have any formation of the cute cats. Frust frust!
Hi Cat, Australian style new year, huh? Beautiful and instead of on a ferry, from a balcony, boleh juga, very nice and your night photography outstanding!
Wow, I love that mee Bandung. Have always enjoyed Indonesian food and, *wink*, ha ha.
G'day and stay beautiful, Lee.
Aunty Yatt,
The Lord Mayor of Sydney did ask me to model so that they could re-create my image using the firework. However, I had to decline as I don't want to be unfair to the kangaroos, koalas and possums. *poker face*
Uncle Lee,
If ever you win that $50million lottery and come visit me, we'll cook Indonesian food for you everyday. However, Mee Bandung, despite its name, is a Malaysian invention. If you go to Bandung and ask for that noodle, people will think you're talking gibberish. hahahaha.... purrr...meow!
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