Don't you want to pinch his cheeks?
Now looks like this:

Aaah...don't you want to just run your fingers through his hair?
Oh, my one and only Prince Charming is now just across the pond (that's our nickname for the Tasman Sea). The media report that he's touched down in Auckland, New Zealand and will spend three days touring the island nation. After which, he'll come home to ME!!!
Yessss...for I'll be waiting for him here in Sydney. His unofficial visit to Australia starts with time spent with Angelina and will end with time spent with just Angelina. My neighbours may not like the presence of police on our street but the Prince's security is more important. Oh, they may hate me forever as the police will ask them to show proof that they live in one of the homes on this street too. Imagine their surprise when they come back from work on Tuesday.
My Mama? Oh, she's taking some days off work as she'll have to chaperone me and my Prince. "No untoward behaviour in my house," she said.
The New Zealanders plan to feed my Prince wild boar and other exotic meat at their "hangi" feast. Little did they know that my Prince loves salmon more. No worries there, my darling. We'll have the freshest Tasmanian salmon for you plus any other fish you fancy. We'll feed you Aussie tuna, trout and barramundi too. Don't worry, not the canned ones, my dear. We'll have them as fresh as can be. We'll have them grilled, barbequed, deep fried, baked and even in sweet and sour sauce. We'll even have Norwegian or Canadian salmon flown in if you so desire. Any fish for you, my love.
Many young ladies will be waiting for you at the airport on Tuesday. Little did they know that you'll be flown direct in a helicopter to ME!!! Oh, those poor possums. Let them wait forever....just like poor Katie back in cold and snowing England.
Where would you sleep? What sleep? I plan to entertain you 24/7 with my antics, my stories and my tender loving care. Aahhh....I can't wait for Tuesday.
I won't be the first Aussie gal hooked up with royalty. Our dear Princess Mary is doing it fine in Denmark. A good Tasmanian gal she is. Imagine our conversation when we bump into each other at one of those royal events in Europe. Mary: "Oh, so you're the Angelina from Sydney who snared Prince William?" Angelina: "Darling, aren't you glad it's not your husband that I seduced?" teeheehee..... purrrr....meow!
Oh my, Angelina...you're revealing new sides of yourself with every post. Control yourself, girl!
There are people who look cute when they were young but look absolutely revolting as adults. I've met quite a few of the boys that I used to jeling jeling and thought *thank you God...thank you God...*
enough said?
*evil evil laugh*
*splashes water*
Wake up, Angelina!
Aunty Naz,
If need be, could you help me get hold of some Norwegian salmon?
Oohhh...I'm just living up to my name. You know....har har har *evil laughs*
Aunty Pi,
Hey! You get to meet the dishy Raja Nazrin, didn't you? I didn't complain about that.
Well yeah, I got to meet Raja Nazrin a few times, but I didn't go ga ga over him!
Aunty PI,
But he's dishy, isn't he? hmmmmm?
Alaa Cat..you can always have the freshest of everything..why do you need to drool over this Prince Charming..no leftovers of Katie and whoever else for you dearest..only the freshest..don't kejar yang saki-baki and yang dah basi..I know..sounds crude kan..but hes no more a 'virginian' lah..hmm..adaker word tu?
I remembered ada cerita koboi je..
Yummy Mummy,
Problem is neither Pingu, Casper or Rajoo dah hantar rombongan meminang. What's a girl to do...nak tunggu sampai kucing bertanduk? So, I have to be pro-active. Basi sikit takpe, boleh kasi makan ayam...har har har
virginian or seasoned, who cares??..all that talk about salmon and barracudda makes this tom salivates on the hot roof..the next time a tousle-haired prince touches down in Sydney, pleasse save the leftover fish for me..:) fried, baked or however...cheers..
PakMat dear,
If the whiskered one comes all the way from Bachok, we'll surely save a fillet or two of barracudda in sweet sour sauce. I wonder if my Prince would love laksam... hmmm.... sardines or mackerel? purrr....meow!
Cat, cat,cat....
His hair may look nice to run through with fingers, not paws! (Now, doesn't that sound absolutely bitchy?)
Long time never visit, your house looks freshly renovated.
Stay cool, it's still summer right?
Message from Miss Kate:
Hey Ange, he is mine. Mine. MINE...
Aunty Anne,
When my nails been manicured, they feel like fingers not claws...anyway, well-behaved kitties know very well when to retract their claws... purrr....meow! Isn't he dishy?
Andrea darl,
Msg for Ms Kate: You are Ms Kate Whatever, not Ms Kate Middleton! So, let's convert him to Islam or Mormonism and he can marry many. You know, like that TV series Big Love! har har har *evil laughs*
angelina, remember how his father looks like now? no hair? well, hair today, gone tomorrow. What a pity.
Aunty KT,
I know! I saw some pix of my Prince's posterior...ooops...from the back. Seems that his hair is already saying bye bye to his royal top. People say that's because they always wear hat/beret/cap etc. Esp as he has a military career. hmmmm...it's OK. Am sure my fur will make up for whatever hair he's lost. What's loss of hair between lovers? aaaahhhh.....he's still dishy. purrrr....meow!
Boleh tahan cheeky ye meow ni. May you dream the handsome one tonite, purrrr!
Hi Cat, wayyyy to go! Have fun. He is a looker, but too handsome where I am concerned.
I like those rugged handsome ones....
Okay, looks like you sure going to lose some sleep next couple of weeks...
Enjoy his trip there, Lee.
Dear Angelina,
And what exactly would you do together with your Prince when he comes over? Roll over for tummy tickles and belly rubs? Eat salmon and Fancy Feast?
You are one saucy kitty! Purrr... meow!
Angelina...whatever has happened to you??? Sumthing in the summer heat making you behave in such a "heated" manner?? You've been watching too much of soaps eh :D
Cool it babey...go drink Kool-Aid lah :)
Aunty Yatt,
"Cheeky" is the understatement of the year! Dream? Not anymore, he's right here next to me...aaaahhhh.... purrr....meow!
Uncle Lee,
Have you seen him in those army fatigue? With his hair tousled by the wind? Yup! Not much sleeping going around here. purrr....meow!
Saucy? Like cat got cream, love! I really love it when HE does the roll over for tummy tickles and belly rubs!!!!! oooh....revealing too much details here. Yup, he is a little bit fancy. I tell you, he is the ULTIMATE!!! purrr....meow!
Aunty Kay,
With temperatures soaring in the 40s, you'll need cold shower many times in a day. Nope, not watching soaps. Been watching too much tennis though lately. purrr....meow!
Wow! Naughty, naughty!
But very cute!
Take care and have a great day!
...speechless...angie the cat got my tongue.
Dear MWS,
Naughty? No, it wasn't me. It was my evil twin. har har har *evil laughs*
Speechless in Sydney...hmmm...good title for a movie. purrr....meow!
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