If ever you travel to Penang (especially you Uncle Lee...yesss....you!), purrrlease go visit some furrriends I've made at Batu Feringghi. You don't have to carry kibbles or Royal Fancy Feast in your luggage. Just go to a beachside foodcourt named Kompleks Bayusenja (there's a side road leading to the public beach next to Park Royal) and patronise a drinks stall run by a very nice uncle. Sorry, I didn't ask for his name but this uncle has a very distinctive moustache so let's call him Uncle Moustache, OK? We discovered him by accident when we ate seafood at a stall next to his and had to order drinks from him.
While we were having dinner, several cats came to say hello. Dad gave them some fish but they refused to eat. Hmmm....upon closer inspection, the cats seem well-fed. What they enjoyed most was Dad's magic touch....he was generous with the head rubs and scritches...talk about tender loving care....I was seething with jealousy, OK?
We chatted up Uncle Moustache when we paid the bill for the drinks. Apparently, he's been feeding 13 cats in the area and spends like RM30 a day to give them fresh fish. Isn't he wonderful? We also saw the seafood stall kitchen staff feeding some of the cats. Ooohh...what a life. Beach living with plenty of fresh seafood.... Hmmm...I wonder if any of them has ever been to the vet?
These guys were very active...but camera shy. Lovely toots there, people! |
This black and white beauty sleeping on the floor of Uncle Moustache's stall....totally oblivious to the noisy surrounding. |
Uncle Moustache (in red and white striped shirt) attending to a customer. New born kittens in a box at his feet. |
This black beauty enjoying fish head. |
This tabby queen just gave birth. Uncle Moustache kept an eye on the kittens while mummy cat gets tender loving care from strangers. That's Dad's hand doing his magic! |
Mr Ginger and Mr Bi-Colour having dinner near kitchen of seafood stall. |
Angelina's note: The next time we're there, we'll definitely buy drinks from Uncle Moustache. We applaud your generosity, uncle.
What a wonderful Uncle! We wish the world had more Humans like him.
Wonderful read. I applaud a community that takes care of and loves the little ones. I would love to visit and spend a length of time there just for the friendship, and of course the companionship of the wee ones.
Be happy!
What a wonderful man to help those kitties!
Nubbin wiggles,
the kitties in the top photo made me sad...do you see how skinny they are? Poor babies!
and the next time we are there, we'll definitely pay uncle moustache's stall a visit. he's an angel, that UM..
banyaknya stray cat kan...nak bawa balik semua mmg tak daya tp dapat bagi makan pon cukup lah :)
God bless uncle Moustache !! :D We will visit him if we happen to be in the region
What a kind man! Do you think he would agree to having the females spayed? After all, if he has 30 he can still provide them with a relatively good quality of life, but if they multiply into 90 there are no guarantees that he can afford food and veterinary treatment for all. We can arrange with SPCA Penang to send a team over to have them spayed, cared for and returned to him.
Katnip Kitties,
We all wish for the same thing. purrr...meow!
Uncle Roy,
I'm sure Uncle Moustache would love to be your friend. You all can trade kitty caring tips over beers and sunset. purrrr....meow!
Oskar dear,
He is wonderful, isn't he? purrr....meow!
Aunty Caren,
Most feral/strays are skinny. Only spoilt kitties like yours truly are too well fed. purrr....meow!
Aunty Puteri,
And the seafood stall next to Uncle M's serves really delicious seafood. I can still taste the udang nestum until now....yummmm..... purrr....meow!
Aunty Meoww,
Betul tu. Kita pun kalau tengah makan ada yang datang mesti nak kasi. Dagingnya, bukan tulang ikan tau! purrr....meow!
Tante Sandy,
Second honeymoon? purrrr....meow!
There are still many people out there who don't spay their animals due to many reasons. Well, we didn't get around to talking to Uncle M about vet services etc. But I like the fact that the fierce looking man (coz of d moustache!) was babysitting kittens while the mother went around gallivanting. Perhaps if Penang SPCA can send a team there and talk to him? His drinks stall is next to a seafood stall (halal chinese style - advertised like that) and next to a reflexology & massage place, just before the public toilet. purrrr....meow!
You got a great uncle, Angelina !
Please say " Thank you " to him for me : )
Mr Puddy,
We'll tell him the next time we see him. purrr....meow!
I wonder if Uncle Moustache knows he's now famous? He is definitely a catmanitarian!
Aunty Carolyn,
I think he's still recovering from the shock of being interviewed by a talking cat (in Aussie accent!!!). purrr....meow!
Semuga rezeki Uncle Moustache semakin bertambah-ruah dan secara tak langsung, begitu juga rezeki Furrcats :D
Mother of Ilham,
Tulong bagitau sedara-mara di Penang/Kedah supaya serbu gerai dia bila pi Ferringhi, OK? purrrr....meow!
Oh please teach me how not to be scared of kucings? I know where Bayu Senja is, and had tried to eat there when I saw those manja-manja kucings... I lari dulu! There goes my chance to meet Uncle Misai..
Aunty Lili,
Itu Uncle Moustache misai melenting. Rugi tak kenal dia. Kenapa nak takut kucing? We are the nicest amongst God's creatures. purrr...meow!
Wah, that uncle misai so generous, murah rezeki. Angelina we might go fishing during this easter break. Wish us luck ok. Will think of you when we catch anything.
Wow what a nice man, Uncle Moustache! These kitties are happy to have him :-)
I don't know if I will have chance to travel Penang...but if I do, I will go to his place!
MKG dear,
Purrrlease remember me for each fish you catch. I looooove snapper, dory, perch, salmon, trout...anything that you'll catch. Oh, purrrlease be aware of the strict fishing law. Bring a measuring tape. purrr....meow!
Purrrlease come. Penang is a nice island, you can chat with Uncle Moustache while watching the sun sets. purrr...meow!
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