She could have just given me an empty box to play with. Instead, Mama created a work of art that comes with painted jungle scene and butterflies. The whole family is enjoying it now. Thank you, Mama!
Yes! It's green....just like a jungle. I call it Angelina's Condo. |
I've tried it for size. QC passed! |
My bro Tom tries it for size too. OK, QC passed, he concurred. If it can fit Tom, it can fit everybody else. |
Your boxes made from mommy love and they are very beautiful. Are you ready to chew it ? ..hee..hee..hee
Mr Puddy,
Those are the "before" pictures. I don't have the heart to show the "after". Well, let's just say that it's been chewed with love....too much love. har har har *evil laughs*
semua orang pakat buat kotak berhias...bile la nak buat ni.. =))
Aunty Sharz,
Jom!!!! Modal RM6 je (sbb 1 kotak = 3 keping wrapping paper). Tapi kucing semua happy!!!! Kalau tabur catnip jadilah RM14 sbb nip 1 peket = RM8. Kotak tu free aje. purrr....meow!
cantiknya kotak tu..i loike!
Aunty Sherry,
That's Mama's idea of 3R. Jimat!!!! purrr...meow!
Idea mama sgt superb!!!!!! Thumbs UP!
Aunty Sherry,
Mama kata nanti-nanti kalau dia ke Kuantan, dia belanja aiskrim, OK? purrr....meow!
Hello Cat-in-Sydney, tak boleh nak lari dari purr meow, kat komen pun ada gambar. Hilang habih cakap orang putih, jadi orang Kedah teruih, Aishah ke mana apa kemana :)
How are you, sayang.
Yahoo... mama hadiahkan condo utk kami. lepas ni, kami tak kacau mama lagi..
Aunty Aishah,
I'm fine thank you. Awat kalut? Rindu kat cheq ka? purrr....meow!
Aunty Rosmawati,
Tak kacau? Kami nak yang tinggi lagi. purrr....meow!
ohhhh... how sweet Angelina
u should kiss 100 X
to ur mummy...
Aunty Nur nak tumpang sekakilah...
TQ mama for creating a nice condo for us, just hope it won't collapse when we play on the roof top ...
Aunty Nur,
Muat ke nak tumpang sekaki tu? purrr...meow!
Uncle Aby,
Ni condo special, tak collapse. Cuma hancur kena kunyah... purrr...meow!
Wow, this is better than my town house which has an under construction swimming pool. Your mama is an artist.
Nice condo Angie! You'z probably not going to let Brad in it, are ya?
I wish your Mama had been commissioned to design and build my house!!!
Hi Cat, love your mama's very creative ideas. She sure one talented lady....can cook, ada sense of humour plus a near engine (engineer) and now housing developer for animals too.
When I was young my parents couldn't afford buy toys, but gave me old shoe boxes to play with and I would do something like this. Make a house for my pet rabbit.
Or train station, etc.
Sure had fun....but never became an engineer when grown up, instead a near engine.
G'day mate.
Hey, your mummy is a great architect. We want a palace too!
It looks like a fun place to hang out!
Nubbin wiggles,
Very fancy!
Aunty Yatt,
But mine doesn't come with a swimming pool. It's OK though, I don't swim. purrr...meow!
Hey Cloon,
Brad? Who's Brad? har har har *evil laughs*
Aunty Carolyn,
But my house is nothing fancy. Very rudimentary. purrr....meow!
Uncle Lee,
Wow! I can imagine all of those "toys" you had. Are you sure you were not a cat in your previous life? purrr...meow!
Au & Target,
A RM800 million palace? Anytime, mates! purrrr....meow!
Oskar dear,
Wish you were here to share it too. But don't know if you can fit into it. purrr...meow!
I love this!! My Mama used to make me forts too, not as lovely as yours though! Mine was much more "crude" MOL! That was very creative of your Mom to do that!
Fin dear,
Fancy? Not! purrr....meow!
Aunty Caren,
My Mama says that's our contribution to Mother Earth - reduce, reuse, recycle! purrr....meow!
It's BEE-Yooo-Ti-Ful! You really have the best Mama, Angelina! My housemates and I brought home boxes from work and made a tunnel and castle for the Rowdies years ago. They loved it so much that they reduced it to cardboard-and-masking-tape flakes within a month.
Mama is upset that the pet shops here are making too much profit, everything is crazily expensive compared to what we would have paid in Sydney. So, she said, let's look at alternatives. Hence the homemade playhouse. And, as you know, today is also Earth Day, so this is our little contribution to Mother Earth. purrrr....meow!
You lucky cats!
Aunty Naz,
Get the kids to make some for Pe'ah. She'll love it. purrr...meow!
Nice condo !! :D hahaha ... I love how you say "Jimat" ! When hubby visited Malaysia he was like, "What's with all these supermarkets selling Jimat ?" lol ! Cos jimat in Bahasa Indonesia means lucky charm >.<"
Tante Sandy,
Then I shall be your "jimat"!!!! purrr...meow!
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