Betung 1: Very mild wow factor. |
Betung 2: Slightly better as the sun goes lower on the horizon. |
Betung 3: I like that shimmer on the water effect. |
Ferringhi 1: Just a red dot in the horizon. |
Ferringhi 2: Red dot dimming fast. |
Ferringhi 3: Red dot gone but reddish/orangey tinge lingers. |
First location - Kampung Sungai Betung, southwest of Penang Island, facing Straits of Malacca - shots taken using Mama's Leica DSLR, no tripod, 420mm zoom lens.
Second location - Bayusenja, Batu Ferringhi, Penang, facing Andaman Sea - shots taken using Dad's Nikon DSLR, no tripod, 250mm zoom lens.
Angelina's note: Mama and Dad better improve on their photography skills lest I refuse to tag along when they're off to the middle of nowhere (like that first location). The photography session in Ferringhi was done before we had dinner with my furrriends in the area.
pandai amik gmbr yer..santek!
Aunty Meoww,
Ni Mama dengan Dad yang amik, bukan Angelina. Kita suka amik gambo meow je. purrr....meow!
Feringghi is beautiful and best of all hitting the street food after sunset! :)
nice view.
angelina and friends join vacation together ke?
Welcome to my crazy feline world! Feringghi is beautiful and we love sampling the street food there. You have a lovely blog there, makes me homesick for Sydney....sigh..... purrr....meow!
m.q. dear,
My furriends are residents of Ferringhi, remember my entry on Uncle Moustache and his feline brood? I was the one on vacation, sort off, as Mama and Dad were there for work.... purrr...meow!
those are beautiful. Reminds me of Hawaii. I would love to live by the water
no i mean, nikki, brad, tom, nicole..sapa lg yer....tak join sekali ke? huhuhuh...
Aunty Caren,
I wish so too.... purrr...meow!
m.q. dear,
Sorry for the misunderstanding. Oh no, we can'r bring the whole brood. Usually it's just the Queen....that's me! purrr...meow!
notty angelina hehehe
Hey! Our sunsets in PD are very dramatic all the time lah! Come here and see for yourselves ;)
Me naughty? No-lah! purrr....meow!
Aunty Pat,
Is that an invitation? purrr....meow!
No, there's nothing like sunrise with a long stick of keropok lekor in one hand - and the sound of meowing in a distance.
Sempat makan nasi kandaq tak? Lauk ikan kesukaan kawan kawan Angelina.
salam Cis,
last weekend i was in penang too..
went back to our old house doing some packing. live in nothern for 24 years..
batu feringgi !!!!
remind me of Ali Setan story ..
acted by ogy ahmad daud n azmil mustapa ..
neway, nice pic ..
Dear Angelina,
Did you enjoy being at the beach? Or is it just a giant litter tray to you?
Beautiful! Sunsets over the water are extra special :>)
Dear Pakcik,
Of course. You live in the land of sunrise, I was too in Sydney. But now I'm enjoying my sunsets. purrr...meow!
Aunty Yatt,
Mama had a bad experience with the nasi kandaq and to eat tons of charcoal tablets. So, the rest of us are deprived too. But we had ikan and seafood at Batu Ferringhi....not complaining.... purrr....meow!
Uncle Aby,
Afraid I'm not familiar with that movie, I'm still learning the culture...slowly, OK? purrr....meow!
Nope, no poo-ing on the beach! Anyway, after getting used to commercially prepared aromatic clumping materials, it would be hard to go back to nature....purrr...meow!
Aunty Carolyn,
I know....it is mesmerising, isn't it? purrr....meow!
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