This is a step by step account of the procedure that Mama and Dad had to go through.
Step 1: Obtain import permit from the Department of Veterinary Services, remember to submit full and updated medical records of felines. Animals must be transported within one month of approval date. Pay RM5 for each cat.
Step 2: Contact professional pet transport company. Attach original import permit and medical records with booking form. Transfer payment upon invoice. Mama chose Jetpets after contacting and getting quotations from several service providers.
Step 3: Once obtained confirmed date of travel from transport company, make arrangements for pickup of cats.
Step 4: Transport company informed of actual travel, plus contact numbers of corresponding agent at destination.
Step 5: Claim cats at airport.
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Fax received, visitor's pass obtained, wrist tagged - all set to go past the checkpoint at the Customs' Complex. |
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Mama and Dad had to pass through a tunnel, passed under an overhead bridge, made several U-turns and passed a few checkpoints before reaching this place where we were waiting for them. |
Mama was checking to make sure that it was really Brad and I....who knows if someone switched us somewhere en route, eh? Brad was whining a lot!!!! He was quiet before he saw Mama. Spoilt brat! |
Serious! We just came in from Australia, to Malaysia, and our first introduction to Malaysian TV was to watch American Idol. Hilarious, Dad! |
My old view from the balcony. |
My new view from the balcony. Still lives on top floor. |
44 comments: angie and brad now...can they tahan our weather...boleh ngam ke ngan nikki tom ...they all masih jet leg lagi ke...
awwww !! Look how everyone welcomes you!! :D I think it's going to be fun ! Be nice ^^
Aunty Ezza,
We're alright now. There were a few hiss here and there at first but everyone has calmed down now. The weather? Oh, air-conditioner helps a lot! Summer in Sydney can be hotter than here. purrr....meow!
Tante Sandy,
I'm nice....most of the times. purrr....meow!
So how've you two been doing so far, Kitty Kat? It's hot and muggy these days, but the rain helps, no?
Welcome home. Or am I a bit late to be saying that?!
Welcome to Malaysia L'l Miss Angelina. It looks like you have many relatives here so eager to see you. Did they welcome you with durian?
Aunty Pat,
Home is where Mama you're not wrong in saying that. The rains helps, the air-conditioner too.... purrr...meow!
Aunty Aishah,'s nice to be with family. And I have a bigger pool of relatives to order around instead of just Brad. purrr....meow!
big family gathering!!!!
m.q. dear,
We'll hold homecoming soon kenduri! So many relatives to please.... purrr....meow!
Nice animal hotel you have there... :D
dah ok ke budak berdua tu..?
dah boleh makan sambal belacan tak hihih :D
Welcome to Malaysia.
Mother of Ilham,
Nice hotel but before I could even dial room service, Mama was already there to fetch me. purrr....meow!
Aunty Meoww,
What is sambal belacan? *muka blur* har har har *evil laughs*
Thank you, thank you. purrr....meow!
the trip must have been really interesting for you guys. thanks a lot for the story with photos. :) me and my cat may have to travel internationally one day.
and wow, how nice of your family to greet you like that. :)
Where would you be going Fae? Different countries would have different requirements. I've heard horror stories of animal transportation - frozen to death coz cargo hold too cold, or left on tarmac too long and animals dehydrated and died. Have to be extra cautious as this is precious cargo. purrr...meow!
Welcome home to Malaysia, and please thank your Mama and Dad for us for giving us helpful information. A friend told me that her cat was allowed to fly with her, as hand luggage, on Thai Airways! Now, what do you think of THAT?
salam CiS,
so angelena and companies not caged for nites at the Fama Complex eaa ...
consider very lucky ..
so she can start tracking malaysian tikus mondok and cicak after this ...
Perhaps the Thai Airways flight was a short one. Sydney to KL is at least 7 hours....imagine if the animal had pooped in the cabin! har har har.... purrr.....meow!
Uncle Aby,
We were not caged at all. And why the FAMA complex? I thought that place is for vegetables and fruits? purrrr....meow!
Wow, what an adventure! We're glad you made it! And we think it's funny that the first thing you do there is watch American Idol!! Haha!!
Hi Island Cats! Yeah! It was hilarious, now that we think of it. purrr....meow!
Welcome, welcome. I see that you have changed your name. "in" dah jadi "from"
Your Royal Monyetness,
Thank you. Thank you. Yeah...we fancy ourselves like that Man from U.N.C.L.E. Very science-fictionish. Let's teh tarik, one day. purrr....meow!
Welcome home. Jangan tergodadengan stray cats kat sini ye.
Welcome to Malaysia Angelina and Brad! Hope you will find this country as wonderful as your former one.
*sambil tabur beras kunyit*
Welcome home ... meowwww....
welcome back (or shld I say welcome to Malaysia?
wow..lots of u all I have to think twice (or many2 twice..hehe) before going to ur house..
I am somewhat lost. Have you really left sydey to live in KL and be renamed C-x-S?
Welcome to Malaysia, Angie and Brad!
Do you remember me? We met when I went to visit your mum in Sydney. We took over the house for almost 2 weeks and didn't let you guys go into the spare room. I am a good friend your Brad's fiancée, by the way! Ring any bell now?
Be nice to Tom and Nicole and the rest of the clan if you want to survive! Har har har..*evil laugh*
I can't imagine all you had to go through! What an ordeal!
American Idol in Malaysia? I never knew it was broadcast there! Too funny!
A few of those kitties that greeted you look like my Cody!!
Aunty Yatt,
Yeah...Mama's been befriending some strays in the neighbourhood. I hope she won't invite them for lunch or dinner with us. purrr....meow!
Aunty Gina,
Like you, I hope to travel more too. Hope adapting won't be too hard. purrr....meow!
Aunty CS,
Beras kunyit is OK, jangan pulut kuning tau! Kucing takleh makan pulut, nanti bulu gugur. purrrr....meow!
But we all looooove you. Purrrlease come visit us often. purrrr....meow!
Dear Pakcik of Al-Manar,
The answer to your question: correct! correct! correct! purrrr....meow!
Dear Anon 11:17,
Oh dear...yes I remember you. The evil one who won't let me in MY room! I had to share Mama's bed with Brad because of you all. WWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! purrr....meow!
Aunty Caren,
Oh yes. They have American Idol over here. On cable as well as free to air. purrrr....meow!
Dear Angie,
Thanks for giving me the update! Theese suspense was getting to me...Looks like you and Brad checked out all good and Dr. Quack's services won't be needed! (Poor little Ducky is going to be disappointed, he was looking forward to it!)But I'z very relieved to hear that you both are well! (You even survived American Idol!)
Your Associate,
Ha dah balik ke Bolehland..
bila balik ke kerpoklekorland..
Boleh kita gi jemerang rettak ..
kita gi dottong Kallang Maras.. kita gi jengok Pak Cik Al-Manar..
Heya Cloon,
Yeah....I reckon if we can survive AI, we can survive adapting to the hot weather and dominant family members. Bring it on, baby. har har har *evil laughs*
Ayoh Wang,
Buleh sokmo! Nanti kite kolling kolling deh? Jupe teh tarik di KLCC dulu pung takpe. purrrr....meow!
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